8 Smart Uses For Your Tax Refund (2024)

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It’s America Saves Weekwhich is a national effort to help you set a savings goal, make a savings plan, and save automatically, which is exactly what we’re going to talk about in 8 Smart Uses For Your Tax Return. Join millions of others who are taking time this week to start or grow their savings. Make your pledge here and learn more about how you can be entered into a sweepstake to win some cash to help pad your savings.

Tax season is upon us once again.

Some of you loathe this time of year while some of us don’t mind one way or the other. Then we have the folks who anticipate it so much that they’ve already spent the money before it hits the bank.

If you’ve already spent your tax refund mentally and haven’t even filed the thing yet, I want to encourage you to take a step back and let’s think about this for a second.

What if you could use this refund to actually getahead of your expenses? How about starting an emergency fund for life’s little mishaps? Or creating unlimited future income?

I know some of those don’t sound as glamorous as a weeklong trip in Miami, a pair of new shoes, a new television, or a down-payment on a car payment (yes, you read that right..a car payment); but the alternative is staying broke.

Do you like being broke?

My guess is no. So, if you’re ready to overcome this cycle of never having enough money to last you until your next paycheck, or paying interest on credit cards — I’ve got some helpful advice for you today. Here are nine smart uses for your tax refund.

FYI – If you’re filing your taxes online, make sure you use Ebates! By using Ebates and search for H&R Block to file your federal and state for free. For additional add-ons, you will get 10 percent cash back in your Ebates account. Sign up for Ebates using this link and get a free $10.00 gift card too.

8 Smart Tips for Your Tax Refund

1. Pay down high-interest debt

Maybe you racked up some credit cards for an unexpected emergency or last year’s Christmas. Whatever the reason is, if those bills hit your mailbox every month, they’re accruing interest.

If you really want to get rid of that credit card bill, you have to stop handing over minimum payments every month. While they might help keep you from getting a dingon your credit report, it’s costing you money in the long-run.

Do yourself a favor and pay off a big chunk or all of your credit card debt. I know it doesn’t sound fun to hand over a large amount of money to your creditor, but you’ll still be paying yourself because the money you’re saving on interest can now grow in a high-interest savings account or investment account.

2. Build up or start your emergency fund

If you have no lingering high-interest debts, the best way to prevent yourself from going into future debt would be to start an emergency fund.

Open a separate savings accountthat you will have limited access to and put all or a portion of your tax refund aside in this account.

Next time you have an unexpected medical emergency, you won’t have to reach for those high-interest credit cards because you will already be prepared.

3. Invest for long-term savings goals

If your debt is out of the wayand you have a solid emergency fund, next you’ll want to make sure your long-term savings goals are being funded.

I’m talking about future down payments on homes, all-cash payments for vehicles, vacations, or college funds.

If you and your spouse want to travel Europe in a few years, invest your tax refund into an investment vehicle. Since you won’t need that money for a few years, it will have a chance to grow at an average rate of return.

The same applies to saving for a lofty down payment or your children’s future education.

4. Pre-pay bills

If you have a variable income, the best way to assure your future bills are paid on time is to pre-pay them.

With a large amount of cash on hand, could you pre-pay your rent, electricity, water, or cell phone bills?

It may not seem like it would help, but pre-paying your bills will give you a little breathing room in your budget to continue building up your cash reserves for future lean months when your expected income doesn’t come through when you want or need it to.

5. Invest in your education

Is there a course you’ve wanted to invest in that will help your personal growth? Or maybe you’ve been looking into investing in a new hobby, like blogging?

If so, use your tax refund to invest in those courses or to pay for the expenses of your newly desired hobby.

This investment could pay off in an unexpected way. When I started Life and a Budget with a little left over tax funds, I never expected that I would earn over $7,000 from it the following year!

6. Perform necessary maintenance on your home or vehicle.

If you’ve been putting off necessary auto maintenance such as tire rotation, new tires, oil changes,etc, this is a great time to get caught up on these to make sure your car continues to operate properly.

The same applies to your home. If your faucet has been leaky or your oven has given out, make the necessary repairs while you have the extra cash.

Even if you’re up to date on all auto and home maintenance tasks, make sure you reserve some of your funds from your tax refund towards any future maintenance needs for the year.

7. Purchase life insurance

If you don’t have life insurance, you need some! Insurance companies provide some pretty decent discounts for individuals who pre-pay their life insurance policies for the year.

Compare life insurance quotes with Policy Geniusand secure life insurance with your tax refund. If your iPhoneis insured, please take the time to make sure that everyone in your home has some type of life insurance.

There’s nothing worse than having to deal with the grief of losing a loved one and during those times, the last thing you’ll want to worry about (or have your loved ones worried about) is burial expenses.

8. Make an extra mortgage payment

Reduce the life of your mortgage loan by making an extra mortgage payment or two this year.

Make sure you are clear with your lender that you are making an extra payment towards your mortgage and not pre-paying it.

If your lender allows, pay it directly towards your principal loan so that it will reduce the actual amount you borrowed.

Just imagine if you made an extra mortgage payment every year? You could shave off four or more years on your mortgage. See how much you can save with this additional payment calculator.

Wrapping ThangsUp

Of course, there are more fun things to do with your tax refund. A weekend in Vegas may sound pretty tempting and I know you’re certain that you will hit big over there and make your money back.

But let’s be realistic. You can spend all of your tax refund before you even get it or you can plan ahead and use your money wisely.

By doing the ladder, you’re setting yourself up for a future withfewer headaches because your bills will be pre-paid, your debt will be gone, and you’ll have money set aside for all that life will eventually serve you.

If you’re committed to your own financial success, I highly encourage you to make a pledge to save your tax refund this tax season.

America Saves Weekis a national effort to get good people such as yourself to set a savings goal, make a savings plan, and save automatically. Join millions of others who are taking time this week to start or grow their savings.

Take the first step today andtake the America Saves pledgeto save money, reduce debt, and build wealth over time. America Saves will keep you motivated with information, tips, and reminders to help you reach your savings goal.

Think of them as your own personal support system because let’s be honest – we all could use some support:) Plus, if you make a pledge using this link, you’ll be entered to win a grand prize of $500. See rules and all that jazz here.

Happy savings and make sure to pledge here!

8 Smart Uses For Your Tax Refund (2024)


What is a smart thing to do with your refund? ›

It can be tempting to treat a tax refund as found money, but instead, you should use it to better your finances. Boost your savings, pay off debt, and invest for your future. Also consider using your refund to further your education, upgrade essential items in your life, or make home and car repairs.

What is a good way to spend your refund? ›

One of the best ways to use your tax refund is to pay down or pay off high-interest credit cards, especially if you're carrying high balances or you're maxed out on several cards. This rule holds true even if you're tempted to spend more on a rewards credit card to get points or miles.

How can I make sure I get the biggest tax refund? ›

How to maximize your tax refund
  1. Itemize your deductions. Deductions are dollar amounts you're able to subtract from your taxable income, reducing the amount you'll owe in taxes. ...
  2. Contribute to tax-advantaged accounts. ...
  3. Ensure you are claiming the right credits. ...
  4. Adjust your filing status.
Feb 6, 2024

How can I get extra money from my tax refund? ›

4 ways to increase your tax refund come tax time
  1. Consider your filing status. Believe it or not, your filing status can significantly impact your tax liability. ...
  2. Explore tax credits. Tax credits are a valuable source of tax savings. ...
  3. Make use of tax deductions. ...
  4. Take year-end tax moves.

How to get $7000 tax refund? ›

Requirements to receive up to $7,000 for the Earned Income Tax Credit refund (EITC)
  1. Have worked and earned income under $63,398.
  2. Have investment income below $11,000 in the tax year 2023.
  3. Have a valid Social Security number by the due date of your 2023 return (including extensions)
Apr 12, 2024

How to get $10 000 tax refund? ›

  1. Be 18 or older or have a qualifying child.
  2. Have earned income of at least $1.00 and not more than $30,000.
  3. Have a valid Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for yourself, your spouse, and any qualifying children.
  4. Living in California for more than half of the tax year.
Apr 14, 2023

How to spend your tax refund wisely? ›

Strategies for using your tax refund wisely
  1. Plan ahead before spending. Without a plan, you may spend impulsively. ...
  2. Pay off bills. ...
  3. Save for needs in the coming year. ...
  4. Save for short- and long-term financial goals. ...
  5. Save for long-term financial security.

What not to do with a tax refund? ›

7 Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund That You Should Avoid
  • Unneeded Material Things.
  • Casinos.
  • Don't Put It in Your Checking Account.
  • Don't Use It on a Car You Can't Afford.
  • Refund Advance Loans.
  • Paying Off Credit Cards You'll Max Out Again.
  • Excessively Expensive Vacations.
  • Tips for Using Your Refund Wisely.
Mar 30, 2022

What are two ways you can use your tax refund wisely? ›

Paying down debt , funding an emergency savings account, and upgrading your home to decrease monthly bills are just a few ways you can invest your return wisely if you receive a refund this year.

How are people getting 30k back on taxes? ›

The Department of Community Services and Development encourages Californians earning under $30,000 a year to file their taxes to claim the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), a cash-back tax credit, and receive a larger tax refund.

What deduction can I claim without receipts? ›

What does the IRS allow you to deduct (or “write off”) without receipts?
  • Self-employment taxes. ...
  • Home office expenses. ...
  • Self-employed health insurance premiums. ...
  • Self-employed retirement plan contributions. ...
  • Vehicle expenses. ...
  • Cell phone expenses.
Nov 10, 2022

What is the average tax return for a single person making $60,000? ›

If you make $60,000 a year living in the region of California, USA, you will be taxed $13,653. That means that your net pay will be $46,347 per year, or $3,862 per month.

What is the 30k tax credit? ›

You may be eligible for a California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) up to $3,529 for tax year 2023 as a working family or individual earning up to $30,950 per year. You must claim the credit on the 2023 FTB 3514 form, California Earned Income Tax Credit, or if you e-file follow your software's instructions.

How much can you get back in taxes with no dependents? ›

EITC 2024
Number of childrenMaximum earned income tax creditMax income: Single or head of household filers
3 or more$7,830$59,899
Apr 18, 2024

Is it better to claim 1 or 0 on your taxes? ›

Claiming 1 on your tax return reduces withholdings with each paycheck, which means you make more money on a week-to-week basis. When you claim 0 allowances, the IRS withholds more money each paycheck but you get a larger tax return.

How to use your tax refund wisely? ›

Strategies for using your tax refund wisely
  1. Plan ahead before spending. Without a plan, you may spend impulsively. ...
  2. Pay off bills. ...
  3. Save for needs in the coming year. ...
  4. Save for short- and long-term financial goals. ...
  5. Save for long-term financial security.

How do I get a refund without being rude? ›

Remain polite but firm.
  1. Avoid personal insults or any complaint that you spend a lot of money at the store. ...
  2. Calm yourself, if necessary. ...
  3. If possible, try to show empathy to the person on the other end of the phone. ...
  4. You might strike out and not get a refund.


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.