BioSenic announces 2023 full year results (2024)

BioSenic announces 2023 full year results

BioSenic announces 2023 full year results


BioSenic stopped the patient recruitmentfor its Phase 2b ALLOB trial in mid-2023.

BioSenic has prepared a globalrestructuring plan covering the years 2024-2032 and will activelypursue follow-up actions.

BioSenic expects to use the proceeds fromanticipated future fundraising as a priority to progress its Phase3 clinical trial in cGvHD.

Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, June 6,2024, 9:00pm CEST – BIOSENIC (EuronextBrussels and Paris: BIOS), the clinical-stage company specializingin serious autoimmune and inflammatory diseases and cell therapy,today announces its business update and full year financial resultsfor the year ending 31 December 2023, prepared in accordance withIFRS as adopted by the European Union.

"2023 has been an intense year with thecontinuous advancement of BioSenic's most successful lines of workin autoimmune diseases with its ATO platform, alongside thepreparation of the right conditions for a debt restructuringfollowing the reverse merger of October 2022. The time is ripe toimplement the full restructuring plan as approved by BioSenic'screditors, following the expected hom*ologation decision by theEnterprise Court of Nivelles. The most promising projects will beselected for BioSenic's active development, starting with our Phase3 trial for the treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease(cGvHD), and the company needs strong financial support from ourinvestors in this respect". saidProf. François Rieger, President and CEO ofBioSenic.

Clinical and corporate highlights(including post-period events)

  • In January 2023, BioSenicstrengthened its scientific team with the appointment of Dr. CaroleNicco, PhD, as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO).
  • In January 2023, BioSenic appointedYves Sagot as a member of the Board of Directors and IndependentDirector.
  • In March 2023, BioSenicre-evaluated the results of its Phase 3 trial of its enhancedviscosupplement JTA-004 targeting knee osteoarthritis (OA). TheCompany indeed announced that it has used the statistical analysiscapabilities of Artialis to study the results of the Phase 3JTA-004 trial in the subset of patients with the most painful andinflammatory form of knee osteoarthritis (OA). This allows BioSenicto distinguish a group of patients, representing about one third ofthe total patients, who show a pain-relieving effect of JTA-004 notonly superior to placebo but also to the active comparator. Thisnew post-hoc analysis changes the therapeutic profile of themolecule and potentially allows for the possibility of stratifyingpatients for a new, optimized Phase 3 clinical study.
  • In March 2023, BioSenic publishednew data on the mechanism of action of arsenic trioxide (ATO) toprevent autoimmune diseases in a peer-reviewed paper (Frontiers inImmunology). This new data shows that combination of ATO withcopper salts can allow BioSenic to work towards reducing the dosageof ATO in future trials overall and maintain efficacy. This newformulation data has been completed following pre-clinicalactivities and does not constitute data validated through clinicaltrial.
  • In April 2023, BioSenic appointedLieven Huysse, MD, as permanent Chief Medical Officer (CMO).
  • In April 2023, BioSenic receivedEuropean patent from EPO, for further therapeutic development incancer, infectious and immune diseases. The patent covers thetherapeutic use of a new composite formulation of anti-inflammatorycompounds with unique advantages. This new formulation lowers thedosage of arsenic trioxide by combining it with copper salts tomaintain therapeutic efficacy, with the potential of administrationthrough multiple routes, including intravenous, oral, and othernovel routes of administration.
  • In May 2023, BioSenic identifiedkey biomarkers for cGvHD and submitted patent to EPO. Thetechnology covered by the patent applies to a method and kit fordiagnosing and monitoring cGvHD in an individual who has undergonean allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and treatedwith ATO for a cGvHD. The patent describes biomarkers to be used todetermine if the condition of a patient worsens or improvesfollowing standard or new treatments for cGvHD. This internationalpatent could allow the development of an industrial biomarkeranalysis kit which could generate a turnover of 30 to 40 millioneuros globally.
  • In June 2023, BioSenic put Phase 2bALLOB trial on hold. This decision follows negative resultsobtained for the primary endpoint in the exploratory Phase 2b trial(ALLOB 2b), which focused on the safety and efficacy of thetreatment when applied too early, 3 days after fracture.
  • In August 2023, BioSenic received aChinese patent protecting the combined use of metal ions andarsenic salts. This patent (ZL202080040613.1) covers the use of itsATO platform in combination with metal ions like copper, which hasthe potential to improve the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
  • In September 2023, BioSenicpublished data providing additional key indications of its lead API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) arsenic trioxide (ATO) to treatsystemic sclerosis (SSc) in a peer-reviewed internationaljournal.
  • In September 2023, completed of apost-hoc analysis of its phase 2 clinical trial of ATO, finding thebest scheme for administration of an efficient treatment of cGvHD.The analysis will be used to decide on the best oral ATO’s posologyfor BioSenic’s forthcoming phase 3 clinical trial.
  • In January 2024, Dr Carole Niccohas been promoted to Chief Operating Officer (COO) in addition toher position as Chief Scientific Officer (CSO).
  • In January 2024, BioSenic'ssubsidiary, Medsenic SAS, signed a binding term sheet with PhebraPTY Ltd. related to an adaptation of the License Agreement and theMDA signed in May 2021.
  • In January 2024, BioSenic filed fora U.S. patent for JTA-004, a viscosupplement in late-stage clinicaldevelopment, following a post hoc analysis showing its efficacy ina recently defined subtype of osteoarthritis (OA).
  • In January 2024, BioSenic has beengranted a patent by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office toexpand protection of the arsenic trioxide (ATO) platform. Thepatent, titled “Use of metal ions to potentiate the therapeuticeffects of arsenic”, covers the use of ATO platform in combinationwith metal ions such as copper.
  • In March2024, BioSenic published an open-access article describing anoptimized schedule for administration of oral arsenic trioxide(OATO) treatment for chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD),based on an earlier post-hoc analysis of Phase II data.
  • In June2024, BioSenic's board of directors acknowledged the resignation ofMr Yves Sagot as an independent director of the Company, witheffect from the Company's 2024 ordinary general meeting.

Financial highlights (includingpost-period events)

  • In February 2023, BioSenic receivedEUR 1 million from Pregene company in accordance with terminatedlicense agreement.
  • In June 2023, BioSenic has obtainedan official appointment of Yves Brulard to reach a negotiatedagreement with certain main creditors to preserve the value ofBioSenic for the benefit of all stakeholders.
  • In June 2023, BioSenic entered intoan agreement with the ABO Securities subsidiary, Global TechOpportunities 15, to secure short term financing based on theexisting convertible bond program. Subject to the terms andconditions of the agreement, BioSenic shall be entitled to drawdown three tranches of each EUR 0.3 million in June, July, andAugust under the existing convertible bond program, for anaggregate principal amount of EUR 0.9 million.
  • In July 2023, BioSenic has achieveda standstill agreement from the main historical creditors for aperiod of 3 to 4 months. Given this agreement with the maincreditors and the one obtained on 30 June 2023 with Global TechOpportunities 15 to secure short-term financing based on theexisting convertible bond program, BioSenic anticipates havingsufficient cash to carry out its business objectives until October2023.
  • In September 2023, BioSenic reachedan agreement with Patronale, Monument and the European InvestmentBank for the restructuring of its key financial debts.
  • In October 2023, BioSenic reached adefinitive agreement with Global Tech Opportunities 15 (GTO15) withrespect to the finalization of the existing convertible bondsprogram. GTO15 funder two tranches of EUR 300,000 each (minus acommission of 10%) of the existing convertible bonds program.
  • In December 2023, BioSenic signed aterm sheet with Singapore based TrialCap Pte. Ltd. and/or otherlenders for a proposed debt and equity financing. BioSenic isseeking the funds to continue its clinical development, backed byprevious highly promising Phase 2 and pre-clinical results ofarsenic trioxide (ATO).
  • In 2023, total operating incomeamounted to €0.54 million, a slight increase compared to thesame period in 2022 (€0.27 million). Operating loss for theperiod amounted to €6.36 million, compared to €2.32million in 2022.
  • BioSenic ended 2023 with€0.12 million in cash and cash equivalents. Net cash used forthe period amounted to €1.73 million, compared to an increaseof €1.09 million over the same period of 2022.
  • In January 2024, BioSenic signed anew subscription agreement for a maximum EUR 1.2 millionconvertible bonds facility, arranged by ABO Securities through itsaffiliated entity Global Tech Opportunities 15.
  • InFebruary 2024, BioSenic raised EUR 500,000 via a privateplacement.
  • In April2024, BioSenic filed a debt restructuring plan with the clerk'soffice of the Nivelles Enterprise Court, with a view to requestingthe Court to open private judicial reorganization proceedings bycollective agreement and to obtain the agreement of creditors on aplan to reorganize BioSenic's debt. Please refer to the pressreleases of 11 April 2024,12 April 2024 and 26 April 2024 on thissubject for further information.
  • In April2024, in view of the debt restructuring plan, BioSenic postponedits annual general meeting of the shareholders.
  • In May2024, BioSenic provided its business update for the first quarter,ended the 31 March 2024.
  • In May2024, the Enterprise Court of Nivelles registered the positivevotes of the majority of BioSenic's creditors on the debtrestructuring plan.

Outlook for the remainder of2024

In accordance with the BioSenic's debtrestructuring plan, BioSenic envisages to retrocede its rights tothe JTA and ALLOB technologies to the Walloon Region and to stopall activities in relation to such technologies.

The Medsenic Phase 2 clinical study with arsenictrioxide in the first-line treatment of cGvHD has been completedand provided positive results. A Phase 3 study with oral arsenictrioxide in the first-line treatment of cGvHD, for which Medsenicreceived an encouraging pre-IND response from the FDA, is currentlyanticipated to start. A Phase 2a clinical trial for systemic lupuserythematosus ("SLE") had previously established safety for thepatient and efficacy on the course of the autoimmune disease.Positive preclinical work gives good grounds for a Phase 2 clinicaltrial on systemic sclerosis ("SSc"). Phase 2b clinical trials forSLE and SSc are in the planning stage.

BioSenic is currently preparing the bestconditions for a successful fundraising. BioSenic Group expects for2024 to use the proceeds of anticipated future fundraisings inpriority for progressing the Phase 3 clinical trial in cGvHD. As aresult, it will only be possible to start the SLE and SSc Phase 2bclinical trials if the BioSenic Group succeeds in concluding astrong partnership with a biopharmaceutical company or if itmanages to successfully out-license some of its technology. Thestart of SLE and SSc Phase II clinical trials is therefore notenvisioned before 2025.

Disciplined cost and cash management will remaina key priority. The operating cash burn for the full year 2024 isin the range of € 7.00 million and a financing cash burn ofapproximately EUR 0.80 million. The situation will be actively andclosely monitored. BioSenic anticipates having sufficient cash tocarry out its business objectives until Q3 2024, assuming amongstother full issuance of the Convertible Bonds and the renegotiationof the terms of the ongoing loans.

Consolidated statement ofcomprehensive income

(in thousands of euros)For the year ended
31 December
Other Operating income543266
Total revenues and operating income543266
Research and development expenses(3,931)(1,030)
General and administrative expenses(3,651)(1,554)
Operating profit/(loss)(7,040)(2,318)
Financial income5911
Impairment expenses(16,094)0
Financial expenses(5,954)(741)
Result Profit/(loss) before taxes(29,028)(3,049)
Income taxes70
Result Profit/(loss) for the period(29,021)(3,049)
Thereof attributable to:
Owners of the Company(28,778) (2,041)
Non-controlling interests(243) (1,008)
Other comprehensive income
Remeasurements of post-employment benefit obligations(6)(4)
Thereof attributable to:
Owners of the Company(28,781)(2,043)
Non-controlling interests(246)(1,010)
Basic and diluted loss per share (in euros)(0.21)(0.02)

Consolidated BalanceSheet

Consolidated Assets IFRS per:
(in thousands of euros)
Non-current assets7,71324,698
Intangible assets2,98917,293
Property, plant and equipment6981,419
Finance lease receivable3980
Investments in associates1212
Other non-current assets135136
R&D Tax Credits3,4804,036
Current assets1,8464,626
Trade and other receivables1,3152,490
Other current assets272290
Finance lease receivable1410
Cash and cash equivalents1171,846
TOTAL ASSETS9,55929,324
Consolidated Equity & Liabilities IFRSper:
(in thousands of euros)
Share capital6,2754,774
Share premium5,7204,517
Accumulated losses(34,887)(5,723)
Other reserves(20)(42)
Equity attributable to owners of the parent(22,912)3,526
Non-controlling interests207(402)
Total Equity(22,705)3,124
Non-current liabilities16,42015,847
Interest bearing borrowings16,34015,779
Other non-current liabilities8068
Current liabilities15,84410,353
Interest bearing borrowings11,8218,013
Trade and other payables3,8712,236
Current tax liabilities50
Other current liabilities147104
Total liabilities32,26426,200

Consolidated Cash FlowStatement

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(in thousands of euros)
For the 12-months period ended 31 December
Operating profit/(loss)(7,040)(2,318)
Adjustments non-cash
Depreciation, Amortisation and Impairments24360
Grants income related to recoverable cash advances020
Grants income related to patents0(17)
Grants income related to tax credit(279)(36)
Movements in working capital:
Trade and other receivables (excluding public grants)5544
Trade and other Payables1,634175
Cash used in operating activities(5,417)(2,040)
Cash received from grants related to recoverable cash advances6161
Cash received from grants related to patents110
Cash received from license agreement9400
Cash received from grants related to tax credit93569
Income taxes paid00
Net cash used in operating activities(3,470)(1,910)
Interests received01
Acquisition of subsidiary01,956
Purchases of property, plant and equipment3(5)
Disposal of property, plant and equipment30
Net cash generated from investing activities61,952
Repayment of borrowings(275)(180)
Proceeds from government loans026
Repayment of government loans0(81)
Proceeds from convertible borrowings1,0001,000
Repayments of lease liabilities(186)(4)
Repayments of interest free advances(138)(150)
Repayment of related parties loans0(13)
Interests paid(28)(31)
Transaction costs(137)(22)
Proceeds from issue of equity instruments of the Company1,500500
Net cash generated from financing activities1,7351,045
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS at beginning of theperiod1,846759
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS at end of theperiod1171,846

Consolidated statement of changes inequity

Attributable to owners of the parentNon-controlling interestsTOTAL
(in thousands of euros)Share capitalShare premiumAccumulated Losses & Other reservesOther elements of comprehensive income
Balance at 1 January 20226643,969(7,298)(5)0(2,670)
Total comprehensive income of the period00(3,049)(4)0(3,053)
Issue of share capital8744,3720005,246
Reverse acquisition:3,236(3,824)4,54643(402)3,598
1. Consideration paid for the reverse acquisition3,59800003,598
2. Non-controlling interest(362)(3,824)4,54643(402)0
Balance at 31 December 20224,7744,517(5,723)(42)(402)3,124
Balance at 1 January 20234,7744,517(5,723)(42)(402)3,124
Total comprehensive income of the period00(28,778)(3)(246)(29,027)
Issue of share capital1,5001,792008494,141
Transaction costs0(137)000(137)
Acquisition of NCI without a change in control0(451)(388)266(807)
Balance at 31 December 20236,2755,720(34,887)(20)207(22,705)

About BioSenic

BioSenic is a leading biotech companyspecializing in the development of clinical assets issuedfrom its Medsenic’s arsenic trioxide (ATO) platform. Key targetindications for the autoimmune platform includegraft-versus-host-disease (GvHD), systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE), and now systemic sclerosis (SSc).
Following the merger in October 2022, BioSenic combined thestrategic positionings and strengths of Medsenic and BoneTherapeutics. The merger specifically enablesMedsenic/Biosenic to develop an entirely new arsenal of variousanti-inflammatory and anti-autoimmune formulations using theimmunomodulatory properties of ATO/oral ATO (OATO).

BioSenic is based in the Louvain-la-NeuveScience Park in Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium. Further information isavailable at

About the main Medsenic/BioSenictechnology platform

The ATOplatform provides derived active products withimmunomodulatory properties and fundamental effects on theactivated cells of the immune system. One direct application is itsuse in onco-immunology to treat GvHD (Graft-versus-Host Disease) inits chronic, established stage. cGvHD is one of the most common andclinically significant complications affecting long-term survivalof allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(allo-HSCT).

Medsenic has been successful in a phase 2trial with its intravenous formulation,Arscimed®, which has orphandrug designation status by FDA and EMA. The company is headingtowards an international phase 3 confirmatory study, with its new,IP-protected, OATO formulation. Another selected target ismoderate-to-severe forms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),using the same oral formulation. ATO has shown good safety andsignificant clinical efficacy on several affected organs (skin,mucosae, and the gastrointestinal tract). Systemic sclerosis is nowfull part of the clinical pipeline of Medsenic/BioSenic. Thisserious chronic disease badly affects skin, lungs, orvascularization, and has no current effective treatment.Preclinical studies on pertinent animal models are positive, givinggood grounds to launch a phase 2 clinical protocol, using newimmunomodulatory formulations of APIs recognized to be active onthe immune system.

The company is currently focusing itspresent R&D and clinical activities on a selective, accelerateddevelopment of its autoimmune platform.

Note: The allogeneic cell therapyplatform-originating from the previous listed company BoneTherapeutics company, may be of renewed interest by using isolatedand purified differentiated bone marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells(MSCs) as a starting material for further isolation of passive oractive biological subcellular elements. Indeed, these cells mayprovide new subcellular vesicles potentially able to deliver aunique and proprietary approach to organ repair. BioSenic is nowinvolved in determining new patentable approaches in this complexarea of cell therapy.

For further information, pleasecontact:

BioSenic SA
François Rieger, PhD, CEO
Tel: +33 (0)671 73 31 59

Certain statements, beliefs and opinions inthis press release are forward-looking, which reflect the companyor, as appropriate, the company directors’ current expectations andprojections about future events. By their nature, forward-lookingstatements involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptionsthat could cause actual results or events to differ materially fromthose expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Theserisks, uncertainties and assumptions could adversely affect theoutcome and financial effects of the plans and events describedherein. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to,changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actualevents, performance or results to differ significantly from anyanticipated development. Forward looking statements contained inthis press release regarding past trends or activities should notbe taken as a representation that such trends or activities willcontinue in the future. As a result, the company expresslydisclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any update orrevisions to any forward-looking statements in this press releaseas a result of any change in expectations or any change in events,conditions, assumptions or circ*mstances on which theseforward-looking statements are based. Neither the company nor itsadvisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakingsor any such person’s officers or employees guarantees that theassumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are freefrom errors nor does either accept any responsibility for thefuture accuracy of the forward-looking statements contained in thispress release or the actual occurrence of the forecasteddevelopments. You should not place undue reliance onforward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of thispress release.

BioSenic announces 2023 full year results (1)
BioSenic announces 2023 full year results (2)

Biosenic (EU:BIOS)
Historical Stock Chart
From May 2024 to Jun 2024

Biosenic (EU:BIOS)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jun 2023 to Jun 2024


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BioSenic has prepared a...","one_line_short_text":"\n\n BioSenic announces 2023 full year results \n\nPRESS RELEASE - REGULATED INFIRMATION BioSenic stopped the patient recruitment for its Phase 2b...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/EURONEXT\/BIOS\/stock-news\/94000371\/biosenic-announces-2023-full-year-results","source":"GlobeNewswire Inc.","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/globe.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1717700700,"date":"Thu Jun 06, 2024 ","time":"3:05 PM (2 days ago)","full_date":"June 6, 2024 3:05 PM","post_time":"June 06 2024","article_id":94000371,"source_id":"globe","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"BioSenic S.A. : Information on the total number of voting rights and shares","short_text":"\n\n BioSenic S.A. : Information on the total number of voting rights and shares \n\n PRESS RELEASE \u2013 REGULATED INFORMATION Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium, May 31, 2024, 7.00 am CEST \u2013 BIOSENIC...","one_line_short_text":"\n\n BioSenic S.A. : Information on the total number of voting rights and shares \n\n PRESS RELEASE \u2013 REGULATED INFORMATION Mont-Saint-Guibert...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/EURONEXT\/BIOS\/stock-news\/93955519\/biosenic-s-a-information-on-the-total-number","source":"GlobeNewswire Inc.","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/globe.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1717131600,"date":"Fri May 31, 2024 ","time":"1:00 AM (1 week ago)","full_date":"May 31, 2024 1:00 AM","post_time":"May 31 2024","article_id":93955519,"source_id":"globe","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"BioSenic S.A. : Positive vote of the majority of creditors in favor of the global restructuring plan of BioSenic covering the years 2024-2032, at the Enterprise Court of Nivelles","short_text":"\n\n BioSenic S.A. : Positive vote of the majority of creditors in favor of the global restructuring plan of BioSenic covering the years 2024-2032, at the Enterprise Court of Nivelles \n\n 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PRESS...","one_line_short_text":"\n\n BioSenic S.A. : Positive vote of the majority of creditors in favor of the global restructuring plan of BioSenic covering the years 2024-2032...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/EURONEXT\/BIOS\/stock-news\/93928814\/biosenic-s-a-positive-vote-of-the-majority-of","source":"GlobeNewswire Inc.","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/globe.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1716822000,"date":"Mon May 27, 2024 ","time":"11:00 AM (2 weeks ago)","full_date":"May 27, 2024 11:00 AM","post_time":"May 27 2024","article_id":93928814,"source_id":"globe","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"BioSenic fait le point sur ses activit\u00e9s du premier trimestre 2024","short_text":"\n\n BioSenic fait le point sur ses activit\u00e9s du premier trimestre 2024 \n\nCOMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE \u2013 INFORMATION REGLEMENTEE Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgique, le 24 mai 2024 \u00e0 17h00 CEST \u2013 BIOSENIC...","one_line_short_text":"\n\n BioSenic fait le point sur ses 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tribunal des entreprises de Nivelles \u00a0 \n\n COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE \u2013...","link":"https:\/\/\/stock-market\/EURONEXT\/BIOS\/stock-news\/93724691\/biosenic-publie-sur-son-site-web-le-plan-de-restru","source":"GlobeNewswire Inc.","source_logo":"\/common\/images\/news-sources\/globe.png","tags":[],"timestamp":1714145400,"date":"Fri Apr 26, 2024 ","time":"11:30 AM (1 month ago)","full_date":"April 26, 2024 11:30 AM","post_time":"April 26 2024","article_id":93724691,"source_id":"globe","media_url":null,"press_release":true},{"headline":"BioSenic reporte son assembl\u00e9e g\u00e9n\u00e9rale annuelle des actionnaires et fournit des chiffres financiers temporaires non-audit\u00e9s pour 2023","short_text":"\n\n BioSenic reporte son assembl\u00e9e g\u00e9n\u00e9rale annuelle des actionnaires et fournit des chiffres financiers temporaires non-audit\u00e9s pour 2023 \n\nCOMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE \u2013 INFORMATION PRIVILIGIEE Compte...","one_line_short_text":"\n\n BioSenic reporte son 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