Intermittent Rain - elsecaller_muu - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

The dawn that graced them seemed eternal.

Even as Sakura and Kakashi conversed amongst each other, and even with Sasuke silent and contemplative, Naruto felt this dawn was theirs and theirs alone. He would never forget, even as his bones ached and protested, how his happiness reached its peak. Finally, Sasuke wasn’t in torment anymore.

Naruto had done it.

Sasuke was coming back with him, abandoning his plan to give himself to eternal solitude. More than anything, Naruto was relieved for that. After enduring all the cruelty that the world had to throw at Sasuke, he was deserving of life.

They were supporting each other, each of their arms around the other’s shoulders. The war was over now, and the Shinobi that were now freed from the eternal Tsukuyomi looked on in wonder. Soon, preparations will commence to head back to their respective Villages.

As Naruto walked alongside Sasuke, a few discomforting glances were thrown towards Sasuke, mainly from the Kages. Kakashi hurried to Guy, and Sakura looked on about for any other who required medical help. Then, Tsunade came forward, a hand on her hip as she regarded both young men with scrutiny.

“Uchiha,” Tsunade addressed Sasuke with a stern expression, but her voice was softer than the one she directed in her usual brawls, “It seems Naruto succeeded in convincing you to come back.”

Sasuke stayed silent, expressionless. Naruto squeezed his shoulder, his arm still around him, and Sasuke took one glance at him to make the decision to vocally agree.

“Yeah.” Sasuke answered, neutral in a sense.

Tsunade eyed both of their missing limbs, and Naruto saw a hint of displeasure and anguish come over her. She crossed her arms, taking a moment of clarity as she closed her eyes, then sighed deeply.

“Alright. You’re Konoha’s responsibility, so we’ll talk more when things settle.” She said curtly, then put a hand on Naruto’s head, ruffling his hair just for a moment, “well done, brat.”

Naruto smiled, knowing that Tsunade was showing a rare moment of the affection he knew she held for him.

“You can always count on Uzumaki Naruto-sama,” Naruto cheered, making the other Kages a distance behind Tsunade sigh and loosen up. With that behind them, Naruto swiftly guided Sasuke to a place alone where they could recover, away from judgemental stares. Splitting his own rations between himself Sasuke, he began eating in silence, tired, unable to speak, but content.

Sasuke ate silently, letting Naruto rib him every now and then out of the need to annoy him. And when Sasuke cracked a smile, Naruto pretended it wasn’t a rare one he’d cherished, and spared them the words out of exhaustion.

Naruto woke up on a comfortable bed, the strain in his stomach caused by hunger almost bringing him to tears. Reorienting himself and staring at the ceiling, he remembered this must be Konoha hospital. As for why he was so hungry… He’d had some Shinobi rations for the three days he fought during the war, but he wasn’t sure for how much time it’s been since he’s been passed out.

He thought to bemoan his pain; call for Kakashi, Sakura or Sai. Even Sasuke would be capable of taking pity on him if he saw him in this state. Someone who’d understand and get him Ramen takeout in his sorry state.


“Sasuke!” Naruto yelped, sitting up with blind panic, feeling the room spin. He looked around, then focusing on his right to finally notice the occupied bed beside him. There was Sasuke, sleeping with his wounds bandaged. He had a slight crease between his eyebrows as he slept, and Naruto watched him, feeling as if the state of the last days had been from a lifetime ago.

Naruto’s last memory had been of passing out on Yamato’s back, who’d insisted on carrying him back to Konoha. Sasuke, the prideful bastard, was still acting the vigil, not leaving Naruto’s side. It wouldn’t surprise Naruto if Sasuke had been awake for longer than he was, only passing out after they reached Konoha.

As shaken as he felt, Naruto noticed Sasuke’s hand restrained on the bed. Naruto felt something in him prickle with annoyance, Sasuke wouldn’t like it when he wakes up. He wasn’t even a danger anymore, so why–

Sasuke’s eyes fluttered open, the earlier call of his name waking him from his sleep. Naruto scrambled to his side, almost losing his balance in the process, but he managed to hold his weight by firmly gripping onto Sasuke’s bed rail with his… one hand.

The adjustment was slightly difficult, as a sharp pain came across his missing limb and he made a displeased face. He quickly refocused on Sasuke, whose eyes were taking in Naruto as well, slowly pausing on his stump. He made a gesture to raise his own arm, but was restrained. It irked Naruto that Sasuke showed no outward reaction to the restraints.

“You’re… back.” Naruto could only state what he’d been dreaming to achieve for the past four years. It was surreal to see Sasuke be beside him outside of a battlefield.

Sasuke stared at him mysteriously, then managed a scoff that slowly spread into a smile, his eyes closing as if out of pride, “you did it, Naruto.”

Naruto didn’t waste more time. He quickly fumbled one-handed with the bed restraints, and managed to free his friend. Sasuke looked on silently, and neither protested nor scolded Naruto. He sat in a more comfortable position, and Naruto lowered the bed railing to sit on the edge of the bed.

The silence stretched on for a long time. Sasuke flexed his fingers for a few, but his gaze seemed to be locked onto Naruto’s stump. His face was as impassive as ever, but Naruto felt the guilt emitting from him. And if he really took the time to stare at Sasuke’s features, he would recognize the slight crease between his eyebrows.

“You’ve got your own to stare at,” Naruto snapped impatiently. He didn’t feel there was a need for guilt or penance towards him from Sasuke. Naruto would have willingly broken all of Sasuke’s limbs to hinder him from intentionally going the path of solitude.

Sasuke didn’t react, though he likely understood Naruto’s sentiment. Not one moment later, and Naruto’s stomach protested with hunger. Naruto covered his stomach as if to silence the beast, and glared at the sound of Sasuke’s stifled chuckle.

Sasuke was looking away, his lips quirked in an amused manner. It had been four long years since Naruto had last seen Sasuke look remotely peaceful. They’ve exchanged a few victorious smirks during the fourth war, but it was nothing like this setting.

“I haven’t eaten ramen in weeks, probably,” Naruto defended himself weakly. “Hey, we can go to Ichiraku’s, or maybe ask Sakura-chan or Sai for takeouts…”

Sasuke turned to look back at him, strangely calculating, but said something Naruto wasn’t expecting, “not ramen.”

Naruto pounded the bed with his one fist, “but I want to!”

“Then get it for yourself.” Sasuke answered.

“I want our first meal together to be ramen, though.”

“Not everything goes as we want it to,” Sasuke replied smartly.

He will be as stubborn about it as he could to get Sasuke to agree, “You’re going to like it, though.”

“I just don’t want to.”

“Sasuke, you’re still a bastard to the core,” Naruto sighed, “just the same as I remember! Always crossing me!”

Sasuke didn’t have an instant backforth, and stared at Naruto, his eyes widening at the implication that he was just as Naruto always remembered him to be. Unchanging and constant.

Naruto believed him to be the same person. For the past four years, he’s suffered in ways Naruto couldn’t fathom, thus becoming more guarded, but at the root of it all, he was the same friend Naruto had formed a bond with.

Naruto’s lips spread into a smile that hurt at the corners, but he was truly happy for Sasuke to be back. Naruto’s first and one of his most important bonds. Sasuke looked up from underneath his lashes, fishing for the cause of Naruto’s happiness, most likely. Sasuke rarely allowed himself the nonchalance. Still, he returned the smile, albeit more faint with a decent quirk at the corner of his lips. Naruto would take it.

The door opened gently without a prior knock, and Naruto snapped back. Sakura’s pink hair came into view, and her eyes were locked down to the charts she held in her arms, before she noticed them. She put her hand to her chest and exclaimed. The nurses behind her hurried off to inform of their wakefulness. Then, the first thing Sakura did was come forward to Sasuke’s bedside and grab both him and Naruto into a crushing hug.

“You’re both awake,” she said with an air of confirmation, “I’m glad you’re well.”

This was perfect. Naruto’s team was back together, and only Kakashi was needed for their reunion hug. Naruto raised his arm to pat at Sakura’s back.

“You’ve both been asleep for a week,” Sakura sighed, holding them tighter.

“A week?” Naruto asked, “That long?”

“It was longer for you,” Sakura took a glance at Naruto, and sniffled, “Sasuke insisted on not leaving your side. It was only after Kakashi-sensei gave him the okay to stay in your hospital room, that Sasuke collapsed too. You two are the biggest idiots ever.”

“Sorry, sorry,” Naruto laughed awkwardly, and apologized for both himself and Sasuke. He noticed the slight awkwardness that came over Sasuke at Sakura’s statement.

When Sakura let them go a moment later, her eyes locked onto Sasuke. His eyes seemed to stare faroff, a strange hue of contemplation taking over them. Unfocused, and giving curt inclinations of the head to Sakura’s over sweetened tone asking over his injuries.

Naruto felt slightly wounded that Sakura was more worried about Sasuke than she showed for him, but she had always been besotted with Sasuke. And, to Naruto’s surprise, he didn’t find himself irritated with Sasuke for hogging the attention and subtly ignoring Sakura’s care.

But as Sakura spoke, Sasuke became subdued, so far away from them. Sakura’s chatter and cheer was incessant, and all Naruto could do was watch.

Couldn’t she see the haunted look Sasuke had in his eyes?

“I wasn’t the one who bound your wrist,” Sakura hurried to explain, her hand over her chest to show her sincerity, “I tried to tell them not to, but they insisted on precautionary measures. The most I could do was compromise for clothed restraints. Now that you’re awake and cooperative though, I’m sure they’ll see that. If they insist, I’ll tell them off properly this time. Right, Naruto?”

Receiving such a hopeful grin from Sakura, Naruto couldn’t help but smile too, despite finding himself fidgeting. Naruto wondered if Sasuke heard any of it at all.

Shizune appeared at the doorway, looking troubled, “I was informed you both woke up.”

Sakura cut off her excited chattering, “Shizune-san, yes. I was just telling them about their treatments.”

“I’m sorry, Sakura, Naruto,” Shizune was apologetic as she came inside and the two ANBUs followed right behind her. “It’s the orders.”

Naruto’s brain short circuited. He couldn’t connect the dots quickly, but he knew who they were here for. Naruto stood in both ANBU operatives' way, and snapped at them to back off.

“Naruto!” Shizune was exasperated.

“No, this is a team 7 reunion. You’re not taking him anywhere!” Naruto snapped, feeling his missing limb throb, “why would you take him? Where to? I won’t let you!”

“I wasn’t aware of this,” Sakura’s voice sounded wobbly, but she made way to also protectively stand by Sasuke’s bedside.

“Both of you, calm down,” Shizune said, “it’s the council and Tsunade-sama’s orders. There is a protocol to be followed.”

“I’ll talk to her,” Naruto challenged, “she can come here and we’ll talk.”

“Naruto,” the call of his name in his teacher’s voice, and Kakashi came to round the doorway, and entered, “that’s enough.”

“No!” Naruto bellowed. He couldn’t believe even Kakashi was taking their sides over Sasuke’s. He knew Sasuke wasn’t going to resist them.

“I understand how you must feel,” Kakashi began, his voice serious but maintaining an air of confidence, “but some things have to be carried out regardless of personal feelings. You two must understand that. Sasuke, you know that too, right?”

Naruto turned to his friend, the person who remained silent this whole time. Sasuke’s face was devoid of any expression, guarded and refusing to give the satisfaction of any emotion. Naruto noticed the silent fury in his eyes, the words that he wanted to speak but wisely kept to himself.

Still, Sasuke neither affirmed nor denied Kakashi’s question. He didn’t see justice in this either.

Naruto was about to open his mouth, and Kakashi put a hand on his shoulder, smiling, “I’ll go with him. How’s that?”

Naruto didn’t want to be placated when it came to Sasuke, “then I’ll be the one to go.”

“You’re still under medical observation,” Kakashi said with a poor quip.

“So is Sasuke!” Naruto bellowed, his fist clenched so tightly he could almost draw blood. Surely Kakashi still cared, so why was he going along with these orders? Why hadn’t he argued with Tsunade, since he’d known before?

“They’ll take care of him down there,” Kakashi said slowly, turning his gaze to Sasuke for a moment, before he placated both Sakura and Naruto strictly, “trust me.”

Naruto was left to stare at Kakashi with slumped shoulders, and tried to find more protests as the ANBU guards circled either side of Sasuke when he stood.

One of them placed a seal on Sasuke’s arm, and gave a fair warning, “this is to ensure you don’t run away. You know what’ll happen if you do.”

“Kakashi-sensei!” Naruto felt as a petulant child asking for an adult’s interference. Sasuke may have presented a dry smirk, but Naruto didn’t want more of this.

“They don’t trust him, Naruto,” Kakashi said gently, so that only Naruto could hear, “I’ll go with him. Focus on your recovery, and we’ll talk later.”

Kakashi jokingly asked one of the ANBUs to let him handle Sasuke’s moodiness, and his nonchalant confidence was enough for the ANBUs to give the reins to Kakashi and walk behind them. Sasuke didn’t react even as Kakashi patted his shoulder, and Naruto kept staring as they walked away, needing a form of reassurance from Sasuke himself.

Sasuke didn’t glance back.

Neither Naruto nor Sakura uttered another word.

Naruto had to wait until Sakura finished all the tests she’d insisted on running. He didn’t feel like particularly cooperating, his mind preoccupied with Sasuke, but he was lucky Sakura wasn’t in one of her mean streaks.

Now, he made way to the Hokage office, jumping from roof to roof in a daze.

Naruto, you’re too agitated. Kurama said within him.

I don’t know where Sasuke is, or what they’re doing to him. Naruto was yelling in his consciousness, and even Kurama seemed to direct that same placating look Kakashi had given him, it’s not fair that he has to go through anything else. I brought him back to give him peace.

They don’t trust him, Naruto, Kurama said, it’s only logical.

Naruto had reached the Hokage tower, and running inside straight for Tsunade’s office didn’t take him long. About to knock, he heard Kakashi’s muffled voice inside, and quickly burst inside.

“Where’s Sasuke?!” Naruto’s question halted every breath in the room. Kakashi’s eyes were wide with surprise, and Tsunade was visibly stern-looking as she assessed Naruto. Sai also stood in the corner of the room.

“Naruto, we talked about this,” Kakashi said with exasperation, then turned to Tsunade, “my apologies, Hokage-sama, I already told him to wait in his hospital room. He’s impatient.”

“I already know how Naruto is,” Tsunade allowed the intrusion, giving a curt nod to Naruto, “Naruto, Kakashi was just reporting back to me.”

“Well? Where is he? And baa-chan, why did you give that order?” Naruto fired off.

“Naruto!” Tsunade bellowed, slamming her palm on the desk, “be quiet and listen. We’ll tell you what’s going on.”

Kakashi sighed, and he turned slightly to Naruto, showing that he was answering to Naruto’s worries as much as he was reporting back to Tsunade, “I’m not going to beat around the bush, Naruto. Yes, Sasuke is imprisoned. He’s getting his food and any necessary medications. Tsunade-sama was informing me that she could have Sakura go personally to check in on him for his tests.”

Naruto turned towards Tsunade, feeling his body heat rise from the injustice his friend was facing, “he doesn’t deserve to be imprisoned in the first place.”

Tsunade met his heated gaze with a leveled stare, “that’s your opinion.”

“He didn’t do anything that would get him behind bars. And even if he did, he helped us during the war. And he stopped the infinite Tsukiyomi with me. If it wasn’t for him, none of us would be alive.”

“I will admit that, yes,” Tsunade seated herself, resting her chin on interlocked fingers, “he did so much during the war. I could even overlook him deserting Konoha and going to Orochimaru. But there are crimes I cannot brush off.”

“Then what about Orochimaru’s crimes?!” Naruto bellowed, and watched Tsunade stiffen, “Does this Village pick and choose its villains?”

Tsunade took in the accusation as it was, and she gave a nod, “Orochimaru is… a different case. I can bind him in a different way, but I can’t imprison him. As much as I would want to.”

“What’s so different about him? How is it that he was the one who went after Sasuke in the first place, and Sasuke is receiving more punishment than he is?” Naruto glared, “Tsunade-baa-chan, can you as Hokage really–”

“Naruto,” Sai called, as if to silence his friend of the accusation he was going to direct Tsunade.

“It’s fine,” Tsunade raised a hand to permit Naruto’s claims, “Naruto, I know this is frustrating. But Orochimaru has sources, and he’s established the Sound Village. The Bureaucracy that would take to overthrow him or get him behind bars is immense. And it wouldn’t be worth all the resources we could focus on recovering from War. This is the truth of the situation.”

Was being Hokage always so uncool?

Naruto’s body was brewing with anger and irritation, “Still, Sasuke didn’t do anything wrong.”

Tsunade tapped her desk with a finger, “It goes beyond stately crimes, Naruto. He kidnapped the Raikage’s brother for the Akatsuki. He stormed the Kage Summit. The Kages expect some form of reparations.”

Naruto clenched his fist, “Killer Bee would understand. He would tell you himself, if I asked him to testify.”

“That’s not the point, Naruto. I run a village, and there are a set of laws I cannot trespass for any individual. The village and the shinobi see him as a danger. I have to think of public safety measures for the village. Give it time, and–”

“Time?” Naruto cut her off, “how much time, exactly? Baa-chan, the Village should be thanking him. Public opinion is not the problem here.”

“You underestimate the public. Greatly so. Security for the Village is the most important. If they knew the person who killed a member of the council was free–”

“Danzo deserved it!” Naruto threw a hand to gesticulate wildly, “Sasuke only killed him because of what he did to itachi and his–”

Naruto !” Kakashi’s voice cut in for the first time, his posture going from lax to serious in the seconds that Naruto was about to spill the truth.

Sai had flinched, and even Tsunade looked surprised at Kakashi’s aggressiveness. Naruto’s fist started trembling with rage, and he turned to Kakashi, “Kakashi-sensei, you would cover that still?”

“It’s not the time,” Kakashi said vaguely, but his unusually stern expression left no room for argument.

“When is it, then?” Naruto challenged, genuinely lost now rather than angry, “we couldn’t reveal it before the war, and now we can’t either. When is the right time?”

“We don’t even know if it’s the truth,” Kakashi said, eyeing Tsunade’s questioning eyes.

“Itachi confirmed it to me,” Naruto said, leaving out the part where Itachi insisted that no one needed to know. “And you spoke with Sasuke.”

“Itachi is dead.” Kakashi said, “we don’t have proof. And Sasuke refused to speak a single word to me. Even then, he has second-hand information. We can’t just throw it out there.”

“Baa-chan needs to know, though,” Naruto insisted.

“Know what?” Tsunade asked, “Kakashi?”

Kakashi was silent for a moment, then pinched the bridge of his nose, before inevitably shaking his head, “no. We don’t have enough information. It’s Sasuke’s right to tell the story.”

Naruto hated that his head couldn’t come up with more arguments to counter that. This wasn’t his best department, and he found himself deflating further at every dead-end in these conversations.

“I will talk with Uchiha, then,” Tsunade nodded, “as for his crimes, we’ll see for a date of trial to be held.”

“It’s not fair,” Naruto murmured.

“Brat,” Tsunade called with the same stern tone, though slightly softened, “I know you care for that kid. I see that. But you’ve got your wish now, he’s back in Konoha. Take some rest and focus on your own recovery.”

The command gnawed at his chest, as if failing to find the right cracks of reassurance to snug into. Sasuke was back, but he wasn’t at peace. Not like that dawn when Sasuke had laughed, then cried, eyes uncharacteristically relieved of burden and torment. Naruto had thought his friend looked so beautiful without the weight of the world on his shoulders.

It had been just the both of them, laying side by side.

Sasuke shouldn’t be locked up. It felt wrong for him not to be by Naruto’s side, bickering with equal parts annoyed and happy.

“He’s not back,” Naruto said out loud, “he’s locked up.”

Kakashi was silent, but he once again palmed Naruto’s shoulder comfortingly.

“Before you arrived, I was also informing Kakashi of me passing off the hat,” Tsunade said suddenly, changing the subject, “Kakashi will be the sixth. Uchiha should consider himself lucky he has allies in this Village, Naruto.”

Naruto didn’t share the sentiment. Sasuke had only ever wanted to rid the world of the cycle of war and hatred. Naruto fought Sasuke for him to give up the idea of shouldering it all on his own. Sasuke had given in, and had trusted Naruto with all his being. And he was now locked up.

Naruto didn’t have it in him to congratulate Kakashi. He saw the opportunity as dismissal, and left the Hokage office.

Naruto spent a sleepless night, the worry in his stomach taking residence. He’d wanted to see Sasuke, but Kakashi ordered him to give it a day. He reasoned that Naruto being the hothead that he was could possibly say something out of line. It was only out of respect for his teacher that Naruto gave in.

Sasuke was back. Technically, as Tsunade and Kakashi put it, Naruto’s ambition has been reached. All these events that followed were necessary precautions, protocols to be followed and tie together some of the mess. The council still regarded Sasuke a criminal, the villagers were afraid of the last surviving Uchiha, and Kages from the Five Villages were all trying to clean up the messes the fourth war had left.

Sasuke wasn’t a mess to clean up, regardless of the logical arguments Tsunade had presented him with. Naruto prickled with uselessness, his insides churning the whole night as he thought of his friend trapped in a cage.

Kurama stirred within him, silently showing discomfort in the treatment Sasuke was receiving, too.

When morning came, Naruto showed up on the time agreed on with Kakashi. He’d met Sakura on the way to the Intelligence Department, and she seemed as morose as he was feeling. Naruto didn’t hear a word of what he was telling her, randomly stringing words in a sentence in an attempt to cheer her up. But he could at least say he was proud when she smiled at his false cheerfulness.

Surprisingly, Kakashi showed up in time, and Naruto realized he viewed the situation seriously, no matter where his opinions covered the most ground.

“You two go ahead,” Kakashi had told them the moment he finished conversing with Ibiki, the robust man eyeing them with irritation at being granted special permission to see their friend. Kakashi smiled easily, though his tone was somewhat sad, “I don’t think I’m the person Sasuke wants to see right now.”

“But, team seven is finally together,” Naruto argued, unable to comprehend Kakashi’s unwillingness, “we can finally be together.”

“We’ll sit down together some other time, Naruto,” Kakashi said smoothly, “right now, I’m thinking of what Sasuke needs .”

Naruto scoffed, “Well, he doesn’t need to be imprisoned. That’s the first thing on your list.”

Kakashi sighed, and refused to budge, but made himself useful and led Ibiki away when the man opened his mouth about rightful imprisonment. Naruto glared off in the man’s direction, and turned to find Sakura staring off into the hallway where they were to be led. With her impatient body language, the guard that was to escort them walked ahead with an inclination of the head.

They headed downstairs, and the cold of the underground made Sakura shiver and hug herself. Growing more and more uncomfortable, Naruto hurried in his steps, passing even the guard. And then the underground housing the few cells came into view by the torches’ lights. Another guard sitting on a chair stood at their entrance, but Naruto ignored his existence when his eyes landed on the only cell locking a person behind it.

Sasuke. His friend was sitting against the wall, his feet crossing at the ankles. His eyes were covered with a sealing, no doubt as a precaution to the sharingan and rinnegan. His friend’s attention was piqued by the sounds of their incoming footsteps. Naruto didn’t know where to begin, Sasuke’s name on his mouth, but he found himself ashamed to even call out. This isn’t what he’d brought Sasuke back to.

“Naruto?” The recognition in Sasuke’s voice was unmistakable. He must have sensed Naruto’s chakra signature. What was even more surprising, was that Sasuke wasn’t discouraged by Naruto’s silence, “here to force me to eat your ramen?”

Naruto couldn’t help the spread of his lips, no matter how pathetic he felt. He gripped the bar with his one hand, and tuned out the presence of the others behind him.

“You know I never go back on my word,” Naruto said, hoping the implication came across. “Sasuke…”

The call of his name sounded different even to Naruto’s own ears. A call that held apology and yearning within it. Naruto couldn’t understand how Sasuke could evoke so much out of him, but he knew he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sasuke had pursed his lips, the only visual indication of any expression to Naruto’s calls.

Naruto turned to the guards, “well, open the cell already.”

The guard snapped out of his stance, and went to look for the key, slow with contempt.

Sakura came forward to stand beside Naruto, and Sasuke looked in her general direction.

“I came too, Sasuke,” Sakura said, her voice sounding frail and hopeful.

“Sakura, huh,” Sasuke gave a curt reply.

Sakura preened at the acknowledgment, and her voice gained its confidence, “I came for the medical checkup. Officially. But Naruto was allowed to come as well.”

The cell opened, and Sakura was first to enter. She crouched next to Sasuke, and Naruto found himself awkwardly hovering by. Sakura was close, much too close to Sasuke, and Naruto felt the same way he felt as a boy when Sasuke awoke from his coma. And just like back then, Sakura hugged Sasuke, and Sasuke didn’t return the gesture.

Unlike last time, Naruto’s whole body refused to back down. And even when he recognized the territorial way Sakura kept to Sasuke’s side, Naruto still thought of a way to reinsert himself in his friend’s presence too.

Sasuke’s head was dipped low, and Sakura took liberty to take Sasuke’s silence as acknowledgment. By the time she finished checking the incision on his stump, she was smiling to herself.

“I think, Sasuke, everything will be okay now,” Sakura said conversationally, “the worst of it is behind us. And we can be like the way we were back then.”

Naruto felt cold. And hot. And cold again. Sakura’s words weren’t much different from his own, but hearing them from Sakura, they sounded wrong. As if forcing Sasuke to fit into a corner he couldn’t snug into as much as uncomfortably crawl into it. This dormant uneasiness of self-awareness shamed him, once more, and he willfully chose to ignore this aspect in favor of another.

For as much as Sakura cared for Sasuke, she didn’t seem to truly see him. And Naruto, feeling his heart alight with a feeling he couldn’t identify, finally crouched down next to Sakura, forcing himself into the space she claimed rightfully hers.

“Sakura-chan, could you get me some bandages as well? I think my wound opened up,” Naruto gestured to his own stump, his voice tight from the effort of keeping his irritation at bay.

“How did it open?” Sakura turned to him, sighing tiredly, “I told you to be careful. You slept on it wrong, didn’t you?”

Naruto endured her scolding, and watched her begrudgingly stand to retrieve bandages from her bag placed outside the cell. The guards were standing at the desk, beside Sakura, respectfully offering as much privacy as was possible. Naruto placed his hand on Sasuke’s shoulder, and squeezed.

“Naruto, what are you…” Sasuke directed with a hushed question.

Naruto was glad Sasuke still caught on to his plans no matter the situation. Naruto activated part of his Kurama chakra, shaping it into a hand, and made it lunge for the guard’s waist with the keys. He retrieved them quickly, alerting them in the process. Naruto stood and closed the cell, turning it with the key, effectively locking himself and Sasuke in it.

“What?!” The guard exclaimed with surprise.

“Naruto, what’s the meaning of this?” Sakura gripped the bars, “this is stupid!”

Naruto played with the keys, and sat opposite of Sasuke, looking up to the ceiling with boredom, “If Sasuke can’t leave, I won’t either.”

“What?!” Sakura sounded winded with exasperation, “what could this possibly solve?”

“It’s not a solution. It’s a declaration.” Naruto said, certain.

“Kakashi-sensei won’t like this,” Sakura still had it in her to reason, her voice tilting to annoyance, “Tsunade-sama and he did so much to let us see Sasuke. And you’re keeping me away, too?”

Naruto swallowed back words, refusing to respond to the last question, “I’m doing what Sasuke needs. And right now, he needs someone on his side.”

“I am on his side,” Sakura defended, “but I know this isn’t the way.”

Naruto knew. She’d been with Naruto on every matter that concerned saving Sasuke, and Naruto wasn’t so stupid to think he was the only one to care. And as stupid as he was, Naruto also recognized where they differed in their support.

She wouldn’t understand. He didn’t want to make an enemy of her.

“Naruto…” Sakura said with a sigh, and left, likely to call for Kakashi. The other two guards looked between each other, and wondered if they had a spare key to the cell.

Spare key or not, they would have to carry Naruto out of it without Sasuke.

The guards had left, too. Naruto craned his neck, to make sure they were really alone, and looked back leveled at Sasuke. His friend had turned stiff, and seemed as unreadable as ever.

“What are you doing?” Sasuke asked, voice calm.

Naruto stood to close the few steps between them, then crouched in front of Sasuke. He made for the seal placed on Sasuke’s eyes, and Sasuke’s hand snapped up to wrap around his wrist the moment his fingertips touched the seal.

If the seal was off, Naruto was sure Sasuke would be squinting with scrutiny.

“What do you think?” Naruto huffed, “you’re not deaf. You heard what I told Sakura.”

“I don’t need this.” Sasuke said.

The prideful bastard. “I’m doing this because you’re my friend.” Sasuke’s hold on him never faltered, and Naruto’s lips turned down with irritation, “Let me take off the seal.”

“Don’t you want to be Hokage?” Sasuke directed, “treating me specially when you’re supposed to show fairness and some level of wisdom is surely idiotic.”

“I don’t care. I’ll still be Hokage.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What is wrong with you ?” Naruto yelled back, “I’m your friend. We are friends, equals. There’s no f*cking way I’d leave you like this. I don’t have the brains to argue about this, so this is what I can do to show my resolve.”

Sasuke bared his teeth, “nobody would do this for a friend, Naruto.”

Despite Naruto’s confusion at the direction the accusation took, he didn’t take time to dwell on it, “You don’t know how much of an idiot you sound like, Sasuke.”

Sasuke remained silent, and finally eased his hold around Naruto’s wrist as Naruto struggled to take off the blindfold, cursing at Sasuke for refusing to help with his other hand. It took some maneuvering, but he was successful by the end.

“Don’t tell me you’re f*cking giving up,” Naruto spit with anger the moment Sasuke’s eyes refocused. “I didn’t bring you back to be locked up. And you definitely shouldn’t be giving up.”

Sasuke stared at him with a dark gaze, withholding so many emotions that Naruto couldn’t make sense of.

“Sasuke!” Naruto found his spirit flaring up, and he gripped Sasuke’s shoulder, “don’t think this is it.”

“I’m not,” Sasuke replied with a calm that Naruto wasn’t feeling, “I’m not giving up.”

“Then what is wrong with you?” Naruto demanded.

The expression that wrenched out of Sasuke was unlike one Naruto had seen on him. Anguish mixed with a sense of dark resolve. It was equal parts exhilarating and worrying.

“I’m lost.” Sasuke said at last.

Naruto squeezed on his shoulder, hoping that came off as comfort.

“You’re here, and I’m even more lost,” Sasuke relayed.

That wasn’t quite right. Sasuke had never looked more at peace than that dawn laying down next to Naruto. Whether Sasuke was speaking from a different perspective or was truly lost in his self, Naruto could only gape.

Because Naruto didn’t have the words. He didn’t understand what Sasuke was going through, and whether he needed a reply from Naruto at all. Being trusted with the knowledge of his feelings was enough, for now. All of it didn’t matter, really, as Sasuke had no reason to feel lost around Naruto. He should be feeling the same way Naruto felt around him.

As expected, they were very different. And as much as Naruto knew Sasuke’s heart, he realized he needed to mature more in order to understand his friend.

“Yeah? Well I’m not leaving,” Naruto confirmed. “And when we’re out, we’ll have ramen at Ichiraku’s.”

Sasuke’s breathy laugh came out soft, and in Naruto’s opinion, he didn’t sound that lost and broken after all. If Sasuke could hear himself, he would surely know strength as Naruto felt it.

Naruto only rejoiced in the fact that he was being a foil in Tsunade’s and Kakashi’s logical ‘consequences’. He refused to listen after much of Tsunade’s speeches, and even Kakashi seemed to give up. He was told that the council was frowning heavily upon Naruto’s troublesome behavior. Naruto joked about the heavy frowning causing more severe wrinkles to grace those geezers’ faces. The guards were left flabbergasted while Shikamaru cut off his scolding, and Naruto reveled in Sasuke’s amused yet well-hidden smirk.

It was good to see Sasuke smile every now and then. Most of the time, his doom permeated the cell, and all Naruto would do was discreetly hold his hand and resolve himself to change everything for Sasuke.

While they spent all of their time together, Sasuke’s mind seemed to wander off on more than one occasion. He never spoke a word of what he thought, cautious of the setting they were in, but Naruto knew. And one thing Naruto suspected was that Sasuke never slept. He was awake both when Naruto dozed off to sleep and when Naruto came to his consciousness. If he’d dozed off in the time when Naruto drooled on his shoulder, Naruto wasn’t sure. When bored, Naruto was the one to talk, and Sasuke listened to him, giving comments the few times he wanted.

Sakura came to visit a few times, and Sasuke didn’t grace her with any reply, either. Naruto noticed her spirit fail her, taking Sasuke’s oppressive silence as a rejection rather than his own soul weighing down on him. For that, Naruto didn’t see a need to tell off Sasuke for it, and rather felt cold at the selfishness coming off from Sakura.

Eventually, a week later, Tsunade permitted Sasuke’s release. It took her taking many Shinobis signatures, who upon knowing Naruto’s stance, decided that Naruto’s release being a positive that outweighed their prejudice of Sasuke. People from other villages had grown angry at being unable to see Naruto, and for all they knew, the council was keeping him away from them.

In the end, Naruto’s stupidity served into taking the public’s opinion into account. Not to mention, the economy skyrocketing from these very people outside the village who paid money to come see Naruto. And one thing the council and Village couldn’t afford was to lose face and money.

“This was my plan all along,” Naruto said wisely. Sasuke gave him a look that signified he didn’t believe him. But it was fond, and Naruto didn’t have it in him to snap.

“The trial will still be held,” Kakashi crossed his arms, now getting used to his role of being Hokage. He watched both his students stand and leave the cell side by side, and sighed. “This is a very special case. I hope you know this, Sasuke. I haven’t even had my inauguration yet, but Tsunade-sama made your release her last order before she officially left office. So I’m still navigating this.”

Sasuke gave a curt nod.

“There’s two more things,” Kakashi said, then turned to shoo the guards away, “I want to have a moment with my dear students, now.” The guards bowed, and Kakashi was smiling again, “I’m telling you here before I leave you to your comforts. First off, Sasuke, you will be staying with Naruto. That is the other condition the council insisted on.”

Sasuke didn’t keep his silence, “his apartment is a mess.”

Naruto stiffened, “what? Asshole, you haven’t even been there yet.”

“Well, Sasuke, you two have been a pain in my butt. I’m afraid I don’t want to do anything about that.” Kakashi was jovial in his passing of judgment.

Sasuke looked away begrudgingly, mouth slightly twisted as if in a pout. Naruto had been in a daze when he last left his place, he didn’t remember the state it was in.

“And the other thing,” Kakashi clapped his hands, regaining their attention, “about the Uchiha clan. And your brother, Sasuke,” Sasuke looked on, stiffening slightly, “now that Tsunade knows about it after you talked, she felt regretful that she left before she could personally do something about it. Or think about it. She had been planning to retire for some time now,” Kakashi sighed, and Naruto realized it sounded somewhat cowardly when said that way, “anyways. I am left with the matter. Sasuke, I can’t promise you… anything. But I will try, in whatever department I can.”

Sasuke didn’t even blink.

“We don’t have proof. And as I know, Itachi himself didn’t want to reveal the truth,” Kakashi went on, “We can talk about this extensively if you have more thoughts. But for now, I will proceed with what is fit for peace.” Kakashi made a pause, and uncharacteristically closed his eyes with regret, “I am… sorry.”

Naruto took a glance at Sasuke, and noted the way his eyes dimmed from their sparkle. Sasuke didn’t acknowledge the apology nor the words that preceded it, but he put his hand in his pocket, and looked away. Ending the conversation in his own way.

Naruto felt for his best friend. He wanted to hold Sasuke’s hand, or talk to him, but knew the words would be empty promises.

Naruto wanted to become Hokage already. Bring about real peace, one that wouldn’t be at the cost of anyone’s existence. Especially Sasuke’s.

Kakashi didn’t let the silence stretch on for long, and guided them out of the underground. Kakashi’s back looked lonely and exhausted with responsibility. He seemed comfortable enough with the duty of being Hokage, but he wasn’t exhilarated. Shikamaru had told Naruto to count his blessings for having Kakashi on their side, both in Sasuke's case and Naruto’s goal to one day be Hokage.

And still, Naruto had to doubt Shikamaru in that stance. Just as they’d conversed minutes ago, Kakashi couldn’t do much for Sasuke as he deserved. Neither could Naruto. The uselessness settled as an awkward raincoat over his shoulders, a thin fabric soaking in the rain so much so that the cold settled in his bones.

It was raining. Kakashi left them at the entrance of the Intelligence Department where they’ve been detained, wishing them well. He’d whispered something in Sasuke’s ear, and Sasuke scoffed. Naruto wasn’t presented with any answer as he asked Sasuke.

“So, Ichiraku’s?” Naruto asked as they walked on the way home.

Sasuke closed his eyes, “can you really only think about ramen?”

“Well, I miss it,” Naruto admitted, “and I wanted it to be our first meal together.”

Sasuke glanced at him, his rinnegan being in Naruto’s periphery, “it’s raining.”

Naruto gave a shrug, “Old man would be happy he has customers even in this weather.”

Sasuke graced him with a shrug, and went with Naruto. He gave in, and Naruto felt proud of himself. He finally got him to agree. This felt much like the victory of his boyhood days when he’d succeeded in roping Sakura into a “date”. Only, he was foolish and a brat back then, and the feeling had been one unlike this. Truly, Sasuke was what he’d excelled at as a bond, and being friends with him and spending time together gave him a rush unlike any other.

Sasuke’s mind still managed to wander off, and his mood wasn’t the calm Naruto had hoped he would radiate, but he was existing with Naruto. And that was good, for now.

The worst is behind us now, Sasuke. Everything will be okay, and we’ll be back to the way we were. Sakura’s words replayed into his mind, and Naruto took kinship in those words. He felt that he shouldn’t, that it was wrong to restrict Sasuke.

No. Sasuke was okay now. Team seven will be okay, and with their new additions of Sai and Yamato, there could be a sense of normalcy that would be restored. Naruto ignored all feelings of strangeness, and whooped obnoxiously as he Ichiraku’s came into view.

Sasuke sighed, feigning disinterest just as he was twelve.

Naruto’s grin only spread as Sasuke started to open up. “I usually eat ramen three times a day.” Naruto hurried over, and caught Teuchi’s eyes.

“Naruto!” The old man exclaimed.

“Old man!” Naruto was grinning, “I haven’t seen you in three weeks now. Or was it a month?”

“Well, I sure missed you around here,” the old man smiled as kindly as Naruto knew him.

“I was saying the same. Right Sasuke?” Naruto took a seat, and snorted at Sasuke’s helpless look.

“Sasuke?” Teuchi paused in his servings, and took a good look at Sasuke. Sasuke never blinked, “ah, the boy Naruto talked about every time he came to eat.” Teuchi nodded wisely, “help yourself to a serving, boy.”

Sasuke gave a nod of thanks, and then their orders were served. Naruto lifted his chopsticks with his left hand, and made a few patient attempts to grab his noodles. He grew agitated with each failure.

“What!” Naruto yelped, recalling the time his arm was broken and he was stuck with this same problem. He needed to learn how to manage.

He turned to look at how Sasuke was faring. His friend’s dominant hand had been his left, but he looked to be using his right with learned technique. Despite a couple failures, he managed to eat.

Naruto turned to focus on his bowl, and willed his hand to cooperate with him. His stomach kept on rumbling. Kurama was sleeping, and Naruto didn’t want to rely on his chakra when Sasuke didn’t. At his repeated failures, Naruto was faced with a choice.

Not much of a choice, when he knew he’d do this without a second thought. He glanced at Sasuke, then turned away again. Dipping his head eye level with his bowl, Naruto brought his lips to the edge of the bowl and slurped the soup. His lips burned, and the noodles unceremoniously ended up splattering about, but at least he was successful in getting the ramen to his stomach.

“Usuratonkachi,” Sasuke sounded annoyed with him, “what are you doing?”

“Eating,” Naruto felt like a sad wet dog, “the only way I can.”

“Idiot,” Sasuke moved his chair closer, and gently pushed at Naruto’s head, “just say it.”

“Say what?” Naruto’s eyebrows raised as Sasuke scooped up Naruto’s ramen with his chopsticks, “Hey, that’s mine! No stealing.”

Sasuke gave him a long, suffering sigh, “Open your mouth, idiot.”

“You would…” Naruto gave a long look to the chopsticks pointed to his mouth, “you would feed me?”

“You dragged me here,” Sasuke replied coolly, “I don’t want to hear about how you didn’t get to eat your food.”

Naruto opened his mouth, and slurped at his ramen. He chewed on, then swallowed, accepting another feeding from Sasuke.

They were in public. It was raining, no one was outside, but they were in public. Old man was outback in his shop, with his daughter, they could see them. But Sasuke didn’t show any reluctance at the weird situation.

Naruto faced off in the other direction, gripping his stool with his hand from between his legs. Sasuke had always been kind and thoughtful of others. Just like back then, after their first bell test with Kakashi, when Sasuke had offered him his food regardless of being told of the repercussions if he did. Back then, Naruto had felt camaraderie and trust with Sasuke, and he’d been even more happy that Sakura had wanted to feed him too.

Why was that memory resurfacing? Sure, it was a reminiscent memory, but it managed to open a floodgate Naruto didn’t know how to close. Something he didn’t know to identify.

Sasuke looked as impassive as ever, alternating between feeding himself and then Naruto. With the same chopsticks. Was Naruto stupid for feeling weirded out? He’d been the same when Sai reached to feed him, and back then, he’d voiced his discomfort. Even as a brush-off joke. But in this situation with Sasuke, Naruto didn’t feel a need to protest.

So he ate, and decided his training with the chopsticks left-handed would be left for some other time.

Sasuke had been sleeping on the futon in the living room. He’d cleaned Naruto’s place, and made Naruto help. It was the most in action Naruto had seen him, ordering him around to do this and that. Naruto was occasionally pissed with the orders, but he didn’t mind them as much as it created a back and forth. Sasuke seemed more himself the more he bickered with Naruto, and Naruto found himself messing up on purpose a few times to spark a reaction.

Still, with the silence settled and days spent in his place together, Sasuke’s silence was the loudest. Even as the rain insistently pattered against the window, the words unspoken were as dominant as the heavy weather.

Naruto spoke, and sometimes got a reply, most of the time he didn’t. That oppressive mood carried on for four days, before Sasuke decided he had enough of being dragged to ramen.

“Groceries,” Sasuke had muttered, holding his ankle as he crossed it over his leg, “we need to cook.”

“I can’t cook,” Naruto looked up from his scroll, as he tried to ram the content in his head. He’d been reading the same few sentences for a while now.

“I’ll teach you.” Sasuke said with finality. Naruto couldn’t disagree.

After buying their groceries, Naruto stood with Sasuke at the counter. His friend held the knife, and demanded Naruto to hold the vegetables with his one hand. Naruto flinched the few times Sasuke used the knife. He yelled about how Sasuke almost chopped off his finger, and Sasuke snapped about how he was in control. He was bluffing, for even his hand was trembling holding the knife.

It was sloppy work.

“Don’t add too many vegetables!” Naruto argued hotly.

“Just hold it down for me or I’ll cook your fingers with the vegetables,” Sasuke snapped.

Naruto did as he was told.

The hot pot turned out to be great. The scent spread over the place, and Naruto's mouth watered as he watched Sasuke serve it on the table.

“Did you know?” Naruto was resilient about his practice with his chopsticks, so he refused Sasuke’s help straight up on his own.

Sasuke hummed in question.

“You’re the first person to cook for me.” Naruto was so overjoyed, that even his failed attempts at grabbing the meat didn’t gloom him. He stabbed the piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

Sasuke hummed again, this time sounding more acquiescent.

“My firsts are all with you,” Naruto said in passing.

“You need to stop saying stuff like that,” Sasuke replied, swallowing his food unchewed, and struggling to put his chopsticks down and drink his water. So Sasuke wasn’t so graceful after all. There, something to tease him about.

Now that Naruto really thought about it, Sasuke really was stupid. He didn’t understand when Naruto spoke with sincerity and when he was joking. He’d either snap at Naruto, or go silent. Naruto couldn’t do much about that if Sasuke was insistent on remaining mysterious.

He let him be, and thought of hanging out with team seven again.

Naruto’s lucky day came. Iruka had insisted on treating Naruto to ramen. The last Naruto had seen him was when Iruka expressed concern over Naruto locking himself in the cell with Sasuke. Kakashi had called on Iruka, thinking it would be the catalyst for Naruto’s ‘maturity’, he’d said, but even that hadn’t worked. And Iruka had only sighed.

Naruto had asked Sasuke to tag along, but Sasuke refused, insisting he was sick of ramen. Naruto considered him an ignorant sh*t.

“This is the best,” Naruto chanted happily, practicing on his chopsticks and managing to eat his ramen, this time, “how many bowls are you prepared to pay for, Iruka-sensei? Surely you know my stamina.”

“With that speed, I know it’s not going to be many before closing hours,” Iruka snorted, enjoying his own bowl.

Naruto gave him a wry smirk.

“How are you coming along with your disability, Naruto?” Iruka asked, clearly curious.

“It’s mostly okay. It’s a bit tough, but I’m learning,” Naruto shrugged, “Baa-chan said something about a prosthetic… was it? She’s creating it from scratch, so it’s taking time.”

“That’s good. And how about… Sasuke? You’re okay living with him?”

“Yeah,” Naruto slurped, “he’s annoying. And a bastard. And a cleanfreak.”

“I heard it was a punishment for both of you. And you locking yourself with him.”

“A punishment,” Naruto snorted, “sure, since he’s so annoying about washing dishes. That’s another reason why I don’t cook.”

“You were too young to teach you about chores as a kid,” Iruka sighed, “and then you went off with Jiraiya, for three years, and were too busy with everything. But I should’ve really taught you some chores.”

“You’re taking Sasuke’s side on this?” Naruto felt betrayed.

“No.” Iruka’s voice came out snappish, “I mean yes. It’s good he’s there for your chores. But no. I… I don’t know about that boy, Naruto.”

Naruto piqued up at this. He slurped the last of his mouthful, and stopped eating.

“I didn’t know he’d tear your limb off,” Iruka sounded so weary, “a friend wouldn’t do that, Naruto.”

Why did everyone think Sasuke was the one who forced Naruto to go after him? Naruto would have done worse to Sasuke, that much he knew. He would have broken all of Sasuke’s bones if he had to. Just to get him to stay .

“That’s not how it went,” Naruto settled for how he could phrase it, “he lost an arm, too. Iruka-sensei, Sasuke was only doing the right thing according to him.”

“Regardless,” Iruka was stiff, “one doesn’t hurt their friend.”

“He’s Sasuke,” Naruto shrugged, going back to eat, “. He wanted to keep me away, but I was so stubborn. I understand why he did it. It’s okay if you don’t, Iruka-sensei. But…” Naruto stared at his ramen bowl, remembering Sasuke’s silence after declaring he was all alone, “He was willing to suffer for eternity. Just for all of this to make sense.”

Iruka was watching him, and Naruto could tell, he didn’t truly understand what Naruto meant. Many others didn’t, and Naruto regretted that.

Naruto breathed in, “Anyways, I would have done the same if I was in his shoes. Just one wrong move, and it could’ve been me. It’s because you and Sasuke showed me kindness that I can recognize that.”

Iruka’s teary eyes were spilling out with tears, and he was sniffling, “when did you become this wise?”

Naruto grinned, “Not long ago, Ero-sanin was calling me a fool. But I agree with you, y’know, I’m not recognized enough for my wisdom.”

Iruka laughed, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, “You’re attached to him, I can see that. But you don’t need his or other people’s acknowledgment to exist as you are. You can live for yourself.”

Naruto started scooping his noodles and slurping again, pondering on why Iruka was so insistent on shifting Naruto’s priorities as if Naruto didn’t know well enough by himself. It wasn’t that he needed Sasuke to exist, it was that Sasuke fuelled his existence. Sasuke wasn’t like the rest. He was special, in many ways. The same way it felt special when hanging out with Iruka. Yet different. It was nice going out together, and going back home to him. Not like he was ever going to admit that.

So Naruto stayed silent. Ashamed to relay his exact feelings as he felt them, and unable to think up of an identification to his feelings that could downplay his sentiments so he could come off as logical, Naruto slurped obnoxiously loud. With this much of a dilemma on his shoulders, Naruto was able to finish his first bowl faster than he realized, and hurried to order a second bowl.

Iruka didn’t look all that troubled to pay for a second bowl. He even ordered a second one himself.

By the time Naruto arrived home, the clouds had obscured the glow of the sun, and Naruto barely escaped the drizzle of the rain. He sneezed at the doorway, taking off his shoes.

The apartment was dark, and Naruto stood behind the wall that separated the entry from the kitchen and living room space. Sasuke sat on the floor, his back to the wall, as he stared at the wall to his right. He wasn’t here, nor anywhere in the inbetween. Naruto wondered what he was thinking of all the time, or if he thought at all. Was it possible to shut off for a long time even as he was awake, just for a chance not to hurt?

Naruto sneezed a second time, and this time, it alerted Sasuke enough to warrant a turn of the head. Sasuke stared at him, and he brought a hand to his own chest, rubbing circles over his heart. The strange look in his eyes was enough of an encouragement to Naruto that he was needed.

Naruto came to sit beside him. He didn’t ask if Sasuke ate, or if he’d slept, or if he’d been hurting the whole day. Simply sitting side by side, shoulder to shoulder, Naruto listened to his bones recount their own grievances, an effort to understand how he could help Sasuke out of this.

So Naruto awaited the rain to subside, and for the sun to warm them once more.

Sasuke walked beside Naruto silently as Naruto prattled on about his upcoming studies. Kakashi and Iruka were a united front when it came to his education, and until he could go on missions again, Naruto had to commit to studying.

“Of course, you’re an idiot,” Sasuke said.

“What does that have to do with a schedule being forced onto me?” Naruto asked.

“Spacing out your subjects on a schedule is a learning method, idiot,” Sasuke explained.

“I know that. Are you calling me an idiot because I need a method like that?” Naruto tutted.

“You’re an idiot in general.”

“So you’re just calling me an idiot to rile me up?”

Sasuke’s corner of the lip turned up in a smirk, and Naruto’s heart lit up with a desire to fight him.

“What, you want to go at it? Is that it?” Naruto yelled as he massaged his shoulder, puffing out his chest.

“I’m ready any time, Usuratonkachi,” Sasuke was very amused, though he nodded his head towards the building in sight, “but we’ve come for checkups. You don’t want to fight outside a hospital.”

Naruto sniffed and feigned pride. He continued his walk, and noticed a certain nasty stare. He was about to glare, thinking it for him, but he stretched his senses and heard a nasty remark. Then another from a whispering woman in the corner, hushing her kid away.

It’s Uchiha.

Naruto stopped in his tracks, clenching his fist tight.

No. They had no right. They didn’t know anything .

Naruto caught the eyes of a man who was openly glaring behind Naruto, towards Sasuke, but drifted his eyes the moment he’d noticed Naruto.

“That’s right!” Naruto yelled, his chest pulling taut with pain, “You better mind your business! You have better things to do than—”

Sasuke’s hand came to muffle Naruto’s screams, and the surrounding few people flinched more at this gesture than Naruto’s yelps. Naruto strained against Sasuke’s grip, and glared in his direction.

“You’re really a f*cking idiot. I don’t f*cking care, Naruto.” Sasuke stressed every syllable of his declaration, just to get the point across, “Quit it.”

Sasuke walked ahead, and Naruto scrambled after him, “I don’t believe you! And I don’t care even if you didn’t care. You’re my friend.”

Sasuke entered the hospital with Naruto hot on his heels. Naruto wasn’t done, he wanted Sasuke to understand that Naruto wasn’t settling for this . He was going to change this Village and their perceptions of outsiders. Naruto had done it, and people accepted him. It took all of his life, but he was accepted. If Sasuke put his mind to it…

Naruto’s shoulders deflated as he watched Sasuke inform the nurse of their appointment. The nurses were wary, but they were colleagues of Sakura, so the formalities were smooth. And shortly, Sasuke was leading them to their assigned examination room as Naruto followed.

What was Naruto thinking? If Sasuke put his mind to it? The only thing Sasuke had put his mind to was killing Itachi, and right after that, he’d realized his very reason for existence was built upon lies and the darkness of the Village. What if Sasuke didn’t want people to accept him, and that’s why he didn’t care?

Is that why Sasuke had shared that he’d been lost? If so, then why did he flatten Naruto’s existence to the same level as the village’s? Feeling more lost in Naruto’s presence confirmed as much.

In Sasuke’s perception, Naruto was just like the rest.

The sudden realization was draining. Even Kurama had to check on Naruto and snap at him to stay rooted in reality. Naruto focused on Sasuke’s back, and squinted through his tears. It seemed that he still couldn’t understand how to right things with Sasuke.

Sakura greeted them at the examination room, and asked them to sit.

“This isn’t going to take long,” Sakura informed as she checked their charts, “I’m just going to check both your incisions. Then draw your blood for tests. Both to check on your levels and hand off the tests to Tsunade-sama. She needs them for your prosthetics.”

“Thank you, Sakura-chan,” Naruto smiled. She was getting more and more used to her shifts in the hospital. As always, Sasuke didn’t say a word, but he tipped his head in silent thanks.

Sakura’s eyes flickered over to Sasuke, and waited for a beat before she turned away to ready her equipment.

Naruto’s mind played over his latest realizations and the scene he made outside. Sasuke was blank, his expression never relaying what he really felt. Naruto knew Sasuke’s nature, and he knew that Sasuke didn’t care for the personal insults or miniscule contempt. But in the grand scheme of things, he cared a great deal; and it was why he killed Danzo, why he thought out a revolution to be their only solution to their doomed world. Naruto was positive Sasuke still cared about his clan’s dignity and restoration, but he didn’t know what could be brewing in his mind, and what sort of emotions drove him forward.

Doom, anguish, memories of the past. But that couldn’t be all it was that carried him forward. What was it, that made Sasuke different from the tragic boy that strived for vengeance, and from the lonely boy who sat on a swing hated by everybody and vice versa?

“I’m going home,” Sasuke wore his shirt the moment Sakura was done with checking on his incision.

“Wait, Sasuke, would you consider my request, at least?” Sakura talked over Naruto who almost snapped at Sasuke ditching him. “We could go for a bite.”

“I’m busy,” Sasuke said swiftly. He really wasn’t, Naruto knew.

“Bastard, wait,” Naruto called, “at least wait for me. Sakura will be done with me soon.”

“Forget it,” Sasuke ignored him, shouldering his way out of the door. Even as Sakura raised her voice in call of his name, he didn’t look back.

Naruto watched the door he’d walked out of, and wondered if Naruto’s company and his comments earlier had soured his mood.

“What’s wrong with him?” Sakura asked with a sigh, focusing on sewing Naruto’s incision precisely. She seemed disappointed and sad, and Naruto was unsure whether her sadness was directed at Sasuke or the world that rejected him.

Naruto opted for a middle ground, “He’s not feeling well, Sakura-chan.”

“It doesn’t seem that way when you two are together,” Sakura shook her head, her eyebrows knit in the middle, “I don’t know. I get the feeling he’s shutting everyone else out.”

“That’s not true,” Naruto regarded her seriously, but she refused to look up from her handiwork on his stump.

“I have eyes. And I can tell you he’s not trying to allow people back in his life,” Sakura paused, then her voice grew with a bite, “he’s not allowing me back in. Or Kakashi-sensei. I thought everything was going to be well now, but he makes it really complicated. It doesn’t need to be.”

“That’s not true at all.” Sakura snapped up at the harshness in Naruto’s voice, and his fierceness must have shown in his eyes, for she turned mute, “You just don’t understand him. It’s all complicated. He’s not the one making it complicated. He’s been through a lot. He deserves to be understood regardless of his unwillingness to explain himself.”

Sakura lowered her eyes to her handiwork, then snapped the thread as she finished her sewing.

“And you think you do?” She redirected the question with silent fury, “you think by keeping me out, you understand him better, or what? I’m a woman, Naruto. I understand these things.”

“I know I understand him,” Naruto countered, “Sakura-chan, he’s not… he can’t function the way we want him to.”

Sakura’s eyes slanted with clear hurt, “and yet he’s keeping you close while keeping me away. I am as much his teammate as you are.”

“This isn’t about you,” Naruto finally snapped, standing to his feet, “Sakura-chan, he’s on his own in this village unless we side with him for what he needs. I don’t know what that is, but I know it’s not your confession of love. Please!”

Sakura’s eyes widened with heartbreak, and Naruto almost regretted his choice of words, before he firmly pursed his lips together. He refused to apologize or reword what he meant. He’d watched enough of Sasuke to know his friend wasn’t in need of empty declarations of love or friendship. Despite Sakura’s intent to make Sasuke happy, it was an inherent selfishness to ignore Sasuke’s pain.

Sakura backed away a couple of steps, then turned to look out the window.

“I’ll go,” Naruto said as was his cue, shouldering his orange jacket. He stopped at the door, looking back, “we’re still going to sit together one day as team seven, y’know. I want that much.”

Sakura had crossed her arms, rubbing her forearms in a self-comforting manner, her eyes still stuck on the window pane.

“With this heavy weather, I don’t know when that day would come,” Sakura’s reply was stiff. Naruto took a moment to listen to the soft pitter-patter of the rain on the leaves and window-pane, then walked away.

The day would come.

Naruto awoke with a startle. He choked on his drool, and coughed, then focused in the haziness of his half-awake state on what had woken him. A guttural groan, then a silenced scream.

Naruto scrambled out of his bed and fell on his face at the loss of balance. He made for a blind dash out of his bedroom, and into the common area. He cursed when he ran straight into a chair, the corner ribbing him painfully. His eyes were on Sasuke, though, writhing in his futon and coughing into his hand.

“Sasuke!” Naruto was at his side the very next moment, shaking his friend’s shoulder, “what’s wrong? What hurts?!”

Sasuke was murmuring indescribable words, his eyes closed shut. Either extreme physical pain, or the remains of a nightmare.

“‘tachi… no…” Sasuke managed to mutter the only words Naruto could decipher.

“Sasuke, it’s just– it’s just a dream!” Naruto hurried to assure him, thinking in his head if it was wise to slap Sasuke for him to wake. He was panicking, too.

Sasuke snapped awake and sat up before Naruto could say more, and his breaths came out heavy and ragged. He came face to face with Naruto, and Naruto immediately held him.

It was immediate. Sasuke clutched at him, and his shoulders shook with the force of terrible hysteria and crying. Naruto was one armed, unable to hold him the way Sasuke deserved to be held. Still, he remained rooted, and felt his own tears prickle at his eyes.

He knew it all too well, the weight of the world crushing on their shoulders.

“I wasn’t supposed to live…” Sasuke gritted out, more angry than mournful, “he was supposed to kill me.”

Naruto swallowed. If Sasuke had died before they could form their bond, then Naruto wouldn’t have been an existence at all, lost and succumbing to the village’s darkness.

“He… He loved you,” Naruto said, his voice coming out rough.

“He was an egoist!” Sasuke was clenching Naruto’s shirt so tightly, he could rip it off if he’d wanted to, “he knew I loved him as much as he did me. He knew this would kill me. He knew!”

“Yeah,” Naruto breathed out, “you’re… you’re right.”

Sasuke turned silent, and Naruto hated it all the more. It was better to hear him speak out than shut himself again. Naruto wanted to understand.

“Sasuke, if you had died, I wouldn’t be as I am now,” Naruto said the only thing he was sure of. It was selfish, in a sense, that he tied his own existence with Sasuke’s current suffering. But he hoped Sasuke could see past it and know that Naruto understood him.

“Usuratonkachi,” that was all Sasuke graced him with in response.

“Do you often get these nightmares?” Naruto didn’t want to end the conversation yet. He needed more from Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded against his shoulder, “do you?”

“Some, yeah,” Naruto confirmed, but they were definitely not as extreme as Sasuke’s.

“What are they about?”

“The past,” Naruto confided, “Pervy Sage. My parents dying. Sometimes Obito and Nagato.”

Sasuke stilled, breathing in slowly.

“What are yours about?” Naruto asked.

“The past,” Sasuke echoed, and huffed as he realized, but went on, “Itachi. My parents. But there’s so much of Itachi.”

“Is it all bad?”

“Itachi’s memories are pretty bad,” Sasuke shared, leaning against Naruto, “did you know, these eyes are Itachi’s. After transplanting them, I could glimpse into his recorded memories with the sharingan. They plague me in my dreams, sometimes. And all I can feel is his blood on my palms, and his smile.”

Naruto tightened his hold. Sasuke’s hand came to play at the strands in the back of Naruto’s nape. His hair had gotten longer.

“His memories f*ck me up,” Sasuke said, a belated admission, “he suffered so much. He made me live to kill him. He was an egoist. I don’t know… why… how… I don’t understand anything about him.”

Treading the line between Sasuke’s anger and love for his beloved brother, Naruto tried to answer, “that’s not true. You understand his path, and you were trying to make sense of it. You still are.”

“You know, I couldn’t ever really hate him,” Sasuke said, his body was going lax, and Naruto rubbed his palm between Sasuke’s shoulder blades, “I hated myself so much for it. For being unable to avenge my parents, and my clan with a full conviction. For not hating him enough to properly cut off our bond,” Sasuke stilled, and he shook his head, as if letting Naruto on too much than he predicted, “I couldn’t hate him fully. And I felt lost after the fact. And then Obito told me the truth, I mourned him through my actions.

“And now…” Sasuke laughed dully, a hollow sound that pulled at Naruto’s heartstrings. He wanted to hug Sasuke strongly for it, “Now, I’m left with nothing but this emptiness. And anger. So much anger.”

Honestly, Naruto was somewhat overwhelmed with the flood of emotions and truth coming from Sasuke. It was unlike Sasuke to talk so openly, knowing Naruto had him to hold.

“He should have killed me that night,” Sasuke said softly, it could be mistaken as part of the lull of the room and the hum of the fridge a short distance away.

“You have to live, Sasuke,” Naruto conveyed with emotion, willing Sasuke to remember their promise at the Valley of the End. “You deserve to live.”

Sasuke did not answer, but he tilted his chin towards the window, as the first rays of dawn illuminated the place.

“The question is how to live,” Sasuke said slowly, his hand palming Naruto’s nape, “how to make my life count when I understand nothing.”

“You really don’t think you understand anything?” Naruto asked, “Even with me here?”

“Yeah, I don’t,” Sasuke said, “For all I know, I could be executed for my trial.”

Naruto wrapped a firm arm around him, “that’s not happening.”

That was final. Naruto wouldn’t stand for that, or anything else less than Sasuke’s freedom. There was no discussing it further. Naruto would speak for him and force Kakashi’s hand if it came down to it.

Sasuke wasn’t convinced, Naruto could tell by his body language.

“You will live.”


“Anyway you want to,” Naruto affirmed.

Sasuke removed himself from Naruto’s hold. His eyelashes were slightly wet with his tears, and his paleness proved to his state, but he looked handsome as ever. Beautiful, if Naruto allowed himself to be descriptive. Sasuke looked into his eyes, and Naruto felt the beginning of realization take him over. Somehow, he knew what Sasuke was brewing to say.

But he couldn’t hear it.

“Sleep on the bed,” Naruto said quickly, looking away, “it’s more comfortable.”

Sasuke stared at him some more, and Naruto gritted his teeth and stood, scratching at the back of his head, “You don’t have to feel bad about it. Tell you what, it’s big enough for both of us. So until it’s properly morning, let’s go back to sleep.”

“I’ve slept on the hard ground before,” Sasuke said as matter of fact.

“My invitation still stands,” Naruto stood, and kicked at the floor, feeling weird, “I don’t know much about it, but I heard body contact helps with nightmares.”

Without vocally agreeing, Sasuke only made way to Naruto’s room. If Naruto’s eyes didn’t fail him, he could even spot a curl of the lips. Unusual, for he was expecting the bastard to snap at him for being an idiot and spluttering whatever came on his mind. In reality, Naruto was just bluffing. He wasn’t sure at all about sharing the bed with the bastard.

But after such a night, he refused to back off like a coward. Sasuke was fine with this. Naruto could pretend to be fine with it too.

Sasuke took the left side, and Naruto plopped down and was the first to turn his back on Sasuke. Likewise, he felt Sasuke shift and do the same.

Naruto buried his face into his pillow, hoping for sleep to take him and rid him of this strangeness that overtook him whenever he was with his friend. He’s never done such thing with Sasuke, but since both he and Sasuke were able to, he was confident that friends did do such things together. Though, he couldn’t exactly imagine himself doing this with Shikamaru… No way.

His foot accidentally brushed against Sasuke’s, and his heartbeat went wilder. Naruto kicked out, and Sasuke pinned his foot down with his own, as a manner of victory.

“What are you doing?” Naruto hissed, voice going higher and higher in pitch.

“You’re moving around too much,” Sasuke said blandly.

“You’re holding my foot down!”

“Because you almost kicked me.”

Naruto snorted without a second thought, “wait, was that close to your nuts?”

“No, but I’ll make sure mine do yours,” Sasuke snapped with equal measures frustrated and amused.

“Ha!” Naruto grinned and worked to stifle his laugh into his pillow.

And when Sasuke, too, laughed, Naruto felt the world right itself again.

This was okay.

Naruto didn’t like that Sasuke barely got out of the apartment. He’d slept more and more lately, too. When Naruto was around, he would look over Naruto’s shoulder when he was reading their scrolls, and very few times he’d make jokes that Naruto sometimes laughed to. Most of his jokes were about the times he’d stayed with Orochimaru, and Naruto found those distasteful. ‘Dark humor’, Sasuke would say, whenever Naruto became agitated.

Sasuke was also a surprisingly good cook, and Naruto felt warm at finding food on the table. As much as ramen held first place in his heart, Sasuke’s cooking was a close second. Eating a good meal together, talking and laughing, Naruto wanted these moments to last forever. Even as Sasuke’s smiles were faint, they were real, and even when his gaze signaled he was too deep inside his head, he still came back to Naruto.

Distantly, Naruto felt shame, but he managed to push it down when he thought of a future where a better Konoha would be home for Sasuke. Until then, Naruto would stand by Sasuke’s side, and any chains that bound him, Naruto would break. Just as he did Kurama’s.

Brat, he’s not your responsibility, Kurama had once inserted in Naruto’s head, but Naruto ignored him. Sasuke wasn’t his responsibility, but he was his friend. If Kurama wanted to give an input, Naruto hoped he’d clear up why Naruto felt so much shame at the thought of having Sasuke around rather than a useless worry over Naruto’s priorities.

“There’s a hot spring I want to soak in,” Naruto called over his shoulder as he was washing the dishes, “Sasuke, let’s check it out.”

“Why would I go?” Sasuke asked

Naruto couldn’t help the pout. He knew directly stating his worry for Sasuke’s isolation would result in his own embarrassment and Sasuke’s both incessant teasing and cool deflecting. But he remembered Yamato’s advice about bonding together in the hotsprings with Sai, and his determination spiked up. There was nothing he’d wished for more than Sasuke’s peace of mind.

“Why shouldn’t we?” So Naruto directed with simple nonchalance, and heard Sasuke sigh. He took the silence as an affirmative, and smiled to himself.

Naruto had jumped into the hot spring the first moment they’d arrived. He resurfaced with a boisterous laugh, and had it not been for the hotsprings being deserted this time of the day, he would have likely received scornful looks. Both for his noise and him being recognized as Jinchuuriki.

Sasuke was slower in pace, taking off his bathrobe uncaring of his nudity. There wasn’t anyone around but Naruto, but the question that prodded inside his mind about Sasuke’s relative comfort in this setting went straight to his lower stomach. Suddenly, he wasn’t sure if Sasuke was slow at undressing or whether Naruto was so transfixed and he perceived it in slow motion.

This was his first time in a hot spring with Sasuke. Naruto sat with his legs up against his chest.

Regardless, Sasuke walked closer, holding a towel in front of his crotch the whole time. Naruto’s eyes held for a moment, then his gaze snapped up to Sasuke’s, whose gaze was transfixed on his before he looked away.

“What?” Sasuke asked, his face hidden from Naruto apart from his reddened ears.

Naruto didn’t answer. He soaked more into the water and held his breath to dip until his eye level. The water was so hot, but his body felt hotter. He would have a complaint at the front desk for the hellish temperature in this water.

Sasuke sat himself right beside Naruto, then soaked down feet first into the hot water. Naruto jumped at their proximity, and faced off in the other direction. He didn’t want to keep watching Sasuke soaking further into the water.

“You’re right, this feels good,” Sasuke leaned back onto the rock. His arm was raised to rest comfortably.

Naruto risked a look, and as his breath ran out, he resurfaced to breathe in air. He flexed his toes and his fingers, then made a show for an annoyed look.

“Told you,” Naruto muttered, “you need to listen more to me. I’ll be your future Hokage-sama.”

Sasuke let out a smirk, “that’s not an order a Hokage would give, so I’ll pass on that.”

Huh. Sasuke didn’t make fun of Naruto’s resolve to be Hokage. After their fight, he’d acknowledged Naruto, so it was a form of validation. But Naruto thought Sasuke would still have a few teasing bones towards him in that regard.

Naruto smirked, “nah, my orders for you would be all about taking care of yourself.”

“I can take care of myself.” Sasuke gave him an annoyed side-eye.

“Sure,” Naruto said, placating him as the wise one. It caused Sasuke to further crease his eyebrows in annoyance, “you might be good in every department when it comes to being a shinobi, but you don’t know your limits. It’s fine, though, you’ll have me around for that.”

“You can’t even do your chores,” Sasuke fired back.

“Well!” Naruto suddenly puffed up, “that’s not what I meant. Mental support. That kind of stuff.”

Sasuke didn’t reply, and Naruto felt the need to shoot up with a correction to his terms. “Of course, Sakura-chan would be by your side, too. If you decide to get married after all.”

Sasuke sighed, “I would be hard pressed for that day to come.”

Naruto risked a glance, studying his friend’s features, and he looked annoyed, “you could marry any girl you want with that face,” Naruto looked the other way, feeling a strange pit in his stomach. “Bastard.”

“Rest easy on that front,” Sasuke said vaguely, and Naruto wondered if the sudden rise of the temperature was once again a fault of this inn’s.

“Of course, of course,” Naruto taunted again, smoothly changing the subject, “But anyways, I’m not letting my strongest Shinobi collapse on himself, I’m letting you know! So you drop the attitude.”

“Hn.” Sasuke hummed, and regarded Naruto as he laughed. Sasuke didn’t return the joviality, and Naruto raised an eyebrow, chuckling under his breath as his laugh slowly faded out.

He seemed to be contemplative, and his gaze went to stare forward with the ever strange aura that always worried Naruto. Some sort of irritation rose within Naruto when he realized Sasuke hadn’t agreed at all at any turn in their conversation. Did Sasuke still seem to think that he wouldn’t be able to get a pardon? Was he still lost, especially around Naruto?

Or did he have his own answer already, and Naruto, within his heart, knew what the answer could entail. More grace from him, more selfishness from Sasuke.

Naruto, I really don’t understand where you stand with this Uchiha, Kurama echoed in his mind.

I don’t know, Kurama. Sasuke is always… different. He wants things differently, and I have a feeling he’ll throw me in for a real surprise, Naruto didn’t know where his internal admittance came from. Maybe it was Kurama finally questioning Naruto’s internal struggles rather than inserting a falsified priority reset that encouraged Naruto to relay his feelings.

Keh, I can never understand humans, Kurama huffed with great irritation, let alone how Uchihas think. They’re so mysterious.

Naruto knew all about that, despite also knowing who Sasuke was, and how the nature of things went with him.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Sasuke spoke up before Naruto went further down the rabbit hole of his thoughts. Sasuke spared him a quick look, and his eyes slowly drifted away, “this is out of nowhere, but if you become Hokage, I need to know you’re right in your head.”

“And why the hell would I not be?” Naruto took offense in the prideful question, but eyed the strange body language Sasuke was exhibiting. He seemed almost… mindful.

Sasuke sighed, “During our fight with Kaguya, you roped me into that jutsu of yours. The one you’d practiced more than your Rasengan .”

Naruto piqued up, “What, my Reverse Harem Jutsu?”

Sasuke looked at him squarely, then narrowed his eyes, “yes.”

“What, Sasuke, you want to learn it?” Naruto scrambled up in a crouch, and leaned into Sasuke's space, becoming interested. Finally a jutsu he was going to teach Sasuke !

Sasuke made a face, then splashed some water on Naruto’s face, “I’m asking… to know, why you practiced it more than the Rasengan .”


Naruto fell back on his butt, seating himself. He had never thought too much of the question. He’d thought it fun, and he had his contests with Konohamaru that he’d swore to never lose. He’d spent a long time watching men for an inspiration of the most handsome faces he could turn into. And he’d done so discreetly. For fun.

But Sasuke wasn’t just asking if it was for fun. He was also asking why he’d practiced it more than the Rasengan .

Naruto refocused on Sasuke, and realized his friend looked more interested than Naruto thought. His eyebrows were creased closely together, and he was watching Naruto.

That’s right. Sasuke had spent all his time training seriously with Orochimaru, day in and day out. And after his battle with Itachi, he had no time for silly things. Naruto, though…

“It doesn’t make me any less likely to beat your ass, if that’s what you’re getting at!” Naruto snapped, his grin wild with both fury and excitement. No, he would not have Sasuke look down on him, or even pretend to.

‘Scaredy-cat’, Sasuke had called him, back in their genin days. Naruto still remembered it in his voice, and it came up even in his sleep. But he was Sasuke’s equal, now.

“What?” Sasuke said breathlessly.

“Is that what you’re looking for, Sasuke? A fight?” Naruto rolled his shoulder with an excited smirk. Maybe, in Sasuke’s mind, he also craved the thrill of exchanging fists and kicks, and that was the only way that his troubled and burdened soul could bring itself out of his slump. “We can fight right after we get out of here.”

Sasuke watched him for a moment, then he looked away, and snorted out a laugh. Naruto stopped rolling his shoulder, and felt his heart pound at Sasuke’s hearty laugh.

That same laugh when they laid side by side, relieved and satiated.

“You’re really an idiot,” Sasuke said to himself, his cheeks dusty with a pink, “Forget it.”

“What!” Naruto snapped.

“You’re too loud,” Sasuke directed him his trademark prideful smirk.

“You started it,” Naruto huffed with a laugh, “I have more Jutsus where they come from, y’know. And I’ll be a great Hokage who has a great sense of humor as well as Jutsus.”

“I see,” Sasuke said placatingly. Then, with another well-knowing smirk, “Still, I’ll win this match.”

Naruto grinned at the enthusiasm for their match being returned, Sasuke’s way.

Sasuke seemed content, as well.

And then, the hot springs demon came to life as he sensed Naruto’s great comfort next to Sasuke. Right in the front and between the space Naruto and Sasuke occupied. Naruto yelled in indignation, his very being shaken with the punishment delivered down to him by the heavens.

“I’ve been looking for you, Sasuke!” The demon seemed to know Sasuke, even greeting him with jovial comfort.

“Suigetsu,” Sasuke acknowledged a beat too late, then his tone took an irritated edge, “what do you want?”

Naruto’s spirit came back to him after the seconds of extreme shock and shame. He couldn’t even muster enough clarity to know why he deemed himself worthy of punishment.

“What the hell?” Naruto muttered hoarsely, “Sasuke, you know the demon of the hot springs?”

“I like that nickname,” The demon, Suigetsu, grinned sharply, his teeth as pointy as a shark’s.

“He’s a member of my team,” Sasuke explained calmly, but his features were still sharp with annoyance.

Suigetsu pointed a finger to Sasuke’s chest, without a care for Sasuke’s personal space. Naruto could understand when Sakura did it, or Ino, in the past, but it was because Sasuke was irresistible. Naruto knew that too well.

He felt a prickle of annoyance at the guy making himself comfortable. In Naruto’s view, it looked like he was seated on Sasuke’s lap too, if his lower body wasn’t water that mixed with the hotsprings' own.

“I came looking for you, because you were gone, and you didn’t bother to check in,” Suigetsu tutted.

“I told you, you’re free to do as you please. You’re no longer tied to me, or Orochimaru.” Sasuke said.

“Right,” Suigetsu kept jabbing his finger, Sasuke didn’t slap it away, “But look at me, coming into Konoha risking my head on a platter.”

“That’s your own doing.”

“I’m saying, I came all this way to see you, because everything went to f*ck” Suigetsu’s eyes snapped to Naruto, and he took him in, Naruto gave him a snappish look, “and you’re here with the bond you prided yourself on cutting off.”

“Hey, what do you want with Sasuke?” Naruto snapped with a good measure of rudeness. He went the extra bit to slap away Suigetsu’s hand, earning him Sasuke’s raised brow.

Suigetsu, strangely, laughed, “You know, blondie, your Sasuke here was the one who needed us for his agenda. I don’t ‘want’ anything from him.”

“You’ve never been bound to me,” Sasuke intervened just as Naruto opened his mouth.

“Yeah, but you’ve spent enough time with us to know Karin and Juugo are crazy,” Suigetsu finally piped up as he let in Sasuke on his troubles, “after you turned yourself in for Konoha and didn’t let them take us, Karin was crying. Sobbing and screaming. Orochimaru seemed in trouble as well, but that snake has his ways,” Suigetsu’s body made a full impression of a shiver, “So Karin went crazy and decided to steal Orochimaru’s money to get back at him!”

Sasuke stared at Suigetsu unimpressed.

“And Juugo!” Suigetsu raised his hands in the air, “he said he’s going to visit Kimimaro’s hideout, where he was kept, or something like that. Sasuke, we are all doomed!”

“What does that have to do with me?”

“You’re so cold,” Suigetsu laughed, “but no, I get it. I asked myself the same thing. I know you told us we’re free. And I went looking for Samehada, but that shark died, apparently. And I have no idea whom it belongs to now. Sorry, I can’t treat you to those shark fins. But I’m bored, don’t you get it? Our team was really, really fearsome. I actually enjoyed watching you go crazy. Most thrill I’ve felt in a while.”

Naruto was starting to feel agitated with the way this guy was perceiving his adventures through Sasuke’s suffering. Was this really a comrade Sasuke kept around him at all times?

“Long story short, I think it’d be great if you convinced Karin that what she’s doing is stupid,” Suigetsu announced, “She’s stolen big money, and I helped. My head will be on a platter, Sasuke!”

“Orochimaru won’t bother,” Sasuke drawled, and Suigetsu curled his lips downwards, “He’s despicable, but he won’t go so far as to go against what I’ve told him.”

“You talked to Orochimaru?” Naruto quickly asked before the talkative guy blabbered on again.

“During the war,” Sasuke supplied, but did not elaborate.

“Sasuke!” Suigetsu shrieked, “You’re the most difficult of them all. Always doing as you wish.”

“Just live the way you want to,” Sasuke raised a hand in a manner that suggested an easy solution.

“And what about you?” Suigetsu asked, then looked at Naruto again. He stared for a long time, and Naruto responded in kind. A shark’s focused gaze against a fox’s intense glare on its prey.

Sasuke didn’t respond, so Suigetsu broke the staring contest, and turned to Sasuke, “Sasuke, you prefer being chained down?”

Sasuke’s expression was perfectly blank. Naruto’s body hair prickled in a full shiver of shock, and was able to recognize Sasuke’s gaze descend into the same abyss it did when he was lost.

“He’s not chained down,” Naruto replied, deciding to be Sasuke’s voice when Sasuke was too tired, “he’s with me, right here.”

Suigetsu laughed dully, “he might not be chained in the prisons underground now, but he might be later. And even then, if he never was, there are chains that aren’t just metal and dark cells. There are water tanks.”

“What the hell are you saying?”

Suigetsu turned to Sasuke, ignoring Naruto’s question and refusing to elaborate, “Sasuke, I still can’t stand you and your orders. And before, I wouldn’t have cared enough to bring this up. But I’m sure you’re not the type of person to stay chained down. Otherwise, I’d lose my respect for you.”

Chained down? Sasuke? When Naruto was around to keep him safe?

That feeling of shame resurfaced. Sakura’s words and his own echoed back in his head.

Clarity washed upon Naruto like he was doused in cold ice, and he watched Suigetsu move away.

“Whatever, I will go bother Karin,” Suigetsu put on a charade of nonchalance, but then his eyes flickered to Naruto, and he smirked nastily, “And I’ll tell her she stands absolutely no chance.”

And then, he fully manifested into water and swam away, disappearing.

Naruto found himself swallowing as the pieces connected in his head.

Sasuke had never agreed or looked particularly content to being back to the normalcy of what once was. He’d been lost, all this time, especially around Naruto because Naruto wanted him alive. Sasuke wanted to exist, but he didn’t know how to. He’d told Naruto as much, and Naruto had gone into a spiral of having to keep Sasuke alive.

He’d been Sasuke’s dilemma this whole time.

In a strange moment of retrospection, Naruto remembered the bed restraints he’d unbinded off of Sasuke when they first awoke in the hospital. Those chains were tight, firm, but dignified in their way of keeping Sasuke bound. They weren’t like the metal chains of the underground prisons, but they were chains nonetheless. And Naruto’s existence did the same to Sasuke. Chains that held him down out of love, when Sasuke could soar into the sky.

Ah. Naruto thought numbly. That foreboding in his gut made sense. He’d been afraid of Sasuke communicating his real desire with him, so he kept himself firmly locked away. And now, Naruto understood why Sasuke would have every right to go against Naruto’s clashing desires with his, but Naruto couldn’t find it in him to be selfless.

No, he didn’t want to do that whole spiel from years ago once more, and this time with a willing heart. He wasn’t willing.

A few drops of water fell on Naruto’s bare shoulders, then several more followed, and a sudden drizzle of rain was bathing them both in these hot springs. It didn’t say that it was going to rain today.

Sasuke was the first to ease himself out of the water, and he offered a hand to Naruto. Naruto took it, grasping it and refusing to let go even as he stood. He did not gauge Sasuke's expression, afraid to see one he didn’t want.

Eventually, he let go, and walked with Sasuke back into the changing room. The drizzle of the rain unable to drown out the memories of the past four years, of Naruto chasing Sasuke.

“Naruto,” Sasuke had called one night, his back turned to Naruto. They always slept together on the bed now.

“Hm?” Naruto was trying to sleep.

“I’m still lost,” Sasuke relayed as a whisper in the night. The rain outside was an accompaniment to Sasuke’s melancholic desires.

“Even more with me, still?” Naruto’s eyes opened, his eyes boring into the darkness.

Sasuke was silent. But then, his voice was so certain, “No.”

No. He didn’t feel lost around Naruto, anymore. Could there be a chance, still, that Sasuke would give in to Naruto this one time too?

“You give me hope,” Sasuke was talkative this time of the night. Naruto didn’t need to ask for more clarification. “And with that hope, I know there’s still something I need to do.”


“I need to find meaning.”

There is meaning in us, Naruto ached to say, but it was selfish. Sasuke deserved to see meaning in the world, meaning that contained more than just Naruto’s existence, or their bond’s.

“I need to leave to some place, far away,” Sasuke drove the statement home. Naruto gripped his sheets, hid more of his face in his pillow, and wanted to sob.

He’d worked all these years to have him back, he didn’t want him away, again.

Ask me to come. Take me with you. Naruto wanted to say, but he knew the things he was entrusted with. He knew Sasuke admitted his loss to him, but on the condition Naruto showed him what change could bring about. He could not give up on what he was entrusted with, and also break the basis of Sasuke’s hope in him.

Sasuke was tense, Naruto could feel, but he did not turn around. He wasn’t Sasuke’s keeper, and his words would never chain Sasuke down. He would not stand for it.

Sasuke has always been unchained. Sasuke has never been only a martyr. Sasuke was the impossibility of the universe, the passive force that strove after grand fundamentals, and never mere ideas.

The person whom Naruto burned for.

Naruto did not reply, but silence was all he could hope to give.

The days to Sasuke’s trial were approaching, and Naruto was thinking over the defenses in his head. Sasuke remained passive everytime the trial was mentioned. Kakashi had paid them a visit in Naruto’s place, and his one piece of advice was for Sasuke not to mention the Uchiha clan massacre.

He earned himself a glare, and Sasuke’s words of disdain. Kakashi looked like he had more to say, advice disguised as silencing from the mighty to grant a second chance that was rightfully Sasuke’s without need for appeal. Sasuke’s eyes darkened further on, and Naruto went cold at the Village that only served to further chained Sasuke down.

Naruto was in over his head, his words sounding childish to his own ears, but he needed to convince Sasuke to stay, some way or another.

“I’m sure Kakashi-sensei just wants it to go as smoothly as possible,” He’d told Sasuke, and he wasn’t proud of himself for it.

Sasuke had gone mute after that, and barely uttered another word to Naruto.

Naruto knew then more than ever before, he was a real idiot. Sasuke had never told him that the Village was right to hate Naruto in his childhood, that it was only logical they feared the Jinchuuriki. Sasuke had sincerely understood him, treating him as he would a friend, a comrade. And even in that regard, Naruto knew he was special in Sasuke’s eyes, because he had been Sasuke’s only friend.

Naruto saw the mistake in his own behaviour, and knew his shame would subside if with a mere apology, and a willing heart to let Sasuke go. But he couldn’t let him go so easily, even as he understood every bit of Sasuke that belonged beyond the walls of Konoha. To soar in the world and discover truth beyond what fate dealt him with.

Naruto was a bad friend. The true testament of their bond laid in his hands, and he would crush it?

So Naruto’s slow and contemplative strides carried him into the evening. He passed by people, some greeting him with smiles, and allowed a few smiles of his own when he noticed theirs. But he was too far into his head, and his heart ached from doing so much wrong by Sasuke. He hadn’t wanted it to go this direction, and he would want to keep away from that.

Never give up, that was his Ninja way. Would letting Sasuke have his way be breaking his Ninja way?

Naruto jolted when he bumped his shoulder into a presence by his side. He was about to curse the person who stood in his way, but the dark long hair and faint eyes of a certain friend halted his tongue.

“Hinata?” Naruto raised an eyebrow. Her cheeks were flush, and she stuttered a few times as she talked before he could make out what she meant.

“I-I was calling you,” Hinata said, her hands tightly clasped together, “You didn’t hear me call you out?”

“No,” Naruto admitted, giving an apologetic smile, “sorry, did you need something?”

Hinata went red, and Naruto wondered why she was always this strange. He was weird, and Sasuke was his own kind of weird, but he was used to his friend’s nature.

“You look sad, so I thought I’d check on you,” Hinata said under her breath.

She could tell? Naruto didn’t know he could be so open with his emotions. Sasuke told him he wore his heart on his sleeve, but that was only because Sasuke prided himself on knowing Naruto. Naruto almost shivered at the idea that his thoughts about Sasuke could be easily recognized on his features as well. Naruto couldn’t live it down.

“I was just thinking,” Naruto assured her, flailing his one hand, “Sakura-chan and Sai would joke that I don’t know how to do it, but I can think too.”

“Of course,” Hinata replied lamely, but she seemed like she truly believed in his words.

“Thanks. Take care, Hinata,” Naruto waved and passed her. He’d only realized as he was talking to Hinata where his feet had brought him. He looked around the familiar neighborhood, and headed to the apartment of his teacher.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Iruka’s voice echoed with panic from behind the door of his apartment as Naruto knocked and waited. He found himself grinning at his teacher’s antics, probably as clumsy as Naruto was in his own place. If it hadn’t been for Sasuke’s need for order and cleanness, Naruto would be as perplexed. The only thing Naruto did right was remember when to water his plants.

Right. Naruto had gotten used to Sasuke around the place. It would feel so empty once his friend left.

“Ah!” The door opened, and Iruka was huffing in his rush to the door, “Naruto!”

Naruto was positively intrigued, “What’s with all the panic?”

Iruka gritted his teeth, “it’s fine, it’s nothing. I was trying to cook, and all the eggs fell on my floor.”

“Ha! So you can’t cook either, Iruka-sensei,” Naruto laughed a full bellied laugh, “and you were going on about teaching me chores.”

“It was an accident! An accident!” Iruka defended himself, and let Naruto in, “what’s up? You’re here alone?”

“Ah, I wanted to check on you,” Naruto put his hand behind his head, and grinned, “my legs just brought me here.”

Iruka watched him, “I thought you’d bring Sasuke along.”

“Well, Sasuke is…” Naruto failed to elaborate, “but wait, you wouldn’t mind? You like him? You trust my words about Sasuke, now?”

Iruka sighed, “there’s nothing to trust when it comes to him, in my opinion anyways. But you do get along, and Kakashi-san told me you two are close. I suppose I’m fine with him.”

Naruto gulped his glass of water down to drown out the warmth that was rising up his chest. He didn’t know where the feeling of validation suddenly emerged from, and for what reason, but Sasuke being approved of by Iruka made him giddy. Ultimately, he didn’t know why he felt the need to drown it out from within him.

Then, the overarching realization struck him again, of Sasuke leaving anytime soon. The bastard could risk it all and leave right now, without bidding goodbye to Naruto, and it wouldn’t surprise Naruto one bit. Petty, but a terrifying thought.

“What, you two fought again?” Iruka sat across from, and chuckled under his breath after gauging Naruto’s reaction. “Ever since you two were kids, I swear, you’re always butting heads…”

“Well, if he wasn’t so stubborn…” Naruto muttered.

“Don’t absolve yourself of the blame,” Iruka’s laughter went higher in volume, “it’s always been you who goaded him on.”

“Back then, he was always so prideful, but…” Naruto clenched his one hand, “I just wanted him to look at me. And now, he’s still not looking at me. He’s acknowledged me, but he thinks there’s something more for him out there, and I…”

Naruto was starting to feel agitation again. He recognized his own selfish desire, but was it so wrong to need Sasuke by his side, after all he’d gone through to bring him back. Even Naruto’s promise of fixing the Shinobi world had Sasuke looking elsewhere, faraway…

“Hmm, I don’t know that boy as well as you do, Naruto,” Iruka said slowly, “but I’m sure he has his reasons.”

“I… I know his reasons,” Naruto admitted, now properly embarrassed, “I just want him to focus on the present, rather than the past, or a very distant future.”

“Huh. That boy really makes you feel this deeply. You sound very smart, Naruto,” Iruka said with a light tone.

“Iruka-sensei!” Naruto scolded. He was beside himself with doubt, almost in tears, and Iruka was laughing off the matter.

Iruka was smiling, “I know, Naruto. Listen, when Jiraiya-sama died, I could comfort you with words because I heard how much praise and love he had for you. I don’t know about Sasuke, but I know one thing, he came back. For you. His next step might not make sense to you, but if you talk it out with him, it will be clear,” Iruka paused, then with a contemplative crease of the eyebrows, he repeated, “he came back, Naruto, for you . Meet him halfway.”

Naruto knew the meaning of Sasuke’s admittance of loss, and his comeback to Konoha. But it was specifically because of Konoha that he was miserable. Iruka was right, Naruto had to meet Sasuke halfway, and force himself to make decisions he’s been afraid to confront.

Regardless of the outcome, he’ll still have Sasuke. He always will.

“The bastard and I don’t talk,” Naruto muttered loudly, and with the loud admission, he knew how to confront Sasuke.

“Well, then you can do what you’ve always been good at,” Iruka said anyway, surprising even Naruto, “beat it out of him.”

That’s exactly what Naruto had in mind.

“Just make sure you don’t tear another limb off of each other.” Iruka said belatedly, exhausted, and Naruto grinned as he got up and dashed out of the door. He yelled his thanks over his shoulder. He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, his hurry and anticipation unmatched.

The evening sun had long descended on the horizon, the sky bled from orange to purple and pink hues. The stars would be visible in the sky if Naruto took time to look up. His eyes were, however, fixated straight ahead on the one certainty of his life.

All paths led to Sasuke. Even if Naruto was in the midst of a three-way intersection, all his answers laid in Sasuke.

Naruto flopped down on his window sill, and opened it from the outside. Sasuke was laid down on his bed. His friend did not jump nor react at Naruto’s sudden intrusion in his own place. He must have felt Naruto’s chakra signature coming closer.

Instead, Sasuke stared at him from underneath his lashes, bored and almost scowling.

“Get up,” Naruto ordered, extending a hand, “come with me.”

“Where?” Sasuke drawled.

“Not telling.”

“It’s late.”

“What, you’re acting like an old man already?” Naruto taunted, “you were going to sleep at this hour?”

Sasuke eyed Naruto’s outstretched palm, then his eyes flickered to Naruto’s. He didn’t give way to any emotion, but Naruto knew the cautiousness that was slowly melting down the longer Sasuke stared at Naruto. Eventually, Sasuke sat up, and clasped Naruto’s hand.

With a smile, Naruto led Sasuke away from his moping nest, and to somewhere he knew Sasuke would come alive.

Naruto came crouching down on the open field, then stretched his legs. Sasuke stood behind him, not asking a single question. But he was smart enough to understand.

“We didn’t get to spare yet, after that rainy day,” Naruto elaborated on his own. Slowly, Naruto’s single hand came to undo his Protector, and he set it on the ground.

He faced Sasuke, who stared at him with relative surprise.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Sasuke asked.

“I want to fight you,” Naruto admitted, hoping Sasuke understood his sincerity. He wasn’t going to repeat the same mistakes as before, “As your friend, I want to exchange fists with you. And understand you. Not as a Shinobi from Konoha, but as your friend.”

Sasuke’s eyes softened, and Naruto’s heart skipped a beat, “Why? Why go so far for me?”

“You always… always keep asking these questions,” Naruto huffed, “I told you after our battle. But if you keep asking, I’ll admit one more time that I don’t understand it all either. But I understand you, and I want to keep understanding you.”

Sasuke looked to be in two minds about a certain matter, though Naruto couldn’t place his finger on what, exactly. Sasuke knew better how to define their bond than Naruto could hope to, and yet he always looked the more confused of the two.

“If you beat me, I’ll let you leave,” Naruto dared, extending his fist towards Sasuke.

Sasuke stared at him, then smirked with the fighting spirit Naruto had grown to respect and aspire to be like. Sasuke was radiant in his confidence, and his willingness to succumb to Naruto’s idiotic ways. And he looked all too pliant to do as Naruto wished, as if it gave him strength to be stupid with Naruto. And with that, the impossible.

“That’s selfish,” Sasuke said with his usual brutal honesty.

“You’re that scared you’d lose?” Naruto smirked back.

“In your dreams, Usuratonkachi,” Sasuke said with a grit in his voice, and Naruto felt it in his own gut.


With his prideful smirk and his single hand outstretched in invitation for an attack, Sasuke’s calculative eyes were all on Naruto. Naruto found himself grinning, and so he went for the first attack. Naruto threw a punch that Sasuke easily blocked with his forearm. Sasuke kicked at his waist, and if Naruto had his other arm, he would’ve blocked it. He ducked belatedly, thanking every higher power for not receiving Sasuke’s kick straight to his skull.

Naruto fought so his senses wouldn’t unconsciously stretch and utilise Kurama’s chakra mode. Sasuke hasn’t even activated his sharingan. Admittedly, it was fun sparring with only Taijutsu, dancing around each other’s punches and trying to find a way to best each other.

“I already told you why I have to leave,” Sasuke grunted, and Naruto was honestly surprised he was willing to start this conversation.

He needed this as much as Naruto feared it.

“And I told you, I’ll change the village for you!” Naruto countered, the force in his words translating into his aggressive fighting style, “You can wait, and I’ll show you… No necessary sacrifices need to be made.”

“This isn’t about sacrifices anymore.”

You leaving is a sacrifice!” Naruto bellowed, “I don’t want you to have to leave when the Village is capable of so much change!”

Sasuke kicked at his stomach, sending Naruto to crash into a tree. Naruto performed the seals for substitution Jutsu, and his previous form crashed into the tree. Naruto’s next instinct was to perform shadow clone Jutsu, but he was still working on his one-handed seals, and hadn’t perfected them all. He charged from Sasuke’s left, and huffed in annoyance when Sasuke countered him with his forearm.

“I don’t view my leaving as a sacrifice,” Sasuke explained, watching their power struggle , “I am… lost, Naruto. And in this village, I can’t withstand existing. This is the Village that slaughtered my family. And took my brother away from me.”

Naruto paused, then swallowed. That was correct, and even knowing that, Naruto somehow still dared feel sad for his own sake. It was selfish, all of it.

“I want to find meaning, to understand how I can live with the way I am now,” Sasuke explained, “I can’t live for vengeance anymore. Surely, there is a type of revolution that we can enact together. The answer is out there.”

For the first time since that dawn in the Valley of the End, Sasuke’s eyes were shining with newfound hope. Up close, he looked at Naruto squarely, and seemed to need nothing more than the validation of his friend. He was going to leave, Naruto knew, but he wanted Naruto’s consent too.

That meant something.

“You’ll be leaving me, too,” Naruto said softly, a last ditch effort for some words of comfort.

Sasuke eased his struggle, and Naruto let go, plopping down on the ground to sit. Sasuke didn’t wish to win this fight in order to leave, and Naruto knew all that was going to happen regardless of the outcome. Slowly, his friend came to sit beside him, so close their shoulders were touching. Naruto gazed at the sky, the stars dotting the night sky with intricate patterns. This was the first clear night sky in a while, as the rain had been intermittent mostly at night. Sasuke was gazing at the sky, too. And upon a quick flicker to Sasuke’s side profile, Naruto saw the pensive look on his friend. He looked handsome, beautiful, as the constellations reflected in his mismatched eyes.

“Our bond is inevitable,” Sasuke said eventually, with slow precision so that every word was well understood, “You exist within me, and I exist within you. You belong here, and I belong… somewhere. Or nowhere. But our bond is all we have.”

“You belong with me!” Naruto quickly corrected as he turned to face him. The gall for Sasuke to think he had no one left in this world! This was the same he’d said back in the Valley of the End, going on about having no clan and family now, and thus deeming himself perfect to be thrust into eternal solitude. But he had Naruto.

Sasuke’s eyes went wide, and he looked into Naruto properly, as if deciphering something from deep within him. Naruto didn’t understand the need for that. He was right in front of Sasuke, and his emotions were on full display. This was as embarrassing as it could get. Surely Sasuke saw that.

“I…” Sasuke looked away, uncharacteristically withdrawn, then looked up from beneath his eyelashes, “I know that, Naruto. But until I find myself and who I can be in this world, we will see.”

Naruto huffed, then gave a curt nod, “how long…?”

“I don’t know.”

“Will you come back?” Naruto asked hopefully.

“To see you, yes,” Sasuke answered.

This should be enough.

Naruto held onto Sasuke, and, one-armed, hugged him close. He would let Sasuke go. Sasuke was the enigma of the universe, a beautiful one for Naruto to forever chase after. Not in the wish to contain him, but to keep up and soar with him.

Naruto was the wind to Sasuke’s fire, after all, propelling him forward, and magnifying his flames.

“Konoha isn’t a place to chain you down,” Naruto said with strong conviction, “it should be a place where you can exist, too.”

Sasuke’s arm came around him too, and with the scoff he let out, Naruto could tell he was smiling.

“I’ll become Hokage, and I’ll change it,” Naruto promised fervently, “right now, I am weak. I need to study, and understand that a Hokage is more than the strongest. I’ll establish something out of this Village, Sasuke, something you’ll be proud of. And it will change the world.”

Sasuke parted from their embrace, and took in Naruto with a hint of astonishment, and worry that was misplaced. Naruto remained resolute, giving Sasuke something to hold onto, the same way Sasuke was all Naruto had to hold onto.

“You’re just an idiot,” Sasuke said with a laugh disguised as a scoff, but it wasn’t mocking, for his eyes held some sort of belief that was hopeful rather than dark resolve, “what will you do?”

“You’ll see!” Naruto raised his hand, making a grand proclamation, “First the Alliance, then the clans. Eventually, we will utilise both our ideas to change the world. Sasuke, I truly believe both our ideas can be applicable. Your revolution and my ideas, this is going to be the start of our world!”

Naruto’s excitement jumped off of him in heaps, and Sasuke soaked it in, despite being the more realistic of the two. He still looked hesitant, perhaps with more intricate thoughts going over his mind, whereas Naruto was throwing grand ideals, but he looked peaceful.

Sasuke was smiling. And it was most beautiful.

“I know you’ll be a great Hokage,” Sasuke said after a pause, and Naruto felt the words bloom within him.

Those words coming from Sasuke, meant more than the world to Naruto. Being someone in Sasuke’s eyes, being believed in, it was all that made sense to Naruto. Sasuke always made all the sense that was Naruto.

Naruto jumped to embrace him again, and hugged him close enough so that his tears could be kept at bay. Sasuke protested at the rough handling, but returned the hug nonetheless.

There was no need for tears, they were more meaningful than the world’s complexities.

With a fresh perspective, Naruto came to understand why leaving was crucial to Sasuke’s well-being. On the few occasions that he met his friends, most of them expressed distaste for Sasuke’s actions. Kiba was the most vocal, and Naruto found that he had long since ran out of care to counter his friends’ arguments. He had told them before, Sasuke wasn’t a person to beat with brute force. And similarly, he wasn’t a person to chain down and contain into a box with brute force either.

The moment of the trial arrived, and it went about in an anti-climactic manner. Naruto presented his own arguments before the council, and Kakashi spoke with protectiveness about his student. The clan heads and the two elders only looked upon Sasuke with scrutiny.

Naturally, Sasuke was only allowed the pretenses of speaking before being cut off. Naruto had been warned by Kakashi that this would happen, and Naruto came to know the real underlying stigma the council held for his friend. Just as they did against Naruto for being Jinchuuriki, Sasuke was scrutinized for being an Uchiha.

The curse of hatred, the council said. A knowledge the Second Hokage had passed down to his trusted Shinobis. With every word Sasuke spoke, he’d be silenced with claims of madness. Even when he spoke of the Uchiha massacre, both elders of the council feigned ignorance. And as there was no proof of this truth, the bold accusation presented more of a negative to Sasuke’s case. Naruto had only directed them a glare for the council to shut their mouth.

Naruto had to learn. He was an idiot by nature, and he would likely remain an idiot for as long as he lived. But idiocy didn’t mean naivety. And naivety wouldn’t define him.

He was going to make Konoha a home for Sasuke, just as it was back in his childhood.

Naruto had regarded his friend the whole time, and noted the hatred in his gaze. Naruto understood it too well, he didn’t want to contain it. But he worked to stretch out his understanding, and noted the different perspectives of the other clan heads.

The clan heads had all voted for a second chance for Sasuke, arguing that he saved them along with Naruto, and his powers could serve Konoha a great deal. As if having predicted that outcome, Kakashi presented the services right away as a set of missions of his usefulness even as a Rogue. Tsunade backed him with her support.

Unity was power.

They were all rallying with the wrong reasons, but Naruto wouldn’t create more divide when these few blessings counted for Sasuke’s freedom. He would work to rally them in his favour for the future.

Sasuke had been inexpressive, then, brewing with anger underneath, but he looked mildly surprised by the end when he was granted his freedom in the Village.

From where they were standing, Sakura held onto Naruto’s hand, both their eyes overfilled with tears at Sasuke’s pardon.

Sasuke, coming to see them and taking in their tears, cracked only a small smile, and both Naruto and Sakura hugged him. And even Kakashi came forward, and ruffled their heads. Sasuke’s face twisted with discomfort, but it melted into one of concession.

Sasuke even agreed on a celebration with team seven together, later that day.

“Sasuke?” Naruto had called on Sasuke as they were walking home, remaining rooted as the drizzle of the rain sprinkled down on him. Sasuke had been the one holding their shared umbrella, and looked back to check on Naruto.

“You’re getting wet, Usuratonkachi,” Sasuke raised a critical eyebrow.

“I’ll change it,” Naruto promised Sasuke again, hoping for the rain to stop. Sasuke’s prickly gloom permeated the air, and Naruto could only make promises for now. He needed Sasuke to believe that his cause was for him. “I’ll change this village.”

Sasuke regarded him with an expressionless face, not even a curl of the lip or a twitch in his eyebrows. The perfect picture of gloom, lukewarm tears already dried up long, long ago. And Naruto would cry the tears for him, if only to hurry the process of his promise.

“It’s not just the Village,” Sasuke said above the soft pitter-patter of the rain, “the whole world ought to change.”

Naruto nodded. He knew the implication in Sasuke’s words. This was a big responsibility.

“I have you,” Naruto said, knowing where to draw strength from.

Sasuke offered a curl of the lips, the closest approximation to a smile. Sasuke had told him before his trial; that if it had been any other person, a person this village deemed a criminal for doing things a different way, they would have been executed. He didn’t regard it a blessing that Naruto and Kakashi were on his side, but a read on the village’s morality.

Sasuke always made Naruto think. Question, and perceive.

That was right. Sasuke hadn’t ought to fight for his freedom today. He was born free. Never to pledge loyalty to the Village. Never to be chained down. Forever the impossibility of the world, and the beginning of Naruto’s story.

In the same vein, Naruto wouldn’t strive to have loyalty pledged to him as Hokage.

Naruto finally stepped under the umbrella with Sasuke, and watched his friend’s shoulders ease. The sky was still raining, but Naruto walked home with his friend, and the single normalcy granted them was one of the blessings from the sky.

“I thought you would leave after getting the prosthetic from Tsunade-baa-chan,” Naruto watched his friend pack in the morning, as he lay on the bed still. Sasuke looked over his shoulder, then didn’t give him a response.

Sasuke had a thing for silent treatments whenever they had an argument or a fight. After Sasuke told Naruto the day of his departure, Naruto had forbidden him to leave before getting the arm. He didn’t think Sasuke would throw him in for yet another loop, doing just as his head deemed right.

“f*cking bastard,” Naruto grunted, feeling his head ache, “Why don’t you ever do as told?”

“Because I don’t need to listen to you,” Sasuke sniffed proudly, shouldering his satchel. He was leaving.

Naruto pounded on the bed, “No, you are not leaving today. I’ll tell Kakashi-sensei to hold you at the premises if I have to.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

“I’ll do it! I will actually do it! I’ll make a hundred shadow clones and hold you back myself!” Naruto bellowed, his fist raised in an effort to intimidate Sasuke.

“I told you,” Sasuke turned to properly look at Naruto, “I have somewhere to be, and I’d like to arrive there before winter. That’s all.”

“You still won’t tell me where,” Naruto muttered, but didn’t push Sasuke for an elaboration. He didn’t need the explanation again. “Is this so you won’t be getting an arm, after all…?”

Sasuke was silent.

“Sasuke, I’m talking to you!”

Once again his friend didn’t deign him with a response. He stood, and watched Naruto half out of bed. Naruto felt strangely self-conscious, but his facade stayed on.

“You never f*cking learn,” Sasuke sighed. Naruto didn’t get how Sasuke could walk around like he always held a right in their arguments. Naruto could be right too!

“You’re doing this on purpose!” Naruto bellowed once more, “you didn’t tell me this was your plan until yesterday. Why do you always cross me?”

“Maybe, because things aren’t always about you,” Sasuke gave him a stern stare, and walked out of the room, “Leave it, Naruto. I’ll go see Kakashi, and then leave.”

And then he left.

Without a proper goodbye to Naruto, nor properly settling things. They had promised to write to each other, and for Sasuke to eventually come see Naruto. But this was it. He knew Sasuke was bad at partings, and because he was, he left in a normal manner as to enforce that this was simply another day to him; and not, in fact, goodbye.

Still, Naruto stared at his ceiling, feeling the reality of the moment settle on his chest.

Sasuke was leaving. And it hurt so much. Why did it hurt so much, when Naruto had concluded that his departure didn’t mean their end? Sasuke had bared himself open, over and over again, and Naruto still cried tears of abandonment for his friend.

Sasuke, Naruto hugged his pillow, and felt the last of his tears squeeze out of his lashes. He was angry, and lonely, but he knew Sasuke felt it just the same. That didn’t serve to alleviate his tears, it only made him sob more. All he’d ever wanted was for Sasuke to be okay.

Their time spent together had been the best. Despite the downsides, Naruto wanted that time to last forever with Sasuke. He wanted to cook with Sasuke, eat ramen together, and drink when they both came of age. He wanted to learn new Jutsus with him, go on missions with him, and then, when he became Hokage, have Sasuke as his strongest ally by his side.

Perhaps, being stripped off of these normalities was a consequence of who they were, and what their bond entailed.

Naruto sniffed, and reached for the picture of team 7 on his nightstand. He’d seen Sasuke once stare at it without reaching out, schooling a pensive gaze. And now that Naruto stared at it, he realized this was one of the only pictures he’d had of Sasuke. And the one they’d taken together after his trial’s verdict, in celebration.

He had another thing of Sasuke’s; his forehead protector. To hold onto and remember him by-


His whole endeavor for keeping it was to give it back to its owner.

f*ck’s sake, brat, Kurama rumbled with laugher in his consciousness.

Naruto scrambled out of his bed and looked for Sasuke’s forehead protector in his wardrobe. He retrieved it quickly, and ran out of the door before he missed Sasuke. Technically, he still had time. Sasuke must have stopped already at Kakashi's office. Naruto had no idea how long he spent on his bed, but he must make it in time.

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, then reaching the Village’s outskirts, Naruto went into the woods, thinking Sasuke had gone ahead already.

You can feel his chakra, Naruto, Kurama reminded him helpfully, laughing at his misery.

“Tell me sooner,” Naruto growled low in his throat, but was thankful to Kurama. He stopped to concentrate, and felt his friend some distance behind him, still by Konoha’s borders.

Naruto couldn’t contain his giddiness. Sasuke was going to be surprised when he commences his journey, only to stumble on Naruto waiting by the trees, in all his grand glory.

These thoughts always surfaced when it came to Sasuke. Perhaps Naruto still viewed him as the rival that was too co*cky for his sake, but that wasn’t really it. Fundamentally, Naruto merely wanted Sasuke to look at him, and be satisfied with him. Without feeling lost in his presence.

Footsteps sounded closer, and Naruto straightened his posture. He leaned on the tree behind him, and watched as Sasuke’s steps faltered just the slowest bit as he came upon Naruto. The bastard still had a controlled expression.

“I didn’t think you’d come see me off,” Sasuke’s voice, however, signaled all the surprise he’d felt.

Naruto only had to sigh, and extend his hand with the headband. Sasuke often possessed the qualm of thinking that everything ended by his own whim, but Naruto had more than a say in that matter. Where Sasuke pulled away in passivity, Naruto would push with all his might, just as was in their nature to meet each other in the middle.

Sasuke eyed his headband in Naruto’s palm, then looked up from underneath his lashes. He has been doing that more and more lately.

“You still kept that thing,” Sasuke murmured again, and Naruto would almost laugh for the talkativeness he could get out of Sasuke sometimes. But Sasuke’s eyes flickered over to Naruto’s missing limb again, and Naruto sensed his friend’s dilemma.

He’d let that be. They would speak more on that matter in letters, and perhaps Sasuke would be more eloquent in writing than he is normally with his curt words.

Sasuke took his headband protector, and swiped the pad of his thumb over its scratch. He looked to be contemplative, deep in thought.

“Sasuke,” Naruto called over softly, and Sasuke turned his attention from the headband, to lock eyes with him, “I know that you can find meaning. And when you do, tell me about your journey.”

Sasuke smiled, one of his most beautiful ones yet, and nodded. He put his headband in his pocket, and looked Naruto over. Naruto saw so many thoughts flash by behind his eyes, and he took a moment, as if considering what to say to Naruto.

In the end, he chose not to say anything, and turned to go, “I’ll be going.”

“Sasuke, wait!” Naruto called, a bit breathless, speechlessness cursing him like a dam built to keep his words at bay.

There was so much to say. So much of it, that Naruto understood Sasuke’s struggle and his concession with the silence.

Nonetheless, Naruto reached with a hand, and put it on Sasuke’s shoulder.

“I need to know–” Naruto spoke up, but his voice constricted around his tears, and he cursed himself inwardly. So much for looking cool! “I need to know you’re coming back.”

Sasuke’s eyes softened, but Naruto wasn’t done yet.

“I need to know you’re coming back to me,” Naruto said, his eyes no doubt looking about to spill over with tears, “you’re not going out there and thinking of– ending it all. You know that would,” Naruto swallowed, “that would kill me, Sasuke. Tell me. Tell me that you will live. That you want to live.”

“Naruto,” Sasuke’s hand came to palm at his cheek, the coldness of his palm jolting Naruto out of his own panic, “breathe.”

“Just, tell me!” Naruto grunted, uncaring that he was having a breakdown over Sasuke’s departure.

“I– I will,” Sasuke came into his view, and he looked so sincere, and alive, and truly the Sasuke who was ready to soar in the sky, as a hawk with a clear directive, “I will, Naruto.”

Naruto clung onto him, and his one hand fisted at Sasuke’s back, keeping himself rooted with his grip. Sasuke rested on Naruto’s shoulder, then put his palm on Naruto’s shoulder blades.

“How can you be so sure?” Naruto dared as a whisper. Because he knew Sasuke would not lie to him, but he also knew Sasuke’s moods and how he got in his darkest moments. The descent into the labyrinth of his thoughts, memories of the past, and his will to exist without a clear directive like vengeance was still meaning he was trying to find.

Sasuke still believed he should have gone with his parents, and Naruto had to know he wasn’t letting him go to finish the job.

Naruto would not survive it.

“Because you’re my one and only,” Sasuke told him over the crook of his shoulder, and Naruto’s eyes went wide with understanding. That sunset, before their final clash, Sasuke’s final admittance to him. Sasuke cherished their bond, and meant it with every fiber of his being. Even when they were laid down side by side, Naruto had told him to live, and Sasuke had shed tears.

Naruto quieted down slowly, and took comfort in the present weight against him.

“You’ve always been, even when I first left the Village,” Sasuke assured, and Naruto reveled into the words that Sasuke put so much care into delivering, “my eyes are proof of it.”

“Your eyes?” Naruto wasn’t quite following.

“It’s because of you that my sharingan evolved; at the Naruto bridge, and at the Valley of the End,” Sasuke said, and Naruto would have to take time to digest this, because he still did not understand, “I can exist because you do.”

Naruto parted, and unceremoniously wiped his wet eyes on his sleeve. Sasuke’s reasoning was difficult to understand. He made it sound simple, and yet Naruto knew there were underlying meanings behind his words.

He would make sure to ask when the time came. For now, he knew he was reason for Sasuke’s sharingan first evolving, as Sasuke was reason for Naruto becoming stronger and powerful. It sounded meaningful enough

Sasuke’s smile was, once again, beautiful to behold.

Naruto would forever remember the dawn after their final battle, and Sasuke’s smile and his wet cheeks. He’d been so happy, they had been so happy.

And there was more to experience in the future. Just as Naruto had told Sasuke under the bridge, they would either die together, or live together. And now, they were choosing to live together.

“Wiped your tears yet, crybaby?” Sasuke had the nerve in him to still tease.

Naruto scoffed, grinding his teeth together for show, “don’t use that on me when we both know who the real crybaby is.”

Sasuke didn’t choose to dignify him with backforth banter, and said, “I’ll be going now.”

Naruto nodded, and watched him walk away with a smile. The sunbeams filtered through the foliage of the trees, casting off a beautiful light.

It was a beautiful sunny day, the first one in a while.

Intermittent Rain - elsecaller_muu - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.