Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (2024)

Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (1)

Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (2)

As forex traders develop more long-term trading strategies, they will have to deal with swap fees. Swap fees are the fees that forex traders pay when they carry their position overnight. These fees are also referred to as rollover fees and carry fees.

Swap long and short refers to the paying of swap charges for having a forex rollover in which the trader goes long on one currency and shorts the other currency. The fees can be a credit or debit to the trader’s account, depending on whether the difference between the interest fees on the trader’s currency pair is positive (credit) or negative (debit). For long trades, traders pay interest fees (debits), and for short trades they receive interest payments.

Also Read:What is Swap in Forex?


  • What is Forex Trading?
  • What is the Forex Market?
  • What is a Forex Swap?
  • Profiting from Swap Fees
  • 3-Day Swap
  • Tom Next Swap
  • How to Avoid Swap Fees
  • Retail Investor Accounts
  • Forex Derivative Trading
  • Start Forex Trading
  • Key Takeaways
  • FAQs

What is Forex Trading?

Foreign exchange trading, also known as forex trading, refers to the buying and selling of different currencies. Retail investors may engage in foreign exchange trading in order to profit from the trade. Institutional investors may also participate in foreign exchange trading to hedge their investments or to guarantee the availability of currency at a specific exchange rate in the future.

Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (3)

To trade forex, you must select the two currencies that you want to use in the trade. The currencies can be major currencies like the U.S. dollar (USD), Canadian dollar (CAD), Japanese Yen (JPY), the Euro (EUR), and the Australian dollar (AUD).

Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (4)

You can also trade more exotic currencies in your foreign exchange trading currency pair. The exotic currencies may not be as readily available on all foreign exchange trading platforms.

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What is the Forex Market?

The foreign exchange market is the international market where retail and institutional traders can access and trade currency pairs or enter into derivative contracts that give them the right and/or obligation to to buy or sell a specific currency.

In forex, the first currency listed is called the base currency. The trader goes long on the base. The second currency is called the quote currency. A short position is taken on the quote. The quote is used to buy the base.

Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (5)

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What is a Forex Swap?

When traders keep a forex position open overnight or for more than one night, the trader must pay a carry fee, also known as a rollover fee or swap fee, to the forex brokers. The swap fee is the difference between the interest that must be paid on the long position and the interest received by the trader for holding the short position.

If the difference between the two currencies is positive, the difference will be credited to the trader’s account. However, if the difference between the two currencies is negative, the fee will be debited from the trader’s account.

Currency interest rates are set by the nation that issues the currency. When doing a rollover forex, especially for profit, the trader is advised to consider the interest fees and to try and arrange it so that the net difference between them is positive.

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Profiting from Swap Fees

Some traders decide to specialize in swap fees. Their focus is on maximizing the net positive difference between the currency pairs being rolled over to the next trading day.

This strategy is high risk because traders cannot be certain that unforeseen events will not affect the currency values. In short, when the trading day closes you could be in a profitable position, yet the next day be struggling to breakeven or reduce your losses. The trade is even riskier when it’s carried over the weekend.

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3-Day Swap

The 3-day swap refers to the delivery of the currency and what happens when the trade is closed after 5:00 pm New York time.

The last day to close a forex trade and not have the closure of the transaction delayed is Wednesday. In forex, after a transaction is closed, it takes 2 days for the currency to be delivered to the trader who purchased it. This is known as the T+2 rule. Although there are some currency trades (e.g., USD/CAD) that can be settled in one day, T+1, they are not the norm.

If a forex trade is closed after Wednesday, then the transaction cannot be fully settled until Monday the following week. This means that the trader must pay a fee, the net difference between the currency interest rates, for Saturday and Sunday. This is necessary because a forex swap can only be done during the business week, Monday through Friday.

In a retail forex swap, the currency is not delivered to the retail trader. Instead, the forex broker settles the trade for cash, with no physical delivery of the currency. The net difference between the two currencies carried in the trade is debited or credited to the retail trader’s account.

Before doing a 3-day swap, you are advised to look at the interest rates that must be paid for each currency position. Most trading platforms provide this information to you for free. Otherwise, you can research the interest fees for carrying each currency long and short, and then decide which positions you want to keep open overnight.

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Tom Next Swap

A tom next swap is a swap that is carried over to the next day. A “tom next” swap is short for “tomorrow next” swap. This occurs when a trader does not close the trade by the end of the trading day, but there is still enough time during the week to settle the forex transaction. So, you can do tom next swaps on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. But after Wednesday, your forex trade will be a 3-day swap.

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How to Avoid Swap Fees

Retail traders can avoid swap charges if they open and close their trades during the same trading session. This is done in high frequency trading and intraday trading.

Opening and closing trades during the same trading session also reduces trading risks for the trader. The trader does not have to worry about how news or events will affect forex exchange rates and possibly affect the profitability of the forex trade.

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Retail Investor Accounts

Retail investors never receive delivery of the physical cash, the cash purchased during the forex trade. It is normal for retail forex trades to be settled in cash for the profits earned and losses incurred during the orex trade.

Let’s look at some aspects of trade forex.

Technical Analysis

Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (6)

Many forex traders use technical analysis to make decisions about their forex trades. They may look for forex indicators in market charts that are short (e.g., 5, 10, 60 minutes) or over longer periods of time (4, 5, 6 hours).

Technical analysis can help traders select the best forex currency pairs for long and short trades of different durations. The currencies must be chosen based on anticipated future performance

Are Swap Charges High?

Beginner traders may be concerned about rollover fees. Unless traders are planning to do a lot of 3-day swaps or make their profits primarily from swap charges, the interest fees charged for keeping the positions open overnight are not important.

Market investments that involve complex financial instruments like options, contract for difference, and other derivatives should be approached with caution by inexperienced investors.

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Forex Derivative Trading

The risk involved in trading forex will vary based on the kind of forex swap you do. For example, trades with unlimited losses are higher risk than trades with capped losses or those limited to the initial investment.

Also Read:What Are Trade In Derivatives?

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Start Forex Trading

Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (7)

For traders who are not confident about trading in the forex market, they can get forex market news from trading platforms, investment services, or seek independent investment advice from forex brokers. You can also join a platform that provides demo accounts to its users.

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Key Takeaways

Forex traders who keep their positions open overnight, or for more than one night, must pay swap fees, also known as carry. The net fee is the difference between the interest paid on the long position and interest received for the short position. If carry is positive, the trader’s account is credited. If negative, it is debited for the money owed. For most traders, carry is insignificant.

Forex traders can set up currency pairs that result in positive carry. They can also choose to focus on profiting from positive carry.

If you want more assistance with setting up forex trades, there are a plethora of resources available to you. You can use the resources on a forex trading platform, observe online forum discussions about forex trading, or work with an independent investment advisor. The resource(s) you use may vary over time and with your budget. Make the best trade decisions for you and your trading future.

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Do I need a lot of money to become a forex trader?

No, you don’t need a lot of money to become a forex trader. You can open a forex trading account with US$10.

If you are a beginner trader, find trading platforms with demo accounts, no minimum balance (or a really low one), and no account maintenance fees.

Is forex trading difficult?

Like everything else, forex trading will be challenging when you first start doing it. With time, attention to your trading strategies and results, and the drive to become a successful trader, you can improve your forex trading performance.

Note, you may not become rich from it, or even make a lot of money from it, but you can at the very least improve your trading results over time.

How can I become good at forex trading?

According to forex traders, you become good at forex trading by trading forex and learning from your successes and failures. You can also watch YouTube videos, read trading magazines, participate in online forum discussions, and use the resources provided by your trading platform.

Is foreign exchange trading high risk/high reward?

Foreign exchange trading can be high risk/high reward, low risk/low reward, and moderate risk/moderate reward. In general, the higher the risk (the greater the chance of failure), the greater the potential reward.

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Learn To Manage Overnight Position Fees • Asia Forex Mentor (2024)


Should I get a mentor for forex trading? ›

You can learn their knowledge and take into account psychological mistakes. This way, you will be able to learn from such mentors the best and use this knowledge in building your forex trading system.

What is the best paid forex course? ›

Top 8 Best Forex Trading Courses Reviews
  • Benzinga Forex 101 Course – Best Versatile Forex Course for All Levels.
  • Zen Trading Strategies Masters Course – Best Algorithmic Forex Trading Course.
  • ForexSignals – Best Community-Driven Forex Learning Platform.
  • Asia Forex Mentor One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew – Best Overall.
Jan 16, 2024

What is the best forex to trade overnight? ›

Major forex pairs, such as EUR/USD (Euro/US dollar), USD/JPY (US dollar/Japanese yen), and GBP/USD (British pound/US dollar), remain attractive options for night trading due to their liquidity and stable price movements. As these are the most traded pairs in forex, many market participants favour them.

Can you hold forex positions overnight? ›

Each weekend, forex traders are faced with a decision. Swing traders can hold positions overnight, but weekends present additional risk. Day traders close their positions daily, so they won't have any weekend trades.

Who is the best forex guru in the world? ›

George Soros is undoubtedly one of the most successful forex traders in the world. His bold and aggressive trading style has earned him a place in history, and his philanthropic efforts have made a positive impact on many lives. However, his controversial reputation may not sit well with some investors.

Who is the best forex educator? ›

However, some widely recognized and reputable Forex educators include:
  • BabyPips: Known for its comprehensive educational content suitable for beginners.
  • Investopedia: Offers extensive resources, articles, and tutorials on Forex trading.
  • AAAFx: Provides daily market analysis and educational content for traders.
  • Forex.
Jan 15, 2024

Has anyone become a millionaire from Forex? ›

The answer is yes! Forex can make you a millionaire if you are a hedge fund trader with a large sum. But forex from rags to riches for the majority is usually a rocky and bumpy ride which often leaves some traders in their dreams.

Can you make money on Forex with $100? ›

Major Facts. A $100 deposit is sufficient initial capital to open a forex trade in a real Forex account without breaking risk management rules. On average, traders with medium-level experience can earn over 10% of the deposit per month. Professional traders' earnings can exceed 500% a year.

What is the fastest way to make money in Forex? ›

An investor can make money in forex by appreciation in the value of the quoted currency or by a decrease in value of the base currency. Another perspective on currency trading comes from considering the position an investor is taking on each currency pair.

What is the hardest month to trade forex? ›

The forex calendar is divided into three periods of volatility. Out of these three periods, only two offer the best trading conditions. In June, July and August, volatility slows down due to the summer season, making it the worst time to trade forex.

What is the overnight fee in forex? ›

What is the overnight fee? Overnight fee is the interest payment that applies if one holds a trading position open overnight. The interest is based on the size of your exposure to the market and is calculated daily. Below we take a look at the overnight fee definition in more detail.

What time should I wake up to trade forex? ›

The U.S./London markets overlap (8 a.m. to noon EST) has the heaviest volume of trading and is best for trading opportunities. The Sydney/Tokyo markets overlap (2 a.m. to 4 a.m.) is not as volatile as the U.S./London overlap, but it still offers opportunities.

What happens when I leave my forex position open overnight? ›

In Forex, when you keep a position open through the end of the trading day, you will either be paid or charged interest on that position, depending on the underlying interest rates of the two currencies in the pair.

What are the risks of overnight trading? ›

Other traders use overnight trading to take advantage of market changes that occur after the markets close. However, keep in mind that overnight trading carries additional risks due to decreased volume, including lower liquidity and increased volatility. So it's important to manage those risks as well as you can.

What time should I avoid forex trading? ›

The middle of the week typically shows the most movement, as the pip range widens for most of the major currency pairs. Saturdays and Sundays tend to be the least favourable days for trading forex. Most traders tend to avoid trading forex during holidays and around major news events.

Is trading mentorship worth it? ›

Personalised Guidance: With a trading mentor, you get personalised advice tailored to your trading style and strategy. This bespoke approach is hard to achieve with self-learning, making mentorship a potentially invaluable investment.

How do I find a good forex mentor? ›

Scrutinize Their Trading Track Record

One of the fundamental qualifications a credible Forex trading mentor should possess is a proven, successful trading track record. This record should reflect consistent profitability over a considerable period, offering tangible evidence of their trading prowess.

What are the benefits of forex mentorship? ›

Learning from experienced traders who have already navigated the ups and downs of the forex market can significantly enhance your trading skills. Mentors can provide valuable insights, tips, and strategies that they have personally tested and found success with.

Can you be a successful day trader without a mentor? ›

Of course you can be successful without a mentor. Knowing the right people, living in the right place, reading the right book- these are nice benefits, but you can't wait for them. The most important thing you have is your personal drive.


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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.