optima mr360 - Pedagogia (2024)






Module 1 - Course Introduction & Safety..............................................................1

Module 2 - System overview………………………………………………………………………….14

Module 3 - New User Interface and Software Operation……………………...65

Module 4 – Architecture & Hardware…………………………………………………………..87

Module 5 – Calibration & Diagnostics……………………………………………………….169

Lab Guide & Component Identification…………………………………………………...193





Excite HD training is a pre-requisite for this course. If you haven’t been trained

on Excite HD, it is mandatory to get the HD training before you will be able to

be successful in the SV course.




There are three types of safety hazards to be aware of with MR. Always

observe high voltage dangers and perform Lock Out / Tag Out (LOTO) safety

steps before working on any piece of MR equipment. Do not substitute a

shortcut process for LOTO. A shortcut that produced one set of desired results

on an older piece of equipment may not produce the same set of desired

results on the new piece of equipment.

Complete the required MR512 MR Magnet and Cryogen Safety course before

attempting to service a magnet or work with cryogens.

Note to instructors: You can embellish as you wish since you both use

different slides for safety in your classes.


Be sure to be cautious when installing or replacing anything in the magnet

room, especially in the 3.0T environment. Test items first for ferrous properties.

Never put your body between the magnet and anything that may be a ferrous


The 3T magnetic field requires extreme caution. Be alert for ferrous materials

when performing replacement procedures in the scan room. Note that on 3T

systems, even non-ferrous tools are slightly ferrous! Follow all service

documentation procedures.

The System Pre-Installation manual shows magnetic field strengths at

different distances from the magnet


The portable GasWatch2 Oxygen sensor as pictured above - part number is



Due to the magnet top off you may have to sting the magnet and handle

dewars during this fill. The gas cylinders must be strapped down and when not

in use have their cap on, also be very careful of the dewars. In most cases, Air

Products or a cryogen contractor will take care of this task, but you should be

aware of this in case you need to perform it .


•Distance and Time- Frostbite Protection


LOTO Service Documentation is Accessible via the Service Methods Website by

clicking on “Safety” and then the correct procedure name under “Lock Out Tag

Out”. Note that for SV, all LOTO procedures involving LOTO of the SYSTEMS

CABINET require shut down of the Simple OC first . This is because powering

down the Simple OC ensures correct soft power down of the Image Compute

Node. The ICN MUST be shut down via a soft power down in order to avoid

operating system corruption!







Compared to the HD system, SV changes lots of components.

• Air cooling system is replaced by water cooling system for RF amplifier and Gradient


• System cabinet, HFD cabinet and part of penetration panel are combined in one

compact cabinet.

• Components in the compact cabinet are new designed except for GP3, Term Server and


• Equipment in Operator room is simplified

• Fixed table with the express coil in the cradle will relieve the operator ’s labor for

changing coils

• Three parts in Magnet side kit are new designed for SV




If you refer to the MR Service Docs for

5364191-2EN - Optima MR360 / Brivo MR355 1.5T Service Methods>Replacement>Magnet

Enclosure>Magnet Enclosure Table of Contents

you will see the same diagram with clickable links for each component.

These links will take you to the procedures for removing and reinstalling the covers.


Refer to the service manual for detail procedure of replacement:

5364191-2EN - Optima MR360 / Brivo MR355 1.5T Service Methods>Replacement>Magnet

Enclosure>Magnet Enclosure Control Panels

SV, HDe, HDx Forward Production Control Panels:

• Same function as control panel in HD except for the appearance

• Now have words written next to the buttons

• Languages specific control panels are shipped with the Keyboard collectors in above-

mentioned systems

• May be removed independently

• Are secured with poppers and attached to hidden cables

• Be sure to follow all procedures in MR Service Documentation when removing any cover

• Note - Top Laser Light is now housed inside the top display panel. Use caution when

popping the panel off to adjust this laser so as not to trip the Emergency Stop


Important facts about the LPCA of SV:

• There is no head T/R switch. T/R switch is moved to the Quick disconnect of the Split head

coil and Quad knee coil.

• Port A is a coil interface for coils with and without preamps

• Each receive line has single input for coils with or without preamps. Preamp or non-

preamp path is controlled by shorting pins on Port A in the coil connector

• Head Tx RF is routed through the interface module, this is done to “tap-off” the head T/R


• Head T/R bias is used for preamp protect switching in the interface module

• Multi Coil bias is added to the RF coax lines in the port connectors

• Bias is added to Port A in the Multicoil Interface Box

• RF input to preamp boards is routed though coax cable


Rear Pedestal is newly designed.

1. The 16ch Switch is not used in SV system, which is functionally replaced by Mega Switch

located on the Magnet Side kit.

2. LED Power Box is introduced, which is the power supply for SRI, PAC, Patient alignment

laser and bore light.

3. Dummy load is moved to rear pedestal from the LPCA.

4. Hybird, TNS antenna, motor, encoder assembly, encoder box and communication box

have no change. They are same as the parts in HD system.


• Magnet side kit contains Voltage Regulator Box, Mega Switch, RRX, cables and base plate.

It is mounted on the left side of the magnet through insulating board, and a ground wire

is connected between base plate and system cabinet.

• Voltage Regulator Box and Mega SW are both newly designed components. Regulator

Box regulates the DC power from DCPS for Mega SW & RRX. Mega SW combines the

function of 8ch switch, MUX, UTNS and receiver. RRX used in SV system is 8 channels.

• Mega Switch select different input RF signal, and amplifies them according to R1 value,

and transform the center frequency of RF signal to 16MHz, then send them to RRX. RRX

converts the analog RF signal to digital signal and transfer them to VRF in ICN by optical



• Fixed table has no Dock and Undock function like detachable table. Up and down of fixed

table are implemented by actuator, which is driven by electrical motor. The table can go

up and down very smoothly with very low noise compared to the detachable table. And

there is no other mechanism to drive fixed table up and down.

• The control box for fixed table is newly designed.

• The longitudinal movement of the cradle is driven by longitudinal motor located in the

rear pedestal. It is same as HD.

• The cover of the cradle is reinforced to protect the embedded Express PA coil from

damage. The cradle with the Express PA coil moves the patient into and out of the

magnet bore.


Express coil consists of three parts:

1) HNA, functionally similar to NV coil;

2) PA, functionally similar to CTL coil;

3) AA, functionally similar to 8Ch body array or 4Ch torso coil.

HNA and AA are removable coils that connected to Port A in LPCA. PA coil is embedded in

the cradle of the fixed table, which can be moved in and out of the magnet bore with the

cradle. The interface board of PA coil located on the bottom of the cradle. Two cables

always connect the PA interface


the suitable mode according to the landmark position. This function is only

available for Express coil, and not all the scan modes of the Express coil are compatible

with this function. This table shows all the available modes.

• This two pictures show the procedure to use this function. In step 4, after selection of the

automatic coil selection, the background color of one configuration in the right area will

turn yellow, which means this mode has been selected automatically.


Please refer to the service method 5364191-2EN 'Replacement / Fix Table / Express Coil:

Posterior Array Coil Replacement without removing Fixed Table' for the detailed procedure.





It is important during new installations and upgrades, to verify that your IP addresses are

always up-to-date (both Host IP and MGD IP). If any changes have been made to an IP

address, you must reconfigure the the ICN.



There are some steps during the installation of the MR system that must be done but for

which the system has no “machine” data. For these items the system will rely on the user to

check off the items as they are complete and click [Submit].

For all calibrations that have machine data, the tool can be launched the same way it was

launched in previous versions of MR software – by clicking [Click here to start this tool]. The

tool will launch in a separate window. After completion of the tool, the user must click

[Check Status].

After clicking [Submit] or [Check Status], the ICW will check the data files. If it finds a passed

calibration or a completed checklist, then it will allow the user to advance to the next

calibrations in the flow. If it detects a failure or an incomplete task, it will turn the name of

the tool RED in the left window of the ICW and no new calibrations will become available

until that step has been completed successfully.



How to read this matrix: The same tasks calibrations are listed along the top and along the

side. The ideal order of task / calibration completion is from the top to the bottom. Anything

with no red squares to the right has no pre-dependencies, therefore it can be run at any time.

If there are red squares to the right of any of the tasks/calibrations, then the

tasks/calibrations indicated in the vertical column(s) associated with each red square must

be completed successfully before that task/calibration becomes available.

This matrix is the basis for the logic of the ICW


Every time the user clicks on the “Calibration” tab of the CSD, as long as there is a service

key plugged in, the ICW will be the only link available. Once all steps in Install Mode have

been successfully completed, Maintenance Mode becomes available.

In Maintenance Mode, any time you click on a calibration it will alert you to the possibility of

pre- and post- dependencies. Choosing [Yes] acknowledges understanding of these

dependencies and pre-dependencies will be de-bolded. Clicking [No] de-selects calibration.

Clicking [More] shows the Calibration Dependency Matrix.


This matrix is the basis for the logic of the ICW in Maintenance Mode. If you click [More] on

the pop-up from the previous slide, this is the matrix that you will see. It is good to become

familiar with how to read this matrix so that when you perform re-calibrations at sites you

will understand what it means.

Maintenance Mode Dependency Matrix:

How to read this matrix: The same tasks are listed vertically and horizontally. In the column

on the left find the calibration that you wish to run. To the right of that calibration name,

follow the line horizontally until you reach the yellow square. Any task vertically directly

above the yellow square is a pre-dependency, and any task vertically directly below the

yellow square is a post-dependency.

Post-dependencies are more important than pre-dependencies. For troubleshooting

purposes, if user is about to perform a certain calibration (or task), it would be beneficial to

see what pre-dependencies are related to that calibration and consider performing them. If

pre-dependencies are not run, the system will not be negatively affected. Post-

dependencies, however, are very important. For example, if Grafidy is run, LVShim, Gradcal,

EPT and Probe values may have changed. Each one of these calibrations should be run

after the completion of Grafidy because they are Post-Dependencies of that cal.



Before using the software to do the LVShim, LVshim localizer scan must be done to assure

the phantom is in the center.


Insert appropriate DQA-III Phantom into head coil. Verify phantom is inserted into head coil.

Also verify phantom is not rotated within the head coil.

The correct phantom type, position and landmark are all critical to successful operation of

the DQA-II tool.

If there is a failure during the DQA-II tool, the “Actions Required” window will give details as

to the likely reason for the error. If specific recommendations are not available in the

“Actions Required” window, the FE will be pointed to Service Documentation.


This new style 6-channel Grafidy fixture couldn’t be easier to use! It is simply a “plug and go”

tool, meaning that when it is taken out of the box all that is required is that the user attaches

the adaptor cable to the fixture and plugs it into the LPCA A-Port connector, unfolds the

wings of the fixture, landmarks and begins the Grafidy calibration. With the new fixture, it is

not necessary to connect cables from the fixture through the pen panel, nor is it necessary

to attach power supplies to the Systems cabinet or attenuators to the RF Amplifier. In

addition, once the landmark is established, no further user interaction with the Grafidy

fixture is required. This new 6-channel Grafidy fixture will be available in both 1.5T and 3.0T

versions and will be available as a service tool for all SV systems. Previous versions of

Grafidy fixtures will not work with SV software, and at this point the new 6-channel Grafidy

fixture will only function on systems running after 14x software.


Along with the new 6-channel Grafidy fixture defined in the previous slide, improvements

have been made to the Grafidy calibration’s data acquisition and software. The tool first

verifies proper fixture placement and signal from all channels. It then acquires data

simultaneously from all channels, thus reducing calibration time. With the new fixture and

new Grafidy software, Grafidy calibrations take about 45 minutes on BRM and CRM systems

and about 1.5-2 hours on TRM systems. In addition, the user interface has been modified.

In Manual Mode, the UI has changed from “coil placement” centered to “applied gradient”

because now one gradient can be pulsed to get data from all six coils

instead of just two as in the previous Grafidy releases. For 1.5T, as compared to previous

Grafidy, with the new software, using data from all six coils together allows for more

accurate B0 component. Also, after changing calibration factors, the UI does not allow the

user to exit without collecting data, and the number of significant digits displayed has been

reduced to make the values more readable. Grafidy can now compensate very long time

constants more accurately. The new Grafidy software allows for much better compensation

of the initial part of the eddy current curve in long mode because of three things: 1) there is

an additional time constant used 2) all data is now used (as opposed to data starting at

2.5msec before) and 3) software allows for negative amplitude.





The report file is stored in /export/home/signa/bin.




The Multicoil Receive Chain Tool provides a means of diagnosing problems in Multicoil

Receive (MCR) chain hardware, without use of coils. The tool sends signals down the

individual paths to isolate specific channels in the receive chain. The


tool’s Graphical User

Interface (GUI) guides the user through the various steps involved in running the tool and

troubleshooting the problem. The GUI has built-in instructions and detailed setup instructions,

troubleshooting flowcharts and documents that will help facilitate rapid diagnosis of the

problem. There are two levels of tests that can be run using the MCR III tool: Default and

Individual. Once you've decided to use MCR III tool, determine which level of test your

situation requires. The default and port-specific levels of tests offer increased user-friendly

automation that is been omitted from the individual tests by design. Therefore, it is

imperative to identify which level of tests you need to perform and then follow the

instructions for that specific level.

1) Port A Default Tests

This test must be passed during the MR installation.

In most scenarios, this is the first test that should be run when using the MCR tool.

If this test fails, individual tests can be run to further isolate the failing component.

2) Port A Individual Tests

These tests are designed to run after the default test indicates a failure.

3) Express Coil Test For Fixed Table

This test must be passed during the MR installation.


The RF and DC cables for Express PA Coil - Cradle mode are shipped with the system.


Optima MR360 / Brivo MR355



Service Training

Lab Guide

Rev Number: J

MyWorkshop Book Number: 51232

GE Healthcare MR5047 SV Lab Guide

Page: 1 of 24

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................... 1

1. SYSTEM GEOGRAPHY LAB .............................................................................................................. 2

2. OPERATION LAB .............................................................................................................................. 4

3. CAN LINK LAB ................................................................................................................................. 5

4. DVMR LINK LAB .............................................................................................................................. 7

5. ICN DIAGNOSTIC LAB ................................................................................................................. 11

6. SIMPLE OC COMPUTER AND DUST FILTER REPLACEMENT LAB .......................................... 13

7. COOLANT PUMPOUT LAB .......................................................................................................... 14

8. XFD REPLACEMENT LAB ............................................................................................................. 15

9. CABINET MONITOR LAB ............................................................................................................. 17

10. FIXED-TABLE ACTUATOR LAB ................................................................................................. 19

11. FIXED-TABLE INSTALLATION & ADJUSTMENT LAB ............................................................. 20

12. EXPRESS COIL LAB .................................................................................................................... 22

13. MCR III TOOL LAB ...................................................................................................................... 23

14. MODIFIED CALIBRATION TOOL LAB ...................................................................................... 24

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1. System Geography Lab

Description: The purpose of this lab is to investigate and identify the major

components of the MR360 / MR355 System.

Time Required: 1 Hour


Objective(s): Identify the major subsystems and functions of the SV system

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191, on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer

Tools Required: Handout as provided



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab as well as

incorporated as subset of documented procedure.


1. System Power-Down

Follow software and power shutdown procedure in Service

Methods 5364191

a. Shut down applications and turn system power off.

2. System Components Geography

Using the handout provided:

a. Match the subsystems and component names to the boxes

indicating their location. Open cabinet doors for interior


b. Remove covers as needed, for interior identification

3. For Simple Operator Console

a. Remove cover and expose right side components to view


Do not disconnect any cabling

4. For Magnet

a. Remove cover and expose left side components to view


Do not disconnect any cabling

5. For Penetration Panel

a. Remove access panel from scan room side to view locations.

Do not disconnect any cabling

6. For Rear Pedestal

a. View component locations

Do not disconnect any cabling

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7. For Fixed Table

a. View component locations

Do not disconnect any cabling

8. For Water Chiller

a. View component locations

Do not disconnect any cabling

9. System Power-On

a. Follow power and software restoration procedure in Service

Methods 5364191

If subsequent labs are to be performed – you may be instructed to

leave covers off. Please ensure covers are properly and safely stored

to avoid trip hazards.


Questions for instructor:




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2. Operation Lab

Description: The purpose of this lab is to understand basic operation procedures

of the MR355/360 scanner.

Time Required: 2 Hour



 Operate the system, as outlined in the service documentation.

 Verify system settings and performance.

Support Materials


 MR355/360 system capable of being powered up to normal

scanning condition.

 Most recent revision of MR360/355 Operator Manual, on disk,

online, or as loaded onto system computer.


Tools Required: Laptop



Follow all LOTO procedures as required. They are posted in the lab

as well as incorporated as subset of documented procedure.


1. Phantom Preparation

a. Using documented procedure in MR355/360 Operator

Manual: Patient Preparation. Set up the phantom for


2. Prescan

a. Using documented procedure in MR355/360 Operator

Manual: Prescan. Start Auto Prescan and Manual Prescan.

3. Scan

a. Using documented procedure in MR355/360 Operator

Manual: Scan. Start to scan.

4. View

a. Using documented procedure in MR355/360 Operator

Manual: Viewer. View the images

5. Save / Restore images

a. Using documented procedure in MR355/360 Operator Manual:

Img Mgmt Data Apps. Save and restore the images

6. Add Remote Host

a. Using documented procedure in MR355/360 Operator Manual:

Img Mgmt Archive Network. Add remote host

7. Configure / Add Film Printer

a. Using documented procedure in MR355/360 Operator Manual:

Film. Add film printer


Questions for instructor:


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3. CAN link Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the CAN Link Diagnostic

Time Required: 1 Hour



 Navigate the service documentation

 Understand how the CAN Link works in SV system

 Perform the CAN Link diagnostic and issue isolation procedure

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures


– 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to CAN Link Diagnostic procedure.



Tools Required: Standard hand tools



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab as well as

incorporated in the documented procedures


1. CAN Link Diagnostic

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Troubleshooting / Diagnostics / System Function / Patient

Handling / CAN Link Diagnostic


Troubleshooting / Diagnostics / Hardware Location / Misc /

CAN Link Diagnostic

a. Perform CAN Link Diagnostic

2. Refer to the following CAN link diagram to perform the test:

a. Remove the terminator from cabinet monitor

b. Perform step 1 and record the test result


c. Remove the connector J19 on the front panel of SRFD3 and

install the terminator on the front panel

d. Perform step 1 and record the test result


d. Remove the connector J2 on the front panel of Driver Module

Lite and install the terminator on the front panel

e. Perform step 1 and record the test result


f. Restore the connectors J2 on Driver Module Lite and terminator

on J11 of Cabinet Monitor

i. Remove connectors J18 and J19 from SRFD3, and connect them


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j. Perform step 1 and record the test result


k. Remove connectors J1 and J2 from PHPS Lite2, and connect

them together

l. Perform step 1 and record the test result


m. Restore all the cables


1. What is the function of force reset button?


2. What conclusion can be made according to step 2?





Questions for instructor:


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4. DVMR Link Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the DTX board level

diagnostics and DTX to RRX data path

Time Required: 2 Hour



 Navigate the service documentation and perform board and data

path diagnostics.

 Identify error messages associated with certain failure modes

 Understand the real time diagnostic function of DVMR link

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer.

Tools Required: Standard hand tools



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab as well as

incorporated in the documented procedures

Steps: 1. DTX Board Level Diagnostics

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Troubleshooting/Diagnostics/System Function/RF/Transmitter


a. Perform DTX board Level Diagnostics

b. Record results: ____________________________________

c. Place the RF Enable switch in the front panel of exciter in the

Disable (Down) position

d. Perform DTX board Level Diagnostics

e. Record results: ____________________________________

f. Use command mgd_term to open SCP and AGP terminal

g. Do the TPS Reset and check what will happen

h. Restore the RF Enable switch to Up position

2. RF Calib

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Troubleshooting/Diagnostics/System Function/RF/Transmitter


a. Perform RF Calib

b. Record results: ____________________________________

c. Disconnect RUN M2502 from J107 of Mega Switch

d. Perform RF Calib

e. Record results: ____________________________________

f. Use command mgd_term to open SCP and AGP terminal

g. Do the TPS Reset and check what will happen

h. Restore the cable

i. Disconnect RUN M1514 from J105 of Mega Switch

j. Perform RF Calib

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k. Record results: ____________________________________

l. Use command mgd_term to open SCP and AGP terminal

m. Do the TPS Reset and check what will happen

n. Restore the cable

o. Disconnect RUN M1515 from J103 of Mega Switch

p. Perform RF Calib

q. Record results: ____________________________________

r. Use command mgd_term to open SCP and AGP terminal

s. Do the TPS Reset and check what will happen

t. Restore the cable

3. DTX -> RRX DP

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Troubleshooting/Diagnostics/System Function/RF/Transmitter


a. Perform DTX -> RRX DP Diagnostics

b. Record results: ____________________________________

c. Disconnect RUN M1513 from J106 of Mega Switch

d. Perform DTX -> RRX DP Diagnostics

e. Record results: ____________________________________

f. Restore the cable

4. Observe Error Message

Refer to the following diagram

a. Record the status of LEDs on the IRF3 board and RRX

b. Disconnect IRF3 J8

c. Note the status of LEDs on the IRF3 board and RRX

d. Record error code: ____________________________________

e. Restore IRF3 J8

f. Disconnect IRF3 J11

g. Note the status of LEDs on the IRF3 board and RRX



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h. Record error code: ____________________________________

i. Restore IRF3 J11

j. Disconnect IRF3 J13

k. Note the status of LEDs on the IRF3 board and RRX

l. Record error code: ____________________________________

m. Restore IRF3 J13

n. Disconnect RRX J4

o. Note the status of LEDs on the IRF3 board and RRX

p. Record error code: ____________________________________

q. Restore RRX J4

r. Disconnect Exciter J21

s. Note the status of LEDs on the IRF3 board and RRX

t. Record error code: ____________________________________

u. Restore Exciter J21

5. IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Troubleshooting/Diagnostics/System Function/RF/ IRF3 Wide

Coverage Diagnostics

a. Perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

b. Replace the Fiber-optic Transceiver on IRF3 J10 with a broken

one, and perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

c. Record results: ____________________________________

d. Restore the good Fiber-optic Transceiver

e. Replace the Fiber-optic Transceiver on IRF3 J11 with a broken

one, and perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

f. Record results: ____________________________________

g. Restore the good Fiber-optic Transceiver

h. Replace the Fiber-optic Transceiver on IRF3 J13 with a broken

one, and perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

i. Record results: ____________________________________

j. Restore the good Fiber-optic Transceiver

k. Replace the Fiber-optic Transceiver on Exciter J19 with a

broken one, and perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

l. Record results: ____________________________________

m. Restore the good Fiber-optic Transceiver

n. Replace the Fiber-optic Transceiver on RRX J4 with a broken

one, and perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

o. Record results: ____________________________________

p. Restore the good Fiber-optic Transceiver

q. Replace the Fiber-optic Transceiver on RRX J5 with a broken

one, and perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

r. Record results: ____________________________________

s. Restore the good Fiber-optic Transceiver

t. Replace the Fiber-optic Transceiver on VRF with a broken one,

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and perform IRF3 Wide Coverage Diagnostics

u. Record results: ____________________________________

v. Restore the good Fiber-optic Transceiver

Questions: 1. What diagnostics are performed during IRF3 Wide Coverage






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5. ICN Diagnostic Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the function of three

ethernet cables connected to ICN.

Time Required: 1.5 Hour


Objective(s):  Understand the function of NET MGT, Port2 and Port 3 of ICN

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to ICN Reconfiguration procedure.

Tools Required: Standard hand tools



Follow all LOTO procedures as required. They are posted in the lab

as well as incorporated as subset of documented procedure.


1. Understanding Ethernet cables function

a. Open CShell window and input more /etc/hosts

b. Record the IP address of icn1 vre and icn1_bmc

c. Start a new Exam to scan

d. Disconnect the cable connected to NET MGT port of the ICN

e. Open a C-shell window and ping icn1 and icn1-bmc.

f. Start to scan

g. Disconnect the cable connected to Port2 of the ICN

h. Ping icn1 and icn1-bmc

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i. Start to scan

j. Restore the disconnected cable to Port2 of the ICN

k. Disconnect the cable connected to Port3 of the ICN

l. Ping icn1 and icn1-bmc

m. Start to scan

n. Disconnect the cable connected to Port2 of the ICN again

o. Ping icn1 and icn1-bmc

p. Start to scan. Observe what will happen and record error



q. Restore all the disconnected cables


1. What are IP addresses of the NET MGT Port, Port2 and Port3?


2. What data are transferred thru NET MGT Port, Port2 and Port3?



Questions for instructor:




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6. Simple OC Computer and Dust Filter Replacement Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the procedure for replacing

the OC host computer

Time Required: 1.5 Hour



 Navigate the service documentation

 Remove and replace Simple OC computer

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to Simple OC and Dust Filter replacement




Tools Required: Standard hand tools



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab as well as

incorporated in the documented procedures


1. Simple OC Computer Replacement

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Replacement /Operator Workspace Replacement / Computer


a. Perform steps 1 – 12

b. DO NOT remove the disk drive!

2. Dust Filter Replacement

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Replacement /Operator Workspace Replacement / Dust Filter


a. Perform Dust Filter replacement


Questions for instructor:




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7. Coolant Pumpout Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the procedure to pump out

coolant from SRFD3 and XFD in SV system.

Time Required: 0.5 hour



 Navigate the service documentation

 Understand the importance of coolant pumpout before

components replacement

 Practice the correct procedure of coolant pumpout

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to Coolant Pumpout procedures.



Tools Required: Coolant Tank, Water tray, Hand Pump and Standard hand tools



 Follow all LOTO procedures as required. They are posted in the lab

as well as incorporated as subset of documented procedure.

 After draining, the drain valves must be closed. Check that drain

valves are closed.

 Avoid coolant splashing into the electronics.

Steps: 1. Coolant pumpout

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Replacement / System Cabinet Replacement / XFA and XFD-PS

Replacement / XFD-PS / 3 Procedure / 3. Drain the coolant

a. Perform the draining operation

Questions: 1. What is the use of water tray?


2. Why the coolant in the water-cooling components must be drained

when replacement?


3. What action should be executed before restoring the drain hose to

drip pan?


Review: Questions for instructor:




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8. XFD Replacement Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the procedure to replace the


Time Required: 2 hours



 Navigate the service documentation

 The hoist tool

 Practice the correct procedure of XFD replacement

 Know how to pull out the XFD in case XFD can’t be pulled out

according to the normal procedure

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to XFD replacement procedures.



Tools Required: Hoist tool, Hoist bracket for XFD, Standard hand tools and DVM.



 Follow all LOTO procedures as required. They are posted in the lab

as well as incorporated as subset of documented procedure.

 Discharging the super capacitor by waiting for at least 15 minutes

after system power off for XFD replacement, or at least 30 minutes

for removing power panel assy.

 The weight of XFD-PS is 87kg. Take care when replacement.

 The left top of XFD-PS will be over 40oC in ten minutes after

discharging. Take care when replacement.

Steps: 1. XFD replacement

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Replacement / System Cabinet Replacement / XFA and XFD-PS

Replacement / XFD-PS

a. Perform the XFD-PS replacement

2. Alternative way to pull out the XFD

Notice: Only use this method in case XFD can’t be pulled out

according to the normal procedure

a. Perform XFD Power Panel Assy removal by using documented

procedure in Direction 5364191:

Replacement / System Cabinet Replacement / Cabinet Rear

Panel / XFD Power Panel Assy

b. Perform the XFD-PS replacement

Questions: 1. What is the use of SW1 in the front panel of XFD-PS?


2. What will happen when power on XFD-PS if the SW1 isn’t turned

back to operation position?

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3. What should be checked before pushing into the XFD-PS?


4. What is the correct order of removing the terminal of power panel?


5. What should


be checked before power on the system?


Review: Questions for instructor:




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9. Cabinet Monitor Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the functions of the Cabinet

Monitor and how to troubleshoot water leak in SV system.

Time Required: 1 hour



 Navigate the service documentation

 Perform cabinet monitor functional check

 Practice how to measure the sensor of water flow

 Know how to isolate trouble with SF checker

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to Cabinet Monitor functional check.

Tools Required: SF checker, DVM and Standard hand tools



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab and

incorporated in the documented procedures


1. Cabinet Monitor Functional Check

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Troubleshooting / Troubleshooting Steering Guide / Water Leak

Troubleshooting / 1 Overview / Cabinet Monitor Functional


a. Perform Cabinet Monitor Functional Diagnostic

b. Disconnect white connector on the rear panel of LCS or MCS,

then perform step a to check if any error happens

c. Restore the white connector

d. Measure the resistance between pin1 and pin4 of LCS or MCS

when they power on or power off

e. Disconnect connector J3 on the cabinet monitor. Observe what

will happen and record the error message

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f. Install the SF checker to J3 on the cabinet monitor. Observe

what will happen

g. Remove the SF checker and restore connector J3

h. Simulate leakage on the Leak Sensors3. Observe what will

happen and record the error message

i. Simulate leakage on the Leak Sensor2. Observe what will happen

and record the error message.


1. Is there any difference of the diagnostic result between step 1.a

and step1.b? How to explain it?


2. What kind of switch is the sensor of water flow?


3. How the cabinet monitor identifies three status of leak sensor:

Disconnected, normal and leakage detected?



Questions for instructor:





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10. Fixed-Table Actuator Lab

Description: This lab will step the student through the procedure of replacing the

table actuator

Time Required: 2 Hours



 Navigate the service documentation

 Remove and reinstall the table actuator

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to Replacement/Fix Table/Table Electrical




Tools Required: Standard non-magnetic hand tools



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab and

incorporated in the documented procedures


1. Table Electrical Actuator Replacement

Follow the documented procedure in Direction 5364191.

Warning: The table must be removed from the

magnet room for this procedure.

Continue to Fixed Table Adjustment Lab once the table has been

remounted to the magnet


1. What method is used to align the mounting screw holes?



Questions for instructor:




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11. Fixed-Table Installation & Adjustment Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the adjustments needed to

align the table to the gantry and insure all safety/interlock

mechanisms are operational

Time Required: 2 Hour



 Navigate the service documentation

 Dock Frame Installation

 Level table and adjust top height

 Check and adjust lock and latch adjustments

 Check and adjust cradle emergency latch

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures – 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer.

Tools Required: Standard non-magnetic hand tools



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab and

incorporated in the documented procedures

Steps: 1. Dock Frame Installation

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Installation / Guided Mechanical Install Flow for Optima MR360

/ Brivo MR355 / Illustration 2: 1st day / Dock Frame Assy



a. Perform Dock Frame Installation Procedure

2. Top Height Adjustment

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Adjust/Cals/ Fixed Table / TOP HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT

a. Perform Procedure steps 1 - 7

3. Cradle Side Lock Adjustment

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:


a. Perform Procedure steps 1 - 8

4. Cradle Guide Latch

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Adjust/Cals/ Fixed Table / CRADLE GUIDE RAIL LATCH


a. Perform Procedure 4.1, steps 1 - 4

5. Cradle Emergency Release

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Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Functional Checks / Fixed Table / CRADLE EMERGENCY RELEASE


a. Perform Procedure 3.2 steps 1 - 9

6. Cradle Home Sensor

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Functional Cks / Fixed Table / CRADLE HOME SENSOR CHECK

a. Perform Procedure steps 1 - 8

Questions: 1. How do you know if the table height is adjusted properly?


2. What is the adjustment length of the delrin lock?


3. What is the maximum travel distance for the cradle emergency

lock release ramp”?


Review: Questions for instructor:




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12. Express Coil Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the setup and image quality

assurance tests for the Express coil.

Time Required: 1 Hour



 Navigate the service documentation

 Position the phantoms and coils for testing

 Perform the Multi-Coil Quality assurance Tool

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to Express coil SNR test .



Tools Required:  Unified Phantom

 Phantom positioners, pad, and strap



Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab and

incorporated in the documented procedures

Steps: 1. Express Coil MCQA Test

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Adjust/Cals / Surface and Head Coils / 1.5T Coil Vendor



/ Table 11: Express Coil / SNR Test

a. Perform procedure 3.1 step 1 –3 to setup HNA coil and position


b. Perform step 4 to run MCQA tool to test mode HNA+PA

c. Perform procedure 3.1 step 1 –4 to setup AA coil and position


d. Perform step 5 to run MCQA tool to test mode AA+PA

e. Compare and record test results

Questions: 1. What coil segment would be indicated if there was a failure test 2,

Sig_Img 4 in mode HNA+PA ?


2. What coil segment would be indicated if there was a failure test 2,

Sig_Img 4 in mode AA+PA ?


Review: Questions for instructor:




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13. MCR III Tool Lab

Description: This lab will familiarize the student with the MCR3 tool hardware setup

for Port A and Express PA coil, and software usage.

Time Required: 1 Hour



 Navigate the service documentation

 Set up the hardware connection for Port A and Express PA coil

 Know how to run the software and read the test result

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer. Refer to MCR III Tool for MR355/360.



Tools Required:  MCR III Tool

 Express PA Coil RF Cable Assy for MCR III Tool

 Express PA Coil DC Cable Assy for MCR III Tool



Strong Magnetic Field! Ferrous materials can become dangerous

projectiles in the presence of the magnetic field Produced by the

Signa Magnet. Do not Bring any ferromagnetic tools or equipment

into the magnet room.

Steps: 1. MCR III Diagnostic

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Troubleshooting / Image Quality Troubleshooting Tools / MCR

III Tool for Optima MR360 / Brivo MR355

a. Perform Port A, Express PA coil test

Questions: 1. What is the function of the two-pin connector?


Review: Questions for instructor:




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14. Modified Calibration Tool Lab


This lab will familiarize the student with the modified calibration tool

in SV system, including LV Shim, DQA Tool II, Grafidy 3 and EPI white

pixel test.

Time Required: 2.5 hours



 Navigate the service documentation

 Practice the modified calibration tools

Support Materials


Service Methods procedures 5364191 on disk, or as loaded onto

system computer.

Tools Required:

 LV Shim Phantom Assembly

 Nesting Plate Assembly

 DQA III Phantom

 Grafidy 3 Kit

 Split Head Coil



1. Follow all LOTO procedures. They are posted in the lab and

incorporated in the documented procedures

2. Take care when moving LV Shim phantom.


1. Use Modified Calibration Tool

Use documented procedure in Direction 5364191:

Installation / Install and Calibration Wizard for Signa Brivo

MR355/Optima MR360 / 4 Procedure / 4.4 Calibrations Guided


a. Perform a saveInfo to save the current calibration

b. Perform LV Shim

c. Perform DQA Tool II

d. Perform Grafidy 3

e. Perform EPI White Pixel test

f. Restore the saveInfo of the system


Questions for instructor:




The information in this course is


and not to be used as

promotional material. The

information may not be current

or appropriate for all systems.

Before working on any

equipment consult appropriate

current service documentation.

Failure to follow procedures in

current service documentation

or misuse of the course

information may result in

equipment damage, personal

injury or death.

The primary sources of the

material contained in this

course are released Service,

Sales, or Marketing


GE Healthcare

MyWorkshop Book Number: 51232

SV Full Service Component

Identification Activity

Page 2

System Cabinet













Page 3

System Cabinet













Page 4

System Cabinet













Page 5

System Cabinet























Page 6

Magnet Side Kit



3. 1



Page 7

Rear Pedestal














Page 8



2. 1


Page 9

OC Computer














board and Mega Switch by Convert Board located under

the foot pedal cover, which one cable is for receiving RF signal from PA coil and Multicoil

bias, and another cable is for providing DC power for PA coil.

Because it is a little difficult and time consuming to disassemble the cradle, and handling PA

coil needs great care, for easy, safe and quick reason, the cradle and built-in PA coil

composed one FRU. Two person need when replacement because the weight is more than



The trough on the newly designed Front Bridge is used to holding the cable track on the

bottom of the cradle.


For the reason of cost down and simplication, some coils use the unified phantom to

replace their own phantom. Refer to service manual for detail procedure of SNR test.

Unified phantom also can be used in HDe, HDx after the corresponding service pack is



• In all GE MR systems prior to SV, HDe and HDx, the keyboard and mouse communicated

via PS2 port.

• The SV system uses an optical mouse and both the keyboard and mouse communicate

with the host via USB.

• As the mouse, keyboard and monitor are all black, we can't leave the SCIM behind!

• Nothing about the SCIM's has changed except for the color.

• The biggest change you'll see at the operator workspace is the reduction from two

screens to one larger, wide-screen monitor.

• The user interface has been updated so that all information from both screens is now on

the widescreen.


There is only one system cabinet that covers the function of RFS, HFD cabinet and part of

penetration panel.

The following two slides show the inner components under the covers.


1) Store L/R cover carefully to prevent the distortion

2) Take care of G-Filter and power panel when moving the cabinet



There are three access window on the back of the system cabinet.

1. Access window for back of CAM Lite2 and GP3, ICN are used during installation.

2. Access window for PDU FRU only be used during replacement


The gradient system in SV is called XFD. It contains three gradient amplifiers XFA and one

gradient power supply XFD-PS. They are all water-cooled. A leak sensor is installed in front of

XFD to detect leakage of water pipe connectors. XFD slew rate is 100, which is twice as

much as HFD-lite used in HDe system.


In order to improve gradient system service capability, traditional cables and connectors are

not used for connection between XFAs and XFD-PS in SV system. XFD-PS power output and

XFA power input are used plugs and sockets, which is connected by a newly designed

component, Power panel. And XFA gradient output are also used plugs, which is directly

connected to G-Filter. With this kind of structure, it is more convenient to swap XFA than any

previous system when troubleshooting.


Power panel connects XFAs and XFD-PS. It can be accessed by removing its cover in the magnet room. If

the power panel needs to be replaced, be assure to wait for at least 15 minutes after XFD power-off. And

the nethermost plug must be removed before removing other plugs.




There are 108 screw holes on the frame connected to the system cabinet. But only 60

screws are supplied. Fix the System Cabinet with washer and screws at every two hole pitch.

Do not install screw in every hole.



The three phase alternating current for MCS and 8KW LCS must have the correct phase

position to operate. If the phase rotation is incorrect, there is no indication of power to the

system. Swap two phase leads, observing LOTO precautions. The 4KW LCS doesn’t have

this requirement. On the top of system cabinet, there are only one terminal connected to

MCS or 8KW LCS so if the configuration has another 4KW LCS, it will get AC power from the






• There are five kinds of water cooling system configurations.

• Type A, B and C have their individual plumbing assembly.

• In type B and type E, Facility water is provided by the customer. The water should meet

the specification in the pre installation manual. In not, it is possible to damage our


• In Type D, the BRM chiller and Air-cooled cryogen compressor are only available to 200V

AC power input. So the facility power can only be 200V AC.

• Type E is only for EMEA. A 3 Phase AC stepdown transformer should be installed which

supplies the 200V to BRM chiller.












In previous installation of outdoor water chillers, the vendor used different valves for

connection. The quality can’t be assured by this way. Now the Plumbing Assy will be

shipped to site according to the different configuration of cooling system.


In order to meet the market requirement, SV system contains two kinds of configuration:

Optima MR360 and Brivo MR355.

For the customers who are familiar with GE MR system, Optima MR360 can provide

affordable, versatile MR scanning to meet everyday patient needs with

uncompromised(uncompromising) imaging, workflow, service and support.

For the customers who are new to MR system, they will learn to use Brivo MR355 without

too much training. Function of Simple UI makes scan operation much easier than any

previous MR.

Note: OIC = Outpatient Imaging Center


In general, Optima MR360 & Brivo MR355 have the same basic hardware configuration.

Fixed Table with Express coil can be used in both Optima MR360 and Brivo MR355.

Detachable Table can only be used in Optima MR360.


• Optima MR360 and Brivo MR355 have the same application software with different

software options and coil options.

• The software options available in MR360 are more than that in MR355, which means

MR360 is more powerful than MR355.

• Optima MR360 can use all kinds of coils. Brivo MR355 has four kinds of configurations .

Only the coils included in the configuration can be used, which is controlled by the Option


• There is no CoilConfig File in SV, which is replaced by CoilDB. CoilDB is a predefined Coil

Database, which stores the config information of all coils. Users can’t add, delete and

modify coil config information in CoilDB, but can view the content by Coil Database

Explorer in Service Browser.


• For the purpose of market sales, Brivo 355 has four kinds of configuration: Main, Main +

Knee, Main + Shoulder and Premium.

• In Brivo Main configuration, only 8 coils listed in the left table can be used.

• In Brivo Main + Knee configuration, not only the initial 8 coils but also Quad Extremity coil

can be used.

• In Brivo Main + Shoulder configuration, the 8 initial coils and 3 channel shoulder coil can

be used.

• In Brivo Premium configuration, 10 coils can be used, including the Quad extremity, 3

channel shoulder coil and the 8 coils in Main configuration.

• So, only the coils included in the configuration can be used. For example, 3Ch Shoulder

coil can’t be used in Brivo Main and Brivo Main + Knee configurations. Be sure to confirm

what kind of configuration is in your site before using any coils, otherwise the coil may be

not identified.

• There is no this limitation in Optima MR360. But MR360 has to follow another limitation

according to different table type.(Refer to the next page)


• HDe can be upgraded to SV due to higher performance than HDe. Almost everything will

be replaced except the LCC magnet.

• But only type B of HDe with equipment room configuration can be upgraded to Optima

MR360 system.

• For type B of HDe with water cooled shield cooler, shield cooler must be removed and will

be replaced by F-50.

• For type B of HDe with air cooled shield cooler, shield cooler will be reused. No need to


• Optima MR360 configurations upgraded from HDe are Type C and Type D with detachable


• For detailed information, refer to Signa HDe to Optima MR360 System Upgrade Manual

(P/N: 5410639-1EN Rev 1.1)


Brivo MR355 can be upgraded to Optima MR360 after


uninstalling the previous one of Brivo

option keys and installing MR360 Option Key. No hardware change is needed.







With Favorite Protocol, users can select their favorite protocols at hand graphically instead

of opening protocol selector window. It has two kinds of favorite protocols:

• Ready Favorite Protocols, also called Ready Shortcuts

• Custom Favorite Protocols, also called custom shortcuts

Ready Favorite Protocols are predefined and cannot be changed by users. User can define

Custom Favorite Protocols from any protocols.



Simple UI is designed for inexperienced customers who can't and those who don't want to

handle complicated MR physical parameters as “novice mode”. It allows switching to

“Advanced” and “Expert” UI modes at any time (except after the task is saved). The

inexperienced users can finish the routing scan in Simple UI.

Basic Scan Mode is designed for the routine examination. Most of all scan parameters are

hidden to simplify the visual look and avoid changing the parameter without careful

management on the image quality. The Slider Bar is the way to select different sets of the

scan parameters.


The Advanced Scan Mode and Expert Scan Mode is to control all scan parameters in detail.

The scan mode can be switched when the [Mode change] button is selected.


Default Scan Screen mode can be set as System Preference.

The default Scan Screen mode applied at the beginning of the exam.

Note: Scan Screen mode is kept in a exam until the mode is changed.


1. Tradeoff is shown on the slider bar.

Basically the SNR is kept for all positions, but the spatial resolution is different.

2. Following scan parameters are propagated to the other position of the Slider Bar.

Scan plane, Start/End location, Auto shim, Tracker length/thickness, Patient entry/position,

Coil configuration, Series description, Contrast information

3. Slider Bar protocols are not allowed to save and duplicate.

Proto Copy will be helpful to make the protocol from images scanned with the Slider Bar

protocol. The protocol generated by Proto Copy includes just one scan parameter set of the

Slider Bar protocol.

4. Slider Bar function doesn’t apply to all the protocols. Only the protocols in the above list

are OK to use. The protocols selected from the Ready Shortcuts are Ok to use too.

A easy way to check:

If there are short vertical lines showed on the Slider Bar, it means the protocol can use this



Protocol Selector are totally different from the previous version. There are the specific user

interface for Adult and Pediatric protocols.


Protocol Template only can be accessed in GE protocol library. In this template, all the

common used protocol can be found.


Image can be previewed in this new version of Image Management.






You can access the same diagnostic items by System Function or Hardware Location. Their

functions are same.


IP Protection is new designed Software Tool for security improved of GE proprietary tool.

The function is optional that can be closed as defined by local service organization. When IP

Protection is enabled, the field service personnel will be required to input an authorization

code to access the service browser to utilize GE proprietary tools. The authorization code can

be generated automatically in the back-office sever after one IPP Key is input that is

generated by MR host software.

NOTICE: Service IP Disable Key (M50002DJ) shall be ordered to disable the function.

NOTCE: IP protection is just available in China as pilot prior to M4. The design will be improved

based on the field feedback. The global deployment plan will be finalized prior to M4.

Main function consists of:

• Optional (Default is active, “iprotection” option disable it)

• Only lock Class C/M tools( USB service key shall be presented)

• Auto-run( User generate the activation key by themselves)

• B/S structure( web browser to log in server, like e-License)

• Customized useful-life ( period of validity from 48 hrs to 30 days, only for administrator


• User management and Event log (Add/Delete user account, log activation code generation

time, user, hospital…, only for administrator account)

• Manually generate in emergency ( Server down, Administrator can generate key by

another SW)



The E-Reporting Tool is a web-based application that allows for better communication

between the customer and the GE service engineer. Communication is one-way with this tool

from the service engineer to the customer. When a Field Engineer (FE) or Online Engineer

(OLE) provides service at a customer site, the E-Reporting Tool is used to document issues

found or service performed. It is also used to provide recommendations for customer follow-

up, for example, suggesting that the customer improve room temperature. After the service

engineer has created a service report, the customer can view and print the report at any


There are three types of reports in the E-Reporting Tool:

1) Emergency and Routine Service Report - (The Field Engineer primarily uses this page to

communicate to the customer any information from emergency or routine service calls.) This

report is created, for example, when an FE or OLE is called onsite to resolve an emergency

site issue and wants to maintain a log of the discussion that occurred between site

personnel and the engineer. The service engineer is also able to communicate with the

customer about work that was done after hours at that site.

2) Planned Maintenance Service Report - (The Field Engineer primarily uses this page to

communicate to the customer any PM information from planned maintenance service calls.)

An FE or OLE may create this report to communicate to site personnel about the details of

planned maintenance that was performed onsite by GE. The report could also contain any

site-related issues that the customer should correct or that GE needs to fix.

3) Predictive Maintenance Service Report - (The OnLine Center primarily uses this page to

communicate to the customer any information from predictive maintenance service calls.)

This report may be created by an FE or OLE when performing proactive work to remedy a

problem that will occur onsite if site conditions are not corrected. This may involve site-

related issues that could impact product performance. Examples include temperature and

humidity that is out of specification, or MCQA results that indicate a problem with site coils.


In SV systems, it is easy to enable or disable autologin function. If the current mode is

unclear, use the STATUS function to check.







CAN stands for Controller Area Network, which is a vehicle bus standard designed to allow

microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a

host computer. It is also used in other areas such as industrial automation and medical

equipment. Since MGD was introduced into GE MR system, CAN replaces the MDS link

gradually. In different systems, the components connected through CAN link are different.

1. SCP3 is in charge of receiving and managing the system data, sending control instructions

and monitoring the status of all connected node devices through the CAN link.

2. Every node device has its own built-in CAN communication controller. All controllers are

powered by a single isolated +24V power supply in the cabinet monitor.

3. CAN needs terminator resistor to balance the impendence of the network. One 120ohms

resistor is embedded in the SCP3 board, and another 120ohms resistor is installed on the

farthest node - Cabinet Monitor.

4. The DC24V ISO power is provided by Driver Module in HD, HDx system. In Emergency Off

mode, Driver Module will lose power and the CAN link is broken. The system requires a TPS

reset after power restoration. In SV system however,


CAN 24V DC power is supplied by

Cabinet Monitor, and it is still energized when system is in Emergency Off mode, so TPS reset

is unnecessary after power is restored.

5. In service browser, CAN diagnostic tool can be used to check if the CAN link works

normally. Cabinet Monitor should be always connected because it supplies the 24V DC

power for the whole CAN link. We can bypass one node by removing the CAN in and out

cables and directly connecting the two cables except the driver module lite, because the

CAN cables connectors in driver module are both male.


This graphic displays the Ethernet routes and serial service for the SV system.

• Because CAM lite2 has no APS, so port 1 in Term Server is not used any more.

• Image data, status and control signal are transferred by the 1000M Ethernet switch.

• A VERY IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER: Image Compute Nodes are computers like your

PC… they must be shut down properly or they risk operating system corruption.

• ALWAYS follow service procedures when removing power to ICNs – shut them down via a

“soft power off” at the GOC, not by pushing the power button on the ICNs themselves or

by pulling the power cord. We will say this many times in this training!! In addition,

removing power to the Systems cabinet (or RF/Systems cabinet) without properly shutting

down the Volume Recon Engine subsystem will induce the possibility of corrupting the

operating system on the ICNs!!

• VRE can be safely powered down by 1) shutting down the host computer or 2) Using the

VRE power utility from the common service desktop


The Common MR Communications Link is first used in the DVMR product development. In SV,

we use the same communication link.

SerialLite is a serial protocol developed by Altera Corp. and Innocor Ltd. Altera provides an IP

core implementation of SerialLite that utilizes the high-speed serial transceivers in their

Stratix GX FPGAs. This communications link assumes implementation in a Stratix GX FPGA

using the Altera IP core.

The DVMR Common Communications Link, or dvmrlink, defines bidirectional data transfer

within the DVMR system. This includes data transfer between the CAM chassis and remote

devices, including RF Exciters, RF Receivers, and data transfer between an RF Receiver and a

VRF installed a VRE. IRF3 board is the interface of DVMR link.


Data transfer from CAM to the remote devices includes both synchronous and

asynchronous data. The Sequence Bus, which contains SSP (Sequence Scan Protocol)

Commands, RF data, and gradient data, is the source of synchronous data. The CAM CPUs,

via the PCI bus, are the sources of asynchronous data. Asynchronous data transfer

effectively provides PCI write access to the remote devices. Synchronous and asynchronous

data is merged into an CAM data packet.


Data transfer from the remote devices include status information, sample data, echoed SSP

commands, and echoed PCI commands.

3. Data Transfer from VRF to Remote Receivers

In SV system, the 8 channel RF signals are digitized by ADC in RRX and converted into optical

signal, send to VRF in VRE via VRF Data Link.


This block diagram shows RF receive chain in SV system. If the system configuration is

MR360 without Express coil, J22 in Mega Switch has no cable connection.

Mega Switch selects different input signal from Port A coil, PA coil and body coil, and

amplifies the selected signal, and converts them to intermediate frequency signal, which

center frequency is about 16MHz.

Then, RRX gets the eight channel RF signals and digitizes them with ADC, and converts them

to optical signal, and send to VRF in VRE via VRF Data Link.

VRF converts the optical signal to electrical signal and filters them, then sends them to ICN

for image reconstruction.

Then the reconstructed image is send to host via Ethernet switch.




During RF transmitting, Unblank signal will be generated and sent to synchronize

remote devices. Digital Unblank signal is sent from CAM lite to Exciter via DVMR link.

The analog Unblank signal is generated by the Exciter.

Then, the analog Unblank signal is sent to Driver module lite Unblank distributor,

which outputs same Unblank signals and sends to UPM1, UPM2, RF amplifier interface

board and SRFD3.

On the other hand, Unblank and AC Power Sense signal will be sent to the Magnet


1. Unblank signal may aid in executing ADC algorithms for improving accuracy of the

sensed ADC inputs that have spikes due to RF noise coupling.

2. Power Sense indicates whether or not the System Cabinet is powered-up. The

resulting state shall be made available for the SBC (Single Board Computer) in Magnet

Monitor to read. This will allow the determination of the validity of the Unblank signal.


PCIAA is functionally similar to GOCAA (Global Operator Console Audio Assembly), but

is only used for audio communication between operator and patient. It locates in the

host PC and is mounted on one PCI socket. But PCIAA has no any electrical connection

with PCI socket, only occupies one PCI slot to fix.

The cable (E3047) between SCIM and PCIAA are new designed part. The mouse are

keyboard are all USB port.


Simple OC consists of host PC and chassis.

Host, LCD and Ethernet switch get the power supply from the power strip in the

chassis. There is a circuit breaker on the power strip, which can only be accessed after

right cover removal.

Pay attention to the service key after inserted in the front USB port. It is easy to be

broken when anyone passes by the OC! It is suggested that the service key had better

to be inserted in the rear USB port.

The Option keys are bounded to the ethernet card built in the main board. But the

main board is not a FRU. The whole PC has to be replaced if the main board doesn’t

work, and all the software options has to be regenerated in the eLicense website.

The following is the FRU List in Simple OC:

Host PC ( THTF M10)

Memory ( 2GB DDR2 677 DIMM)


HDD ( Western Digital WD3202ABYS-0)

Dust Filter

LAN Switch

PCIAA Collector

OC Chassis Collector

Cable Collector


The input power for THTF host should be 100~240VAC.

SCSI tower isn’t used in SV system any more. Only one DVD-RW driver is installed in the

host. LFC, save and restore info are all executed by this driver. It is fixed by two screws

on the left side. There are no fixed screws on the other side. It is easy to be pulled out

with a little of force after removing the screws.

The glue on the bracket of the memory socket is to assure that the memory will not

become loose during transportation. Be careful to remove the glue when replacing the



This slide shows the detailed configuration of THTF host.


• PCIAA (PCI Audio Assembly) Kit contains one ribbon cable and two boards: PCIAA

board and PCIAA Extended board.

• There are several audio adjustment potentiometers on the PCIAA extended board

for adjusting patient and operator voice levels. The Minimum Patient Speaker

Volume is fixed, there is no adjustment for it .

• It is easy to forget to connect the power cable to the PCIAA. Be sure that it’s been

connected before you close the host cover. Otherwise, TPS reset will not respond.





• Due to 2.15 Farad super capacitor used in gradient power supply, the rated power

of system cabinet PDU is decreased to 25KW.

• 3 phase lines and 1 ground wire are connected between MDP (Main Disconnect

Panels) and PDU.

• Input voltage is selected by inserting the incoming power cables into the

corresponding transformer terminal.

• DIP switches, under the cover, set the overload and short circuit trip on input power

as on other systems.

• There are two cables connected to the PDU control board. E-Stop control cable are

connected to three emergency off button. Another cable is from cabinet monitor,


which trip E-off contactor when issues are detected, and switch on or off Nigh

mode contactor.

• When the PDU is initially installed, all breakers are off. Be sure to observe the

correct order of switching on the PDU breakers to ensure coolant is flowing before

heat generating components, such RF amplifier, gradient amplifiers and gradient

power supply, are powered up.


The 25KVA is a new design part. The power capacity is less than former products

because the gradient power supply uses the super capacitors to store power energy in

SV system.

Control signals to Main Breaker:

1. Power Off Button Control: This signal is from Power Off button. Main breaker will trip

if press this button.

2. Transformer Temperature Sensor Control: This signal is from 3 phase transformer in

PDU. Main breaker will trip if the temperature of the transformer is over the limit .

3. Main Breaker Trip Control: Refer to 2.c in this page.

Control signals to Control Board:

1. Input control signal:

a. EMO Reset Button Control: This signal is from EMO Reset Button. E-off contactor

and Night Mode contactor will be energized after pressed this button.

b. E-Stop Control: This signal is from outside E-Stop circuit (Refer to the next page). E-

off contactor and Night Mode contactor will lost power when pressed any E-Stop


c. Cabinet Monitor Control: This signal is from cabinet monitor. It contains two kinds

of signal. One is for controlling E-Off contactor, the other is for controlling Night Mode

contactor. For detailed information. Refer to Cabinet Monitor section in this



2. Output control signal:

a. E-Off Contactor Trip Control

b. Night Mode Contactor Trip Control

c. Main Breaker Trip Control: In HDe system, when leak sensor 1 detects any leakage,

cabinet monitor will send control signal to PDU to trip the Main Breaker. The whole

system will lost power input. But in SV system, leak sensor 1 is removed. So this signal

is not used in SV any more although the control circuit is still there.


MPS (Magnet Power Supply) is for ramping up power supply. It will have no output

after E-stop contactor is tripped.


There are five Switching AC to DC power supplies located on the upper right of the

system cabinet.

DCPS for DM_Lite, Exciter, Mega SW & RRX only have input power 120VAC, no control

signal, which means that the three DCPS have stable and uncontrolled output once

the input power 120VAC is engaged.

Output of DCPS for DM lite: +24V/+15.38/-15v/+12V/-12V/+10V/-10V

Output of DCPS for Exciter: +5.3V/+12.6V/+15.8V/+7.4V/-7.4V

Output of DCPS for Mega SW & RRx: -9.25V/+9.75V/+6.625V

DCPS LED Power includes the following power and signal:

1. Provide +24V, +15.25V, -15.25V, 5V_PAL(For Patient Alignment Laser) and 5V_BL

(For Bore Light) to LED Power Box

2. Output Mag_DC_OK status signal to PHPS Lite2

3. Receive control signals from PHPS Lite2, including Remote On/Off signal of BL and


DCPS PHPS-Lite2 includes the following power and signal:

1. Provide +42V and +8V to PHPS-Lite2,

2. Provide +42V to DOCK

3. Provide 120 VAC to PHPS-Lite2 for controlling Patient Blower

4. Output Table_DC_OK status signal to PHPS Lite2

5. Receive +42V sensing signal from the dock motor to adjust the output +42V to Dock





The PHPS stands for Patient Handling Power Supply. It functionally replaces the SSM

(System Support Module). There are three types of PHPS for different type of MR. The

above table shows the difference between PHPS, PHPS-Lite and PHPS-Lite2.

2. Basic principle

The PHPS-Lite2 is mounted in the Cabinet.

It consists of a PHPS Control board, a CAN Communication Core (CCC) Board which is

physically mounted as a daughter board on the control board and a pulse width

modulated Servo amplifier.

DC +42V and +8V are supplied from the outside Power Supply for PHPS-Lite2.

This power in turn is used to generate regulated +5V and +3.3V locally for use on the

control board and +42V for Servo Amplifier.


1) The Control Board Assembly gets command signal serially from IRF I/O J23 in CAM-Lite2 cabinet. The

Control Board generates signals needed for control of the following entities:

• The Patient Alignment Laser

• The Bore Light

• The Patient comfort fan relay

• The enable signal needed by the Servo amplifier

• The output relays in the longitudinal motor drive circuit

• Current feedback signal for monitoring the dock motor current

• Communicates status of power supplies and servo amplifier to the CCC board

2) The Servo Amplifier is a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) device used for powering the longitudinal

motor. DC 42V generated by the control board is the base input voltage. The SRI send command signal

of In and Out or Fast In and Fast Out directly to Servo Amplifier to drive the longitudinal motor.

3) The CAN Core Communication (CCC) board monitors the health of the power supplies and the status

of the servo amplifier, and communicates this information to the host. The CCC board receives power

supply voltages, digital I/O signals, and analog inputs corresponding to the power supply voltages

from the Control Board. The digital I/O of the CCC operates at 3.3V so all logic levels must be converted

to this level on the Control Board. Additionally, the CCC gets an isolated 24V from an external source

for powering the serial interface communications.

3. Block diagram

Signal Table_DC_OK comes from Power Supply for PHPS Lite2. PS for PHPS Lite2 provides DC +42V and

+8V to PHPS Lite2 by J6. The signal is activated when DC +42V is OK.

Signal Mag_DC_OK comes from Power Supply for LED Power Box. PS for LED Power Box provides +15V,

-15V and +24V DC power to LED Power Box and controlled DC +5V to Patient Alignment Laser and Bore

Light. The signal is activated when Power Supply works normally.


CAM Lite is short for Consolidated ASC MGD Lite chassis. It consolidates the

components of the Multi-Generational Data acquisition chassis (MGD) and Amplifier

Support Controller (ASC) chassis into one unit on HDe forward production Systems

cabinets. The CAM-Lite chassis combines the individual ASC and MGD boards into a

common chassis. There is no change in functionality.




The CAM-LITE2 is a consolidation of two subsystems, the MGD LITE and ASC LITE. It

contains a custom 6U cPCI midplane that is comprised of a single custom bus

segment, two cPCI bus segments and a common power system. The single custom

bus segment house the Universal Power Monitor (UPM) circuit card that provide RF

amplifier power monitoring function with redundancy and the Amplifier Interface (AIF)

circuit cards for the Narrow Band (NB). The functions within this custom bus segment

communicate to the MR system, utilizing CAN via the midplane. A single board

computer (AGP2) serves as the cPCI bus segment masters. A third processor board

(SCP3) provides serial interface functions and house a CAN mezzanine card. The GEHC

custom boards IRF I/O, SRF/TRF and STIF interface to one of the cPCI bus segments. A

custom, non-transparent, cPCI bridge board allow cPCI communication between the

primary and secondary cPCI midplane segments.


AGP(Applications Gateway Processor) or the AGP2 include a cPCI(Compact PCI) single

board computer. The AGP consists of a Motorola MCP750 or equivalent, and include a

64MB memory mezzanine module. The AGP-II consists of a Motorola MCP820 or

equivalent, and include a 128MB memory mezzanine module.

So AGP2 Board (Slot 6 F) is also sometimes referred to as MCP820. That is why the

terminal window shows 820 when we reset TPS while logging in AGP to monitor it

status using command mgd_term. AGP coordinates the work of the IRF, IRF I/O,

SRF/TRF, and STIF Boards to create the digital RF and gradient data needed to

generate the scan waveforms. The top cable, equipped with the male RJ-45 connector,

provides an Ethernet link between the Host and the AGP. During a TPS Reset,


PSD data

download from Host and data transfers to the AGP via this link. The bottom cable,

equipped with the male RJ-45 connector, provides a service RS-232 serial link between

the AGP and the Host via the Term Server.


The SCP3 Board, also is called CPV3, is functionally update of a standard SCP and SCP2 Board, which

its performance increases dramatically. It is required for certain purchased scan options.

The following is the functional and performance enhancements over the CPV-3060 (SCPII) assembly:

• Compute performance: the SCPIII processor operates with a core clock of 667 MHz, compared to the

50MHz processor clock on the CPV-3060 processor

• Memory bus performance: the SCPIII processor hosts DDR2 SDRAM components on a dedicated

167MHz bus, with a raw bus transfer capacity of ~21 Gb/s, as compared to the 2.1 Gb/s raw bus

transfer capacity of the 66 MHz SDRAM components on the CPV-3060

• Memory array capacity: the SCPIII processor offers 64–512 Mbyte capacity at the main memory

array, compared to the 64–128 Mbyte capacity offered on the CPV-3060. The RAM configuration for GE

part is 256M.

• Front panel Ethernet port: the SCPIII hosts a 10/100/1000BaseT port as compared to the

10/100BaseTX Ethernet port on the CPV-3060

• CANBus interface ports: SCPIII provides two front panel CANBus 2.0 interfaces on the main board in

place of the ESD Electronics PMC331-1 CANBus controller module provided with the CPV-3060.

All front panel and primary backplane I/O functions of the SCP2 are maintained on the new board

except for the rear-access SMC port, which is not supported on the newer PowerQUICC processors.

SCP3 has one PMC site and provides two on-board CANBus 2.0 interface controllers in place of the

second PMC site provided on the SCP2. The SCP3’s internal hardware architecture is implemented

around a new MPC8360 PowerQUICC II Pro processor with a 667 MHz core clock.

The middle white cable, equipped with the male RJ-45 connector, provides an Ethernet link between

the Host and the SCP. During a TPS Reset data is transferred to the SCP via this link.

The bottom cable, equipped with an RJ-45 connector, provides a service RS-232 serial link between the

SCP and the Host via the Term Server.


The IRF3 is the third generation Interface and Remote RF Functions circuit board. It is designed for use

within the DVMR system and, despite many architectural similarities, maintains no backwards

compatibility with IRF or IRF2.

The IRF3 primarily serves as a communications hub within the CAM chassis, supporting

communication with one or two Remote Receiver devices (RRx), one or two Remote Exciter devices

(DTx), and the XGD gradient subsystem via five identical high-speed (2Gbit) serial fiber optic interfaces

implementing the DVMR Common Communications Link.

The IRF3 accepts an 80MHz reference clock input via a fiber optic receiver. This clock is used as the

master clock, both on-board and for the CAM system. CAM clocks, except PCI, are normally derived

from this reference. The FPGA provides logic to detect the absence of transitions on the reference

clock input. The FPGA also provides the ability to operate the CAM system stand-alone, using the PCI

clock instead of the reference clock, and, in fact, this is the default clock mode of the IRF3. Note that

system operation is asynchronous in this mode.

The IRF3 includes a front panel reset push button for CAM chassis reset. The debounced switch drives

the backplane reset request to the backplane system slots with a pulse of at least 100ms to initiate a

PCI reset.

The IRF3 interfaces to the CAM system through the backplane. These interfaces include the 32-bit 33

MHz PCI interface and the custom Sequence Bus. This also includes the CAM chassis temperature

monitoring portion of the SMC interface.

The IRF3 provides the same SMC inputs and outputs as IRF1 and IRF2. In SV, only Scan Room Door is


The IRF3 provides five instances of the DVMR Common Communications Link that are identical and

interchangeable. The fiber optic transceiver modules have internal real-time diagnostic capability, and

measure internal module temperature, internal supply voltage, transmit bias current, transmit optical

output power and receive optical input power. Via the FPGA, these values are collected and made

available to the system via PCI.

Eight indicator LEDs on the front panel to provide general status information and to provide the status

of the communications links.


The RF Amplifier Support Chassis (ASC) will house two complete Universal Power Monitors for

redundancy. A UPM will consist of a UPB and up to two UPM RF Detector Boards (RFD) connected on

the ASC Backplane. Each UPM will be capable of monitoring forward and reflected RF power in a MR

system for 0.35T to 3T range of field strengths. In 1.5T SV system, only forward RF power is monitored.

The RF Detector Board is the front end of the UPM. They accept coupled RF power from the various

transmitter pathways in the MR systems, and execute Analog to Digital conversion (ADC) under the

control of UPM Processor Board (UPB), and convert them to a digitized power envelope.

The digitized power envelope is passed along to the UPB to be processed through mathematical

algorithms for the monitoring of RF power levels and for the detection of excessive power conditions.

The UPB will communicate status and fault/error conditions to the system through CAN as well as

supporting inter-module communications as necessary.

In SV and HDe system, RF AMP Interface board (AMPIF) is introduced to support SRFD3. The AMPIF

receives NB UNBLANK signal from the Driver Module and passes these UNBLANK signal to the RFPA.

When RF Output Power is above the limitation, UPB will create RF LOCK signal and send it to AMPIF.

AMPIF will send RF LOCK signal to RFPA to stop power output. And UPB sends inhibit Unblank signal to

the Drive Module to stop output the Unblank signal.

Attention: The AMPIF for CAM Lite is basically compatible in function with the AMPIF in ASC Lite of HDe.

But the pin assignment of RF LOCK on backboard is different between ASC LITE and CAM Lite. They

would be compatible by switching the pin assignment by switch on the board.

Note: NB = Narrow Band, BB = Broad Band, CW = Continuous Wave, BB and CW Unblank signals are

only for Multi-Nuclear Spectroscopy (MNS) amplifiers.


Driver Module Input and Output Signals:

1. Head T/R Bias (J6) to SRFD3: +8VDC(@4.25A)/-14.4VDC(@400mA)

2. Body T/R Bias (J7) to SRFD3: +5VDC(@5.5A)/-14.4VDC(@400mA)

3. Dynamic Disable Bias (J21/22/24/25) to Body Coil: 500VDC/ -1A(@-3.7VDC)

4. Direct Drive Bias (J23) to Body Hybrid: 500VDC/-1A(@-3.7VDC)

5. MC Aux Power (J3): +/-15VDC used by coils to generate preamp bias for preamps in


6. MC Preamp Power (J3): +15VDC used in LPCA to generate preamp bias for preamps

in LPCA.

7. MC Switch Control (J3): signals go to 8-Channel Switch Board to control 8-Channel

Switch Board operation.

8. MCD 0-7 (J5): Multicoil T/R Bias to multicoils (+3/+5/+7/-5VDC@(0.5A)).

9. Unblank signal input (J19) from Exciter goes to CAM Lite2 (J11, J12, J13). DM can

disable RF by disabling Unblank if bias faults.

10. CAN link (J1/J2): come from PHPS Lite2, go to GP3 from DM.

11. HV/TR/DD/MC Fault Disable Switches: service facilities in DM.

12. Serial High-speed data input (J4): This input will provide the high-speed differential

data necessary for “on-the-fly” coil switching. This data will be used only for intra-scan

modification of MC_SELECT to change the selection of the MC driver outputs.

It will modify only the drivers selected to switch to “receive mode” and will not have

the capability of modifying the driver’s positive output voltage level or any fault

detection levels.



RF Exciter Outputs

1. Analog RF excitation signal

2. 80MHZ Clock signal to VRF, IRF3, Mega Switch and RRX via Mega Switch

3. Local Oscillator (LO) signal and


Loopback for Mega Switch

4. Unblank signal to Driver Module and magnet monitor


The VRE(Volume Reconstruction Engine ) replaces the Array Processor in the Signa

HDx, HDe and SV systems. It does the image processing and reconstruction functions

that were previously done by the Reflex AP's in the Excite2A and Excite HD systems.

The VRE in the SV system has only one ICN (Image Compute Node). The ICN is a Linux

PC in itself. One ICN is roughly equivalent to the processing power of a Reflex 800 AP

in the Excite HD. Whenever the system and/or MGD IP addresses are changed, the

VRE must reconfigure or it will not communicate with the system.

Sun 4100 and Sun 4170 can all be used in SV system. But because the Sun 4100 has

been end of life, only Sun 4170 is used in current system. But if Sun 4100 used in old

system is broken, you have to replace it with Sun 4170. During VRE Sun 4100

configuration, no OS disk is needed. But one specific OS disk for Sun 4170 is required

to be insert to the DVD driver in the host during VRE Sun4170 configuration.

VRF board contains an optical interface to receive scan data from Remote Receiver (RRx)

board, filters the data and DMAs the data to the ICN for image reconstruction. The VRF

board is physically installed in PCIs slot on the ICN. The VRF will receive an 80MHz

reference clock from the exciter board.

VRF is used in Sun 4100, and VRF2 is used in Sun 4170. The VRF2 is a redesign of the VRF

to change the FPGA from an Altera StratixGX device to an Altera ArriaGX device.



The SRFD3 RF Amplifier and Interface (SRFD3 Module) is the third phase in the development

of the Scaleable RF Driver (SRFD) subsystem. It is the first liquid cooled amplifier and lower

output power(10kW). The SRFD3 Module performs the following functions: Head/Body mode

switching, CAN communication link decoding, control and status communication between

the system and the RF amplifier, RF power amplification, and RF power sampling for power

monitoring by the Universal Power Monitor (UPM). The SRFD3 Module provides appropriate

test points, displays and adjustments to allow for calibration and troubleshooting in the field.

The SRFD3 Module will also incorporate water cooling for fan noise reduction.

The SRFD3 Module consists of five functional blocks: I/F Translation, Input Conditioning, RF

Amplifier, Output Conditioning and Input Power.



SRFD3 has been pre-adjusted in factory. You don’t need to adjust RF power on site during


Because the card 72 in the RF Power Measurement Kit is for 16KW power output, it is

necessary to modify the measurement method.




Water cooling gradient system

Slew Rate: 100 T/m/s

G-Max: 33 mT/m

Input : 208VAC, 1A ; 200VDC&700VDC

Output: 300A for 100ms, 1400VDc

Cal/Function Check:

DC offset, DQA cal


Hammer, Frame/Clk test, ECC Verification, Hysteresis Static Test is obsolete.

FRU: XFA, XFD-PS, Control Boards


1) Quick disconnecting design to facilitate the replacement.

2) Need to remove the leak sensor first to replace control board.

3) Super capacitor design of XFD-PS require ~30 minutes to discharge.

4) 87 Kg weight of XFD-PS. Need hoist tool


The XFD-PS is an IGBT-based switching Power Supply. It can output three sets of DC +200V,

+700V and -700V. The XFA needs the three kinds of voltages.

There are two serially connected 4.3 Farad supper capacitor (EDLC: Electrical dual layer

capacitor) in 200V DC power supply. By using super capacitor, the power of PDU can be



The part is the 200V DC power supply for three XFAs and 200V to 700V DC-DC power supply.



Three sets of DC700V and -700V are isolated.


XFA is an IGBT-based switching amplifier. It provides a voltage to overcome the inductance

and resistance of the MR gradient coil. The XFD-PS powers the three XFAs.

Actually, the ideal output of XFA is a square wave. In order to decrease the time of rising

edge, XFA will output DC 1400V energized on the G-coil. After getting the top of square wave,

only 200V can sustain. The control board output the gate control signal to switch on or off

the IGBT to implement this function.


The XFD-PS weigh 87kg. Be strictly follow the replacement procedure in the service manual.

In case the connections are difficult to remove, follow Method B.


RF amplifier, gradient amplifiers and gradient power supply are all water-cooled in SV

system cabinet. Leak sensors are used to detect if there is leakage happened on any water

pipe connectors.

Leak sensor is composed of two parallel wires that terminated by a 8.3MOhms resistor at

one end. The electroconductive part of the wires are exposed every one centimeter. The

other end of the leak sensor are connected to the cabinet monitor.

• If the leakage sensor are broken, the resistance between A and B will be greater than

50MOhms. This will be labeled as SF (Sensor Failure) on the cabinet monitor.

• If any leakage happens, because the coolant resistance are less, the resistance between

A and B will less than 3MOhms. This will be labeled as LK (Leakage) on the cabinet


• If there is no SF and LK, the resistance between A and B should be equal to 8.3MOhms.

According to three different resistance values, cabinet monitor can identify three status.


Leak sensors are classified three levels. Leak sensor 1 is the highest level, which is only used

in HDe system and will trip the PDU main breaker. In SV system, only Leak sensor 2 and 3 are


Leak sensor 2 consists of three parts: Front, Bottom and Water Tray. Front sensor locates in

front of RF amplifier and XFD; Bottom sensor locates on the bottom of the system cabinet;

Water Tray sensor locates on the left side of tray. The three parts of sensor 2 are serially

connected and terminated on the water tray sensor.

Leak sensor 3 locates on the bottom of the water tray.

A fault on Leak sensor 2 will trip the E-Off.

A fault on Leak sensor 3 will produce an error message.



1. Cabinet monitor will trip the E-Off contactor in the PDU when

a) Leak Sensor 2 detects water leakage or are open

b) Temperature of system cabinet is over 45 degree centigrade

c) 4KW LCS or 8KW LCS/MCS stop working

2. Cabinet monitor only sends the error message to host through CAN link when

a) Leak Sensor 3 detects water leakage or are open

b) Temperature of system cabinet is over 40 and less 45 degree centigrade

c) Water level is low in any one of LCS or MCS

3. Cabinet monitor will trip the Night Mode contactor in the PDU when

The system haven’t scanned for one hour.

The Nigh Mode control signal is from IRF I/O board J23 to SCIF J101, then to SCIF J105, then to J10

in cabinet monitor.

4. Cabinet monitor will energize the Night Mode contactor in the PDU when

The system is running TPS reset or begins to scan.

5. Provide Isolated +24V DC power to whole CAN link.

Pump flow sensor and Tank level sensor are all Normally Closed switch, which means:

1. When LCS or MCS stop working, the pump flow sensor are close. And when they works normally,

the sensors are open.

2. When Tank level is low, the tank level sensor are close. And when the level is normal, the sensors

are open.

You can use DVM to check the resistance between the two sensor cables.




• PS for Mega SW & RRX provides three kinds of input voltage to Regulator Box through the

filters in the System Cabinet Interface Board(SCIF). But the cables from the SCIF

connectors to Regulator Box are very long, which will surely cause voltage drop on the

cables. The input voltage of Regulator Box must be within the required range with the

voltage drop. So the system uses two exactly identical cables and connectors to decrease

the voltage drop. The output power cables from Regulator Box to Mega SW are also two

exactly identical cables.

• Current SV system doesn’t have the individual 12V Power Supply, which


is for future use

to support MNS. That is why 3 out of 4 input LEDs and 5 out of 6 output LEDs are lit in the

Regulator Box.

• There are five voltage regulators to transform three kinds of input voltage to five kinds of

output voltage. Voltage Regulator Board monitors all regulated voltages using

comparator chips and sends status information (Power Good) to Mega Switch. Only when

all five regulator outputs are normal, then Power Good signal is Ok, which is a DC signal

ranged in 2.2 to 3.3V at pin 19 of J2.

• In the Mega Switch, the regulator just transforms the 6.85V input voltage to other three

kinds of output voltage. Mega SW also monitors the output voltage and send status

information, and this status information and Power Good signal will be sent to a logic

AND gate to get the Mega SW Power Good signal. Only when output of Voltage Regulator

Box and Regulator in Mega SW are both normal, the Mega SW Power Good signal is OK.

But this signal is not sent to RRX in SV system.

• Other input voltages to Mega SW except 6.85V just go through the Mega SW and are

directly sent to RRX.


All the input, output and power good LED indicators can be observed through the heat

dissipation holes of the Regulator Box. Due to no power supply for MNS, Input LED DS12

and Output LED DS1 are off all the time, and other LED indicators are continuous lit .


Voltage Regulator Board monitors all regulated voltages using comparator chips and sends

status information to Mega Switch.

The output from the monitoring circuit is buffered and sent to Mega Switch as a 3.3V digital

signal of wired-AND logic.

Diagnostic information is provided on the front panel via LED’s.



The Mega Switch can be divided into ten modules:

1. RF Router: It is a multi-way switch, which routes the four RF inputs to one RF outputs.

2. Loopback Interface: It is used to distribute loopback signal from Exciter to all receive

chain for R1 calibration and diagnostics.

3. Mixer Module: It amplifies the input RF signal according to R1 gain and transform its

frequency to 16MHz.

4. Driver Module Interface: It is the interface to supply the DC bias, DC power to coils and

other control signals.

5. RRX Interface: It communicates with the RRX by outputting the 16MHz RF signals and

receiving control signal from RRX.

6. CPLD: It provides the interface of the control signals.

7. SRI3 Interface: It communicates with SRI by transferring Coil ID and other control and

status signals.

8. Clock Interface: It filters the clock signal and makes some transformation,, then sends

the clock signal to RRX.

9. TNS (Transient Noise Suppressor): It receives noise from outside antenna and compares

with threshold and output control signal to RRX.

10. Power Interface: It regulates one DC Voltage from Regulator Box for internal using. A

power supervisor monitors the regulated power. Other DC Voltages are transferred to

RRX directly.


1. The Mega Switch provides the RF routing circuit which routes the four RF inputs to one RF

outputs. The main functions of the RF router block are as following.

• Provide the receive Interface of RF signal

• Route the RF receive signals to proper down conversion channels.

• Provide protection circuitry at each RF signal input to protect the components from being

damaged by the transmit RF signal during scan, ESD(Electronic Static Discharge) in

installation and other occasions.

2. Loopback interface is used to distribute loopback signal from Exciter to all receive chain

for R1 calibration and diagnostics.

• R1 calibration is very important in SV system. It is performed when resetting TPS and

rebooting the system every time. Loopback signal is split into eight separate but equal

signals and are sent to each receive channel via SPDT(Single-Pole Double-Throw)

switches in the RF router, then to Mixer Module for amplifying and mixing, then output to


• Meanwhile, system will set the R1 value from 13 to 1, and send them to RRX via DVMR

link. Then RRX sends the R1 data to Mixer Module in Mega Switch. Eight Mixer Modules

amplify or attenuate the loopback signal according to different R1 value.

• In VRE, system will check the signal power of every channel when R1 value is from 1 to

13, if the signal level is in the specification, R1 calibration is successful and system can go

to next step. But if it fails, system will report R1 calibration failure and stop.

• If RF disable switch is located in disable mode in Exciter, system will not get loopback

signal during TPS resetting rebooting, this will cause system fail.



4. Driver Module Interface has the following functions:

a) Multi Coil TR Bias

The Mega Switch receives Multicoil TR bias (MCB) from the Driver Module Lite and these signals are

routed to each coil port.

The MC TR bias is specified as following:

MC TR bias input (Transmit Mode) supplied by Driver Module MC Driver board +3, +5 or +7V +/- 0.1V @


Maximum MC TR bias input (Receive Mode) supplied by Driver Module MC Driver board -5 V +/- 0.1V @


b) Control Signal of RF Routing

The Mega Switch receives a 16 bit serial stream of data to control RF routing from the Driver Control

Board within the Driver Module on differential lines (DATA, STROBE, OE), converts these lines to digital

signals (data, strobe, enbale), and converts this serial data to parallel signals.

c) Power Supply From Driver Module

The Mega Switch receives +15V and –15V powers from the Driver Module Lite. These supply voltages

are used for each coil port, Body Preamp Bias Power. +10V power which is used for each coil port is

generated by linear regulators from +15V. Note that +10V is not supplied to the Legacy port, only +/-

15V are supplied.

d) Body Preamp Bias and Over Current Detect

The Body preamp inputs are biased with 15Vdc supply from the Driver Module through a inductor at

all times (Bias-T). This bias circuitry has PTC resettable fuse and detects over-current state, and

allows bias output current to 300 mA flows to the preamps at maximum. The intent of this method is

to protect the circuit traces and coaxial cables in the event of a shorted preamp or cable. A voltage

comparator circuit is provided to determine when such a fault condition has taken place. The

comparator’s output will remain Low so long as the bias circuit in over-current detected state. While

the comparator output is Low, yellow LED will remain illuminated.


6. The control signals from the Driver Module is decoded and the following signals are


• RF Router Control Signals (To RF Router Block)

• RRx Reset Signal (To RRx)

• External MUX Control Signals (To Coil Ports) : The CPLD just pass though this signal to each

Coil Port.

• Body Select Signal (To RF Router Block)

• Loopback Select Signal (To RF Router Block)

The control signals from the RRx Module is decoded and the following signal is generated.

• R1 Control Signals (To each Mixer Module)


The CPLD provides the control signals to switch the receive path to loopback circuitry

when the UNBLANK signal is Logic Low (Blank state).

7. SRI3 interface consists of the following signals.


• COIL Present

• Body Transmit ENBL



8. Clock Interface

The Mega Switch receives 80MHz Master Clock from Exciter. The clock signal is band pass filtered to

reduce the noise from the system, and routed to a LVPECL buffer to convert sine wave to LVPECL

signal. The converted clock signal is transmitted to the RRx module through TNS interface connector.

9. TNS (Transient Noise Suppressor)

The Mega Switch detects the possible occurrence of a significant transient noise event using a BNC

connected independent loop antenna. The RF signal from the antenna is bandwidth limited and

applied to a logarithmic (dB power to V) amplifier device, the output of which is compared to a

threshold provided by the RRx Module. 8bit D/A converter


is used to generate the threshold level

voltage in the RRx module and the threshold level can be set to a value in the D/A Converter’s output

range. If the threshold is exceeded, a transient detect flag will be output to RRX.

10. Power Interface

a) Power Connector

The Mega Switch receives the supply voltage from the external power supply. The Mega Switch

provides a stacked SubD 37 pin female connector to receive 6V85_A, 6V85_D_RRx, N6V85_A,

5V05_A_RRx, 5V05V_D_RRx, 3V16_D_RRx and Power Good (PG) Signals. The pin assignment of the

power connector is the same to each other to for failsafe. The Mega Switch doesn’t use all of these

supply voltages mentioned above, just uses 6V85_A and N6V85_A. 6V85_A is regulated to 6V_A and

5V_A, and 5V_A is regulated to 3V3_D on the board, respectively. The received supply voltages are

distributed to the RRx Module and / or the MNS upconverter.

b) Power Supply Supervise

The Mega Switch provides the supervise circuit for the 6V regulator. The supervise circuit provides

the power good (PG) signal. Also, the Mega Switch has an interface to receive the PG signal from the

Regulator Box, which is the power supply board for the Mega Switch and RRx. The power good

signals are High in normal operation, but become Low when the regulated voltages become out of

the specified range. These two PG signals are fed into CPLD on the Mega Switch, and the CPLD

generates a signal which is AND logic output of these two PG signals. This signal from the CPLD is

passed to the RRx Module as the “ MegaSW_PG” signal.



The Remote Receiver’s main function is to provide analog and digital signal processing and

A/D conversion for 8 channels of data.

Key functions of the RRx Module are:

- 16-bit Analog-to-Digital conversion

- Digital decimation and filtering

- Synchronous transfer of 8 channels of 18-bit two’s complement I-data and Q-data from

the FPGA over the DVMR Common Communications link at sample rates of 500kHz (+/-


- Communication link to and from Megaswitch for diagnostic and control signals

- Control of TNS section of Megaswitch module and TNS notching for receiver channels

- Read of board type – needs to indicate an 8ch vs. 16ch RRx module

- Read of board status


LED DS2, DS3, DS4 used to identify the Receiver Module number in binary format. LED DS1 is

used to indicate when the Mega Switch +3.3V incoming power is good and is not lit when

either the Mega Switch power is down or the cable into connector J1 is not connected. DS1

is used to prevent a false RRX1 indicator, where Port ID is equal to ‘000’. All of these LEDs are

powered by the Mega Switch +3.3V power.


Pin function in Port A Connector:

A1, A2: Coil present

A3 ~ A10: M0~M4 signal from Mega SW to control multicoil

C1 ~ C4, D1 ~ D4: Ch1 ~ Ch8 preamp out, no bias, DC blocked

E1: Transmit signal up to 2KW for 1.5T or 4KW for 3.0T. Peak Power

E6: Reflected power to 50ohm load, 2.5KW Peak Power, 50W RMS

F1 ~ F8, G1 ~ G8: Multicoil T/R bias

F9, F10: To detect if this coil needs body coil to transmit

G9, G10: To detect if this coil needs system preamp to amplify

I2, I5: 15VDC for aux & preamp power

I3, I6: 10VDC for aux & preamp power

I4: -15VDC for aux power

I7, I8: Coil ID

I9, I10: Coil present’


• Fixed table has no Dock and Undock function like detachable table. Up and down of fixed

table are implemented by actuator, which is driven by electrical motor. The table can go

up and down very smoothly with very low noise compared to the detachable table. And

there is no other mechanism to drive fixed table up and down.

• The control box for fixed table is newly designed.

• The longitudinal movement of the cradle is driven by longitudinal motor located in the

rear pedestal. It is same as HDe.

• The cover of the cradle is reinforced to protect the embedded Express PA coil from

damage. The cradle with the Express PA coil moves the patient into and out of the

magnet bore.


There are five limit switches in the Fixed table.

1. One Home Sensor Limit Switch. Only when cradle moves to the home position, the Home

sensor Limit Switch will be activated to allow the fixed table to be moved up and down. It

can only be accessed for service by removing the top right cover.

2. Two Up Limit Switches and Two Down Limit Switches. (Shows the logic position diagram of

the four limit switch) This diagram shows the logical position relationship of the four limit

switches. Only Up1 Limit Switch locates on the fixed table frame. The other three limit

switches integrate in the actuator. When the table is going down, Down1 LS will be

touched first, then fixed table will stop if Down1 LS is OK. But if the Down1 LS doesn’t

work, the table will keep going down, Down2 LS will be touched and the table will stop. It

is same for Up1 LS and Up2 LS. In normal situation, only Up1 and Down1 will be touched.

Up2 and Down2 LS are redundant to assure the table can stop at UP and DOWN limit

position in case Up1 or Down1 LS are broken. The highest position of the fixed table can

be determined by adjusting the position of the UP LS Actuator. Only when the fixed table

is on the top height, the cradle can be moved in and out.


The table control board is a newly designed part, which is fixed on the dock frame shipped

with the fixed table package.

• PS for PHPS-LITE2 supplies DC 42V power as the input of table control board through SCIF

board. Then table control board outputs two direction power to the electrical actuator in

the fixed table. When the up or down foot pedal is pressed down, the table will move up

or down. And when the Up limit Switch or Down limit Switch is activated, the table will


• Table control box transfers the table vertical position information to SRI. When the table

is on the highest position, SRI will output Enable signal to PHPS Lite2 to enable the

longitudinal movement of the cradle. And it receives 8V power from the SRI for its logic

circuit working. The signal ground is connected to table control box shell through fasten



Please refer to the service method 5364191-2EN 'Replacement / Fix Table / TABLE

ELECTRICAL ACTUATOR' for the detailed procedure.


Express coil consists of three coils: HNA, AA and PA.

1. HNA and AA can’t be used together because of one port A.

2. HNA and PA can use together.

3. AA and PA can use together.


HNA coil consists of three parts: Anterior part, Posterior part and Horseshoe adapter.

There are 14 elements in HNA. Not all the elements will be used during scanning. Different

elements will be used in different scan mode.

HNA itself has four scan modes, which are Brain, NV, C Spine, C spine with adapter. And CT

Spine mode can only be available when combining HNA and PA.


AA coil consists of four elements. It can’t be used independently, and must be used with PA

coil, which their combination is functionally similar to 8ch Body Array or 4ch Torso Array.

They have three scan modes – BodyArray12, BodyArray_23 and BodyArray_34, which will

be shown on the next slide.


PA coil consists of 12 elements. In the surface of cradle, there are coil marker from 1 to 4.

Every one marker contains of 3 elements. They have three scan modes – SpineArray_12,

SpineArray_23 and SpineArray_34.


This table shows all the scan mode which the HNA, AA and PA have, and which elements will

be used in different mode.


There are three modes for Express coil MCQA. Phantom position and landmark position

would be strictly followed otherwise failure of MCQA. Be sure to use the foam pad in the

HNA when scanning HNA+PA mode and HNA with Adapter + PA mode. Please refer to

specific procedures of Express coil MCQA in the service manual.


• Automatic coil selection function can simplify the scan operation. The operator doesn’t

have to know exactly what scan mode should be selected. The system can automatically


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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