The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1949 NEWS FROM NORTHERN CONNECTICUT NEWS FROM THE QUABOAG VALLEY Spring Today Begins Duties As T'Ville Clerk, Assistant Retired Bigelow-Sanford Designer Named to Post by Judge Stanley Yesukiewicz Thompsonville, Aug. 3-Among the court officials who will formally sunte their new duties Thursday is former Selectman William A. Spring.I appointed by Judge Stanley Yesukiewiez 18 court clerk and assistant prosecutor. Retired Designer Mr. Spring, a retired designer with Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Co.

was born in New York. son of the late John J. and Barbara Rice Spring. After graduating frym. the parochial schools he took A two year course At St.

Clement's Preparatory College, Saratoga Springs, N. and later atL'it. tended St. Blary's College, Northeast. On the creation of the during World War 11.

he was appointed by First Selectman Timothy F. Conley, as chairman of the local rationing board. In 1944 he Wits elected to the Board of Selectmen. On the return of the contingent of veterans he retired 10 act as secretary of the Enfield Veterans Advisory Committee. At present he is secretary of the Board Police Commissioners.

For seven years he headed the local branch of the National Foundation for Infantile paralysis and is on the executive board of the Hartford Chapter, Well Known Sir. Spring is well known throughout the state in Knights of Columbus having been Grand Knightiseph WILLIAM A. SPRING of Washington Irving Council and District Deputy supervising the ritualistic work of N. of (. councils in Windsor Locks.

Stafford Springs, Simsbury and Thompsonville. 111 1940 he was elected to the Supreme Council of the Order at Indianapolis. Ind. He lives with his daughter, Mrs. JoGynoski, 24 Bigelow Avenue.

I Proposed Enfield Rentals Can Be Lowered Up to $11 Interest Under 50-Year Bond Would Have Been Per Cent; One- Year Notes Less Thompsonville, Aug. 3-Rentals in the moderate-rental housing development proposed for Enfield vAn be lowered from $7 to $11 a month at the A least, under provisions of the housing act of the last Legislature. according to word received by the Enfield Housing Authority. Lower Interest one-year This is in notes part now becasue authorized. under the state can lower the interest rate to less than one per cent.

whereas under the 50-vear bond proposal, the interest would have been about per cent. Authorization is also made to eliminate any or All real estate in new act for any city or town A taxes previously charged to the local' housing authority. and a further reduction in the rental rate will result it this is granted here, provisions apply to all housing under the state program already built. now construction or to be built. Forms Available To assist the Enfield Authority in determining the exact needs of this town.

application forms for occupancies in the 'proposed development here became available this afternoon at the Enfield Veterans Center in the Court Building. Request is made that as many AN possible fill out the and return them by mail to the secretary of the local authority. Joseph Rarus. Box 68. Thompsonville, within the next week.

Suffield Sofiball Results Suffield. Aug. 3-Results of the Suffield Softball League game tonight: Suffield Grange scored over the Po28-7; the Independents beat the Travelers. 7-3: W'est Suffield beat the East Suffield team. 19-6.

out. and Monday of this week the Last week the teams were al rained Independents, beat the Police. 4-3. and on Tuesday the Grange won over the West Suffield 11-1. Somers Somers, Aug.

3-Mr. and Mrs. John Gronmugen and daughter. Irene. are spending two weeks in Wiscasset.

Me. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Gawdy had as recent guests Joseph Wright and his sister, Gladys, of Shelter Harbor; Fla.

Miss Olive is taking A summer course at Ohio State University. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Thayer have returned from a month's vacation in Mrs.

Charles W. W. Pease Las returned from Johnson Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Malcolm Barton of Tampa.

Fla. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Frederick Finley. Westfield. Aug.

Frank B. Henchey of 36 Washington widely known. lifelong resident. today 2.11- nounced he will be A candidate for election to the office of mayor in the fall city elections. Promises Statement "I will outline in detail my aims for the office af mayor at later was his only comment.

Long interested in municipal affairs, Atty. Honchey is no stranger 1.0 the local political life nor of campaigning for the office which he will seek in the coming elections. le is the third candidate to announce his intentions for mayor to date. the other two being former- -Mayor Homer E. Bush and Councilman John E.

O'Connell. Mr. Henchey will be seeking the mayoral berth for the second time, he having bron a candidate in the 1947 municipal elections when be was eliminated in the primaries. World War I Vet A veteran of World War I. having served in the Motor Transport Corps of the Army.

he is an active member of Westfield Post. American Legion. Ole has served that organization A 43 judge advorate for several terms and recently assumed the office of adjutant. A resident of this city all his life, he attended the local public schools Westfield High School. He was graduated with honors in June, 1929, rom Northeastern University, receiving the degree of bachelor law.

On Nov. 20, 1929. he WAS admitted 10 the practice of law before the Massachusetts courts and later 10 Partice before the United States Fedral Court, District of Massachusetts. HENCHEY IS NO. 3 I TO SEEK MAYOR'S POST.

WESTFIELD He'll Outline Aims at Later Date; No l'olitical Stranger Air View Friday ille, Aug. 3-Friday's Springfield Union will carry A ether in the series of aerial viens of Thompsonville. Tach Monday. a F'rida, for the neat tho weeks Jou'll have this chance to view your town-its places of business, churches, our OWn homes a santago point enjoyed by few. Union P'hotographer Benny Bah made the pictures from An airplane piloted by former Army l'ilot Thomas Sullivan.

Suffield, Aug. 3-Suffield police received FL call this morning about 11 o'clock from Hilltop Farm, ON ned by Charles Stroh. Mapleton, Boys Were seen Two boys had been seen attempting to take tools from a shed there and when someone discovered them the two 13-year-old boys ran way quickly. Officer Frank Sutula 8A them walking on the highway and later about 11.30 a. nt.

caught them in the tobacco field owned by Ralph Merrell, 310 Mapleton after having chased them 111 the Holds for awhile. Had Escaped Andrew T. Grassett. 42. Meton Court, Hartford had escaped from the Heform School for Boys in Meriden leaving there July 28.

hothe second boy from Hartford left Monday night about 1.30 p. m. The hoys had no money on them and were trying to make their will to Maine. The parents of the boys were notified and are coming to the police tonight to take over their care. Suffield POLICE CATCH PAIR ON WAY THROUGH TOWN Hartford Youth Had Fled Reformatory On 28th of July ALCORN TAKING NIECES ON TRIP Plan Extensive Tour of England.

Continent Suffield. Aug. 3- 3-Robert Acorn, son of former State Atty. and Mrs. Hugh MI.

Alcorn. accompanted by his two nieces, the Misses Carol A nd Elizabeth Alcorn. daughters of Judge and Drs. Howard 11. Alcorn.

students at Wellesley College and Chafee School for Girls, respectively. will sail this wek on the Queen Elizabeth. Going to London They will visit London. England from there by car they will gO to the Scottish Highlands, see the Engligh Lakes. Then on to Paris, France 10 visit the the Loire Valley, Switzerland down to! Rome, Naples, possibly Florence and Milan.

lialy. Back to Paris and London home on the Queen Mary about Oct. 1. Stove Blazes, but. Not Much Damage Suffield.

Aug. 3-An oil stove caught fire today at 10.10 a. m. at the home of Are. Anna Harris of Kent but the Bremen quickly put out the Are So that no damage was done.

A great number of people went to the fire. The funeral of Mrs. Janet (Austin) Walker, wife of Charles A. Walker of Monmouth, who died yesterday at Lewiston Hospital. Lewiston.

will be held Friday at 2 p. m. at Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs.

John S. Rising and family left vacation Monday of two for weeks. Miami, for A Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sweatland of West Suffield.

announce the engagement of their daughter. Dorothy, to Kenneth E. Hinckley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A.

Hinckley of Mapleton Ave, No date has been set for the wedding. Blandford Aug. 3-Edmund Nye, superintendent of the Water has reported d. rainfall of 3.85 inches dueTing July 13 compared with 4.5 inches in July. 1343.

Several families outside of the water district who depend on springs and wells for their source of supply nave. reported that they are now forced 10 carry water from the nearest sources available. FAMILIES FORCED TO CARRY WATER Outside District and Own Wells About Dry Sven Anderson, has been named chairman 01 a committee for the annual steak roast of the Beagle Club at the club grounds on Birch Hill Sunday, Aug. 11. Other members of the committee are Lee, Elwin and Harold Wymnan.

Erwin Hart. William Kemp, McGowan and Harold Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Blair and Nancy and Wayne, And Aljitha Duval have returned from a tion at Big Pond. East Otis.

Mrs. Philip Stebbing and family of Glasgow Rd. are in Burlington, due to 1 ne serious illness of Mrs. Stebbins' father. Lucien Martin of North St.

who underwent an operation on his heel a few weeks ago is now able to get around the farm but is still wearing a cast. Mr. and Mrs. Leman and granddauznter of Augusta, Me. are visiting Mrs.

Bertha Huff of Russell Rd. Wales Ladies Aid Plans Aug. 17 Picnic Date Wales, Aug. 3-The Ladies' Aid Society of the Wales Baptist Church met with Mrs. Julia Dunham of the Monson Tuesday afternoon, with 12 present.

regular business meeting was held and they tied A quilt. The date of Wednesday, Aug. 17, wAs set for the annual picnic, at Morey's Pond, Connecticut State Forest in Union, Conn. They will start at 2 p. m.

and A supper picnic will he enjoyed. Mombora and friends Are invited. The Wales Fish and Game Club and Fire Department will hold ct. I meeting and monthly drawing Sunday noon at the fire house. Monson, Aug.

3-Day Spring Lodge of Masons and Carrie Cushing Chapter. OES will hold a joint family picnic at Kibbe's (trove, Somers, Conn. on Saturday, Aug. 13 at 12.30. the day should be stormy the gathering will be held the following Saturday.

A basket lunch picnic and EL program of sports will be held in the grove. Kenneth A. Grindell is general chairman and will be assisted by the following: location. Walter Heintz. Ellsworth Harrington and Paul Magrone; sports, Carl F.

Moulton, Ralph Moulton and Theodore Galas; transportation. John Murray, Ernest Mizen, and Francis Blakeborough; refreshments. Kenneth Hunter and Herman Hasenjager: Faster Star committee, Airs. Mildred Lombard. Mrs.

Madeline Harrington. Mrs. Adwilda Bissell and Mrs. Helen Jameson. Monson KIBBE'S GROVE PICNIC LOCALE Masonic Lodge and OES Plan Aug.

13 Event Miss M. Jeanne Sproat of East Hill is spending a week at St. Ann's Convent in Arlington. Mrs. Elijah Williams will gO to Cranston.

R. on Sunday where she will show some of her pedigreed dogs. Jirs. Williams will also exhibit in Keene. N.

Schenectady, N. and Plymouth in the near future. Victor Landers. manager of the Monson Co-op Store is on his annual leave and with Mrs. Landers and children are vacationing at the New England beaches and New York.

Mr. and Sirs. George Facey and small sons of Wilbraham Road are spending two weeks Lake George. Wales. Warren I DOGS OR OWNERS, FORGET THE DAY Many Bring Pets for Inoculation Warren.

Aug. 3-Possibly Warren, dogs did not know that this was the date for Warren dog owners to get! their dogs inoculated against rabies. for only 63 owners appeared with: their canine friends at Memorial Hall. There are said to be over 200 dogs in town. a Dr.

W. A. Smith of West Brookfield brought in. inoculated Dr. the Smith dogs was that ASwere sisted by George Geoffrion.

Mrs. James Doherty of School has accepted a position in the office the Hampshire Woolen Co. at Ware. Walter Swett of Maple has A position with the Jones Petroleum at West Brookfield. The McCarthy Brothers Co.

is erecting A new oil storage tank on St. They recently purchased! fruthte from John Pierzga. who owns an adjoining plot. Mr. 'and Mrs.

Walter Harriman of the Warren- West Warren Rd. are entertaining Mrs. E. B. Elev and daughter of Lowell.

Miss Nellie Obartuck. clerk at the Saving Bank, has returned Warren, two weeks vacation. Mrs. Philip Doherty has returned to her home 011 School after several weeks at St. Vincent Hospital for treatment.

North Adams North Adams, 3-Although advised by police to appear at District Court today to swear out 3. warrant against three men who beat him up last night on State St. shortly hefore midnight. Daniel J. Skorupski.

33. of 14 Center had failed 10 show at the clerk's office when it. was closed for the day at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Suffers Cuts, Bruises Skorunski suffered Among other cuts and bruises an especially severe cut over the right eve. He was attended in the police station by Dr.

Maurice G. Spitzer. Police Were told that A. young woman came to Skorupaki's aid as the three, men were beating him, thus saving him from more severe punishment. The alleged assailants beat.

it down all alleyway when police approached the scene. Skorupski WAS able to give 2. good description of the men but said he could not account for the attack. BEATING VICTIM FAILS TO SHOW; SAVED BY GIRL Hadn't Sought Warrant at Clerk's Officc at Closing Time Holland Ware ENFIELD VOTERS TO DECIDE ON NEW SCHOOL SITE Town Mecting Warrant Cites Only Hazardville Property Thompsonville. Aus.

special 3-Voters town of Act PURE Thursday. Aug. 11, at 8, at a site new grade in Infield Hish. School. on the purchase Hazardville.

ANI Cost $8000 etion will be On 41 recommendation committee of special school site for the purchase of A tract of eight Acres in North Maple Hazardville. owned by Robert J. Hawthorne, at it cost of The proposal has the approval of the Entell Town Finance Board. The purchase would include a strip :0 feet wide off North to provide to the school site. front and access The committee's option on the joperty expires Ang.

20. No Mention No provision is made in the warnins for the meeting for action on a Nite for 1. proposed now grade school in 'he west part of the town to supplant the present South School in Thompsonville and the Infield St. School. Lack Approval Tile sire committee has taken fions on the property off Enfeld St.

price of which is $37,000, but its for purchase has not 1- en approved yet by the Town Finance Board. The meeting also will act on a p- from available to DAY outstanding accounts against the town at the end of the fiscal year. June 30. VFW DRUM CORPS LACKS BUS FARE Legislature Failed to Furnish' Florida Money Thompsonville. Aug.

3-The Drum and Bugle Corps of P. F. Triggs Post. VeW. Connecticut state champions, 8.

problem of transportation to Tho National VFW Convention, August 2.1 36. at Miami. Fla. Legislature Forgets While it had been supposed the re112 legislative session authorized an appropriation of $1300 for transportsthot of the corps. t1.0 commander, Roy Frangimmoro sal tonight it has been learned the bill WIN killed.

was approved by both committees and passed by the House. but was lost. in the rush of the closing day's business in the Senate. will endeavor. however.

to arrange for the $1500 required for bus travel. Plans are being devised for A community project to be 11 01.08 by the corps in an effort to raise funds, Members of the corps have been equipped with new instrumenis and uniforms at A cost of several thousand dollars. Thompsonville Kiwanis Club held afternoon annual at outing Turner and Park. clambake this East Longmoadow. Nearly 76 members and att-niled the outing, which inclued and novelty events hefore the bake.

Past President Harold Tong headed the general committo Private funeral services will be held 'Thamlay at 10 at Leete funeral home for Robort S. Bromage. son of Mr. and Vro, Harold J. Bromage.

1182 Enfield ST. Killed Monday in an automobile accident In Nebraska. Rev. V. Arnold Celiano, pastor of First Presbyterian Chur h.

will officiate. Burial will be in Unfinid St. Cometery. BETA CHI RHO TENNIS MATCH STARTS FRIDAY I Crackett, Dunham, Greene and Manning Listed as Seeded Players Greenfield. Aug.

3-With Roger and Philip Dunham of Bratfir Dory, Arthur Gropne Lowell and Ho Manning of Pittsfield listed ended players. drawing for the Beto Chi Rho-sponsored open tennis tournament were announced tonight following a meeting the commit1 C. The first round will be played at Deerfield Academy Friday at 5 1. m. and Byes were drawn by lenry Door of Deerfield and Vito Vitro.

Many Matched Brackett will play James Ryan; Ramond Tilson will play Donald Bosworth of Springfield: Francis Doof Turners Falls will play Harold of Hartford; Owen Russo will play l'otter Smart. John Reed of Westfield will play Joseph Russo: player listed only at the partner el Herbert Stone of Springfield will pol: us Manning of Pitisfield and Greene will play John Dolan of Turners Falls. Donald Me Austin of Holyoke will play Melvin Skinner: Denham Lunt. will play Jeffrey Averitt of Deerfield: Warren Gingras of Turners Malls will play Frank Dalton: David will play John Nelson of Shelburne: Raymond Spencer will play Stoddard, Jr. George siglin, will play Stone, and ('lark of South Deerfield will ply Dunham.

'The second round w'ill be Saturday a1 10.30 at Reavon Field. The quartar finals at 2 Semifinals Ar at the same Finals will ba another alt I.con Field Sunday at 3.30. HARTFORD MAN KILLED Montreal. Aug. 3 (P)-Francis 26, of Hartford.

was fatally injured last night when his automobile crashed into a truck. near Ta prairie. acros the St. Law 30 Neo River front Montreal. SELECTMEN OK HIGHWAY WORK, THREE RIVERS 1870-Foot Project to Cost About Ruckley Boss L'almer, Aug.

3--'The selectmen tonight signed the contract for construction of 8. new highway on J'almor Three livers. $28,000 The project is to cost about $28,000. work will be done by town entploy gos under the guidance of an engineer from state headquarters. Henry Buckley, head of the l'almer Highway Department, will be construction foreman.

Some 1870 feet of new road will be constructed. The material will be macadam. Palmer Rd. in Three Rivers took a had beating during the severe winter of 1947-48 and has been greatly in need of repair, the selectmen point out. See Nice Tie-In Chairman James H.

Fitzgerald and his associates, Herbert W. Bishop and Peter Warakomski, incline to the beliof that the Palmer Rd. construction job will tie in nicely with the new Three Rivers Bridge which has been open to motorists for a couple of days now. Palmer Rd. leads to proach of the new bridge at the far end of Main St.

in Three Rivers as one goes from Four Corners toward across the new bridge land Ludlow by continuing a straight ahead or 10 Palmer by turning and traveling on Palmer Rd. The selectmen are in receipt of letter from Merrill 1. Simonds Post, AL. to the effect that the post will vacate its rented quarters in Memorial Hall on Central St. by Oct.

1 and will thereafter carry on all its business the new Logion home on Thorndike St. The Legion had space in Memorial Hall for many years. Leaves For Duluth Chairman Fitzgerald is to leave by motor tomorrow for Duluth. where he will visit his married daughter. He will be gone for two weeks.

Messrs. and Bishop will CATTA on the selectmen's chores in las absence Purchases Property Palmer. Aug. 3-Mr. and Airs.

Nichols of Chicopee have purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Townsend of Brimfeld Rd. property Flynt St.

Mr. Nichols is well known in this neighborhood. having been affilated with A. G. Lamontagne.

Inc. of PalnieT for the past 16 years. Mr. and Dirs. Nichols plan to occupy in the near future.

The papers were handied by the Davis Agency. Sgt. Charles Yvans has arrived from Oregon and is enrolled in the Lake Thompson Colony. His marriage Miss Patricia Wade of Lake Thomp-, Ison and West Springfield is to be An 'event of August. Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Preuss Monson, are parents of daughter born in Wing Memorial Hos. Main pital here late last night. Joyce's Funeral Palmer. Aug.

3-Funeral services for Joyce Dehoise, youthful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Deboise of 30 Water were conducted in the Bert Beers funeral chapel here afternoon at 1.30. Rev. Enoch Hughes, pastor of Second Congregational Church, officiated.

The bearers were Robert Joseph Mitchell. Bernard Johnson and Curtis Vaughn. Interment was in Oak Knoll Cemetery. Rites Friday Palmer. A 112.

3-Funeral services for the late Elisha Warner Codding. 69, of 514 Park Palmer, who passed away in his home late last night after protracted illness. will be held in the Bert L. Beers funeral parlors Friday afternoon at will be private. Rev.

Enoch Hughs of Second Congregational Church will officiate. Interment will he in Oak been asked to omit flowers. Elisha Knoll Cemetery here. Friends have Codding wAS born On Feb. 14, 1880 in Walcott.

the sun of Jason and Jane (Agreston) Codding. He resided in this section for many years. He is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Norman Griffith and Mrs.

Ethel Hartley. both of Palmer, one niece and two in Step Fall nephews. CITY HALL TRIP FLOORS WOMAN Mrs. Mary Flinn Hurts Leg Pittsfield. Aug.

3-Mrs. Mary Flinn. 66, of Hotel Regent. New York City is in St. Luke's Hopsital with an undetermined leg injury received it A fall in Durham St.

this afternoon. Mrs. Flinn. who is visiting her cousin, Mrs. A.

Ross Rider of New Lebanon, N. r. was coming out of the Municipal Building and caught her heel in the step. She WAS taken 10 St. Luke's in the police ambulance where she is under the care of Dr.

Albert C. England. Skimpy Dress Fights Not to Be Settled On Streets: Cainan Pittsfield. Aug. 3-Chief of P'olice Thomas Calnan has issued orders to that they must inform visofficers, the city who appear in skimpy dress that such conditions are not tolerated.

The officers further instructed that any arguments that develop because of this are to be settled at the police station by the officer in charge at the time, of the sun in every 18 years. There "re about 10 total Community Club Meets Wednesday Holland, Aug. 3-Miss Leona Avery of Springfield will be the guest of the Woman's Community Club meeting Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 8 in the Town Hall. Miss Avery will give a demonstration on doll making.

Anvone interested may attend. Hostesses will be Mrs. Edward Hoyle and Mrs. Fredman Walcott. Mr.

and Mrs. Peodore Golineau are parents of a son born Sunday at Harrington Memorial Hospital. lev. Hilda Ives of Portland. will preach Sunday at the Congregational Ch.urch in place of Nev.

John Manter who will be on vacation. The Legion and auxiliary will meet Tuesday Aug. 9 at 8. Town Clerk Leona N. Bagley has received word from the Department of Conservation that a law has been passed recently which allows aliens who have lived in Massachusetts for one year, to obtain fishing licenses.

Bondsville Bondsville, Aug. 3-Parishioners tonight began canvassing for articles in connection with the annual lawn party which St. Bartholomew's Church of this village will hold on Saturday, the 20th. The Bondsville auction is one of the ambitious ones in this region and one to which many people look forWa. expectantly.

Charles Hinchey is active on the committee on arrangements, He has several associates. Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Skaza of Southbridge are currently visiting his Parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Skaza of Pleasant ST. Harold Donovan of Bayonne. N. is house guest at the home of his mother. Mrs.

Catherine Donovan of State St. Stanley S. 'Styspeck, clerk. said this evening that there are early indicaItions that the special meeting for members of the Fire District in the local grammar school hall Monday evening at 7 will draw a large turnout. BEGIN CANVASS FOR LAWN FETE St.

Bartholomew's. Ambitious Project Russell LAD IS NOTIFIED OF SCHOLARSHIP: FUND ASSISTING Westfield High Graduate Was Salutatorian of His Class Russell. Aug. 3-Victor Marcotte. ison of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Marcotte. has been notifed by the trustees Fund of the Lotta Crabtree Agricultural VICTOR MARCOTTE for Amherst, that he has been awarded a scholarship toward his education at the University of Massachusetts. Ho will enter the university this fall. Westfield High Grad Ho was graduated from High School in June.

and was salutatorian of his class. Victor was captain of the high school tennis team, and has been interested in other sports as well as serving as student council vice-president. and business manager of the school yearbook, the Gammadion. He intends to study medicine. Patrolman's Car Hit, Driver Flees Westfield.

Aug. 3-P'olice today were checking A. hit-and-run accident Tuesday evening in Main St. when A car driven by Patrolman Michael 0'Rourke was hit and daniaged by an unidentified car near the Noble St. intersection.

O' Rourke reported the vehicle striking his machine left the scene speedily continued casterly in Last Main Springfield Rid. O' Rourke ohtainado the registration number and police checked the car but the owner was reported A8 denying any knowledge of the hit-and-run accident. O'Rourke's car was struck. on the left rear side. Mannix Gets, Award AjI coal supplies for Hampden County institutions will be supplied during the coming year by the Mannix co*ke and Coal Co.

of Holyoke low bidders on contracts submitted to the County Commissioners who terday. The contract totals $10,098.30 for bituminous coal for the jail and Hampden County Training School and smaller amounts of buckwheat and anthracite. City Coal Co. of Springfield was second lowest bidder with an estimate of $11,087. METER INCOME IS TABBED FOR MAINTENANCE.

Can Be Used for Snow Rcmoval; $1500 On Hand, Cash Growing Ware, Aug. 3--Income from park ing meters is to be used for purpo 4' in connection with the maintenan: of the system and in the meter area. according to Peter J. Recan kewicz. town treasurer, who given the information by state aulitors who have been making the 11- nual check of Ware departments, For Snow Removal 'This means that the money can used for clearing snow from streets in the metered section.

for necessary street repairs. to provide for 44 supervision and other activities in connection with maintenance of the meter system. The town treasurer now has about $1500 on hand and the fund is FrOM ing steadily. P'urchase of a coin counting machine for $100 was the major out lay of the past few months. Voters will have to assign the money for use by 1he eligible depar ments, at 8.

town meeting. but it is not necessary to expend the whole amount in each year. Mr. Rzeznikiewicz estimates the annual income 'will be about $8000, all going to the town after the nicters are paid for and this will he in about a year. if the meters are remained.

This income means close to $1.50 oll the tax rate. present half the income from meters goes to the town and half 14 the meter manufacturer. The town will probably decide R1 the Annual town meeting in February whether to keep the meters. Thompsonville, Any. 3-Forms for Gl Federal Insurance dividend payments will he avallable on or About Aur.

29 af the Veterans ('enter and also at the Thompsonville l'ost Office. it is bi the director of the renter, ('harles Gatto. All forms will be processed at the center. Mr. Gatto sald.

urging that fill out their forms $0011 as they are available. He further said, however, that ments probably will not be made before next year. Mr. Gatto timates there are approximately 2000 veterans In Infield eligible for the Insurance dividends. Stafford Springs Dividend Nears! Stafford Springs, Aug.

3- The Stafford unit of Civil Air received recognition and activation orders from Washington, on July 25, it was announced today. Squadron Staff The staff of officers is as follows: with a temporary rank of second manding adjutant; lieutenant. officer: William Raymond Mrs. Witinik, Faye Kuchl. communi- Kuehl, com- cations officer: Emil Dupont.

training officer: Maurice Reynolds, operations officer: Donald Swift, supply officer: Francis Rose, personnel officer: John W. Zelz. fiscal officer: Richard Y. Browne. public information officer: Edward Champagne, photographic officer.

Rev. John Post, pastor of Crystal, Lake Methodist Church and the First Methodist Church, has announced that five new members were admitted to the Crystal Lake Church Sunday. On Wednesday, Aug. 10 aL meeting of the preparatory class for children will be hold at 6.30. At 7.30 that night A similar class will be held for young people.

On Thursday. Aug. 11. the second in FL series of meetings for the training conference for church school teachers will be held At 7.30 at the home of Airs. Francis Willis.

I CAP RECEIVES D. C. APPROVAL: KUEHL UNIT CO Recognition and Activation Orders Arrived July 25, Officials Report Another Briton Is on Sick List London. Aug. 3 (A) Another memher of the British government is going abroad to convalesce.

He is P'hilip Noel Baker. the minister of state for commonwealth, who had an operation recently. Noel Baker plans to spend some time in Nowwily 88 guest of the widow of old friend, Fridtjot Nansen, the polar explorer. Sir Stafford Cripps, the Chancellor lot the Exchequer, is in Switzerland and Worcign Secretary Ernest. Bevin in France, both because of poor henlth.

Prime Minister Attlee also has been ailing. He is at his summer home, Chequers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.

Woodward of Philadelphia, are visiting friends in Ware and vicinity. She was Anna Anderson of this town before marriage and oldest sister of the lAte Janies H. Anderson. former postI master here. Peter J.

town el, and treasurer, has been appoint 10 the legislative committee of the tional Institute of Town Clerks and Treasurers. Announcement is made of the of Miss Florence r. burg, daughter of Jirs. Irene Gins. burg of Worcester.

and Norman H. Gurwitz. son of Dir. and Dra. David Gurwitz cf West St.

Miss Ginsburg is A graduate Worcester High School of Comm And Mr. Gurwitz of Ware School. He is with the firm of Goldstein Gurwitz. Children of Mary of Mount Carmel Church will have the annual outing Whalom Park. Fitchburg, Sund :3.

Members will receive communion the a. 111. mass and will leave at once for the park. Walter Lyons of Ragged 1-4111. who has been in California tho pas months, return by plane and will dispose of his farm And then return to California to mako home.

His mother, Mrs. Anita went to California and remained. 1p will join her at Grass Valley. who they have built home and whor* 11 is employed as a carpenter. Daniel Hyland.

first manager Station WARE. will 90 to P'awtucket. R. 1., now station. A3 guneral manager.

He is A. Ware native and has br- associated with radio Ho was announcer fur several years, WSIR of Fall liver. APRO of Provident. WH. AI in and was announver for bu chief 3 and for the Yankee network Worcester.

He has been in radio sales and service and WAS Central Massachusetts correspondent for electrical and electronic trade journals the past several months. He plans to retain his home here for the present. Springfield Newspapers gave 30 Ware newsboys an all day outing toat Riverside Park. the boys leiv. day ing by bus after morn.

ing delivers of papers. before 7.10, and returning in time to deliver the edition. The trip was 11 evening hy bus and Ware Now's Co. provided supervision. Westfield Births Westfield.

Aug. 3--31r. and Mra, George Woods of George St. are par- At ents of 11 daughter born toda3 Noble Hospital. DROWNS IN RANGELEY TAKE Rangeley, Aug 3 (AP) Miss Lusin Mayers, 31.

of Scarsdale, N. Y. drowned accidentally in Ran2. lev lake vosterday. Medial Examiner George 1.

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The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.