The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (2024)

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The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (2)


Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 3:01 am

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable

This is very worth your time: I lost my license for a year and paid 3 grand in fines when I shouldn't have.
» ··· 50501823
Another excellent one about drugs: » ··· l%3Aaclu

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 3:01 am · (locked)

Sith HMP
I Did What?
Premium Member
Bloomington, IL

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (4)

Sith HMP

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 4:28 am

I'm sorry, but that has to be the worst advice ever. The only thing I saw that was true in that video was what they called "unprofessional officers", and the fact the the probable cause law is fuzzy. Following that video in my state will get you arrested faster than simply complying. Granted it does give a "brief" description of your basic rights. A lot of what they said you "could" do is based on a word they seemed to use a lot, "if".

Step outside of your home when the police come to your door with out you calling them, sure. Play the car window rolled up game....hello probable cause. The guy sitting at the bus stop, would never happen. Why would the police question some random guy sitting a a bus stop unless he fit a description? This whole video paints police as some militant nazi force.

I for one would like to see what someone in the law enforcement field would have to say about that video. I'm not coming down on you, maybe it was just the bad acting that ruined the whole premise of the video.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 4:28 am · (locked)

Premium Member

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (6)


Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 4:41 am

The point of the video was to show you your rights as the law states it. The police use the tactics shown all the time. As for the rolled up window and stepping outside----at the very least you aren't incriminating yourself and have a defense in court of no probable cause or suspicion.
Regardless---I ive in Canada but the laws are quite similar.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 4:41 am · (locked)

Sith HMP
I Did What?
Premium Member
Bloomington, IL

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (8)

Sith HMP

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 4:54 am

I agree, you said "aren't incriminating yourself". Your one simple statement spoke volumes over what that video tried to portray. I just feel the video itself paints an unrealistic picture of what to do if you get confronted by the police when you are breaking the law.

I'm not trying to argue with you, it just seems a little far fetched as too many perfect scenarios would have to fall into place. The best advice would be to follow the law in the first place. But, if you chose to do other wise, common sense would prevail more than this video would. With out raising suspicion you there fore create none.

I do however, enjoy your music videos you post. Not that I didn't enjoy this one, it just doesn't paint a true picture. I'm going to bed now, have a good night and a great weekend.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 4:54 am · (locked)


1 edit

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (10)

GNShell to Rifleman


2006-Jul-6 5:11 am

to Rifleman

Although I don't do drugs and stay out of trouble, I would like to see more of these "know your rights" awareness videos. The more people know about their rights, the more they will appreciate the country they live in and the less they will allow the erosion of those rights by officials.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 5:11 am · (locked)

Go Colts
Fort Wayne, IN

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (12)

cdru to Rifleman


2006-Jul-6 5:14 am

to Rifleman

said by Rifleman:

The point of the video was to show you your rights as the law states it.

At best it shows what your rights may be under certain circ*mstances.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 5:14 am · (locked)

Cruising Down Memory Lane
Premium Member
Sacramento, CA

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (14)

sapo to Rifleman

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 6:49 am

to Rifleman

Actually this is real good, having been associated with many Criminal stops due to some bad natrued people Ive been associated with and such, bla bla I feel this is solid and its the standard advice given to basically every high School student etc. Basically, keep your mouth shut and act like an idiot, works for me. Even when they violate your rights you can get it tossed out and reduced many times. Sure Cops can be assholes, but you can control them.

I love how they treat Marijunia
"Smells Fresh"

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 6:49 am · (locked)

Here come the drums
Premium Member

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (16)

atuarre to Rifleman

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 7:26 am

to Rifleman

Should you feel your rights have been violated, I would suggest you seek the counsel of a good lawyer and not go off the advice of a website or a video.

With the way the laws change in the United States on a daily basis, this is really the only way to find out if you were indeed wrong or if the representative of the law was wrong.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 7:26 am · (locked)

Proud Union THUG
Premium Member

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (18)

burner50 to Rifleman

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 8:26 am

to Rifleman

Keep your mouth shut and dont volunteer information....Do whatever you can to keep the Cop "comfortable" Pull over as far as you can, Turn your dome light on, Turn your car off, Both hands on the steering wheel, tell the cop before making any move at all.

And BTW Not coming outside or not rolling your window down isnt in itsself PC. But not having a legitimate excuse for not rolling down your window (Single girl with a male officer, waiting for another officer) is condisidered Inteference and you can be arrested. Any time you are arrested while driving your car it can be searched because it is mobile and can be easily hidden.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 8:26 am · (locked)

Premium Member

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whocares0 to Rifleman

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 9:01 am

to Rifleman

said by Rifleman:

This is very worth your time: I lost my license for a year and paid 3 grand in fines when I shouldn't have.
» ··· 50501823
Another excellent one about drugs: » ··· l%3Aaclu

{rifleman{/b] GREAT very informational & educational for us "OLDER" drivers,to the young that video shows the difference attitudes between todays C O P S ,(with the attitude & mentality "'that if i stop everone I see I'll find that one big arrest & promotion & a HERO to my other workers)

and the POLICE OFFICE MANY of us grew up with RESPECT toward the POLICE OFFICER, (who would talk to you, scare the hell out of you) if you made sure you wouldn't do it again, & let you go."jazzy"

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 9:01 am · (locked)

Brooklyn, NY

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (20)

HardwareGeek to Rifleman


2006-Jul-6 9:10 am

to Rifleman

The only time I would not roll my Window down is if an Un-marked police car pulled me over and the officer was not in Uniform.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 9:10 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Brick, NJ

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (22)


Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 9:48 am

This is what makes no sense.

Your license expires, you have no bad driving record, and you never got your license suspended.

In a ways your license is still valid as you are going to pay it again and get a new one anyway.

it's called:



· actions · 2006-Jul-6 9:48 am · (locked)

Augusta, GA

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (24)

goldy5 to burner50


2006-Jul-6 10:11 am

to burner50

Having been pulled over a few times at 3 am, just to ask me what I was doing out that late.(I work nights) I found keeping my work ID in plain sight (Work IDs for Newspapers are great things)as well as a support your local police dept. sticker or decal will usually get you away faster.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 10:11 am · (locked)

Premium Member
Huntsville, AL

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (26)

habya to Sith HMP

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 11:11 am

to Sith HMP

said by Sith HMP:

The guy sitting at the bus stop, would never happen. Why would the police question some random guy sitting a a bus stop unless he fit a description? This whole video paints police as some militant nazi force.

I wouldn't completely doubt the bus stop situation. My brother and I used to get stopped quite a bit for doing nothing. They'd stop us for walking at like 10:00-11:00 pm . They'd want to see our ID and check what's in our pockets and used the excuse that we "look suspicious". Which, I'm sorry but wearing blue jeans and a tee search and walking down the street outside of your apartment complex is not "suspicious". We aren't sneaking around or wearing ski masks, we were just walking or sitting on the benches across the street from our apartments.

The last time they stopped us we just did not give them our ID and never showed/let them see what was in our pockets. They just talked to us for a minute asking us what we were out doing etc then sent us on our way. But of course that doesn't mean all officers will do this. My uncle/cousin have been police officers for years and I have no problem with police. I just have a problem with the smaller percentage of police officers that have a tendency to be a-holes and are on power trips The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (27) and think they can do whatever they want just because they're an officer.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 11:11 am · (locked)

Premium Member

2 edits


Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 11:29 am

I have found,(when I was pulled over 1-2 times) that MOST of todays officers,(from the 1990's on)

don't rec that young people do this) but as an "oldster",
Driving a van with son in it at night,police car hits lights siren,
1st thing I do is
1,turn on the inside over head 'dome" lights,
(thats lets the officer see no danger inside van & puts officer at ease)

2, pull safely over to the side of the road,
shut off motor, tell son be right back,
& most of the time I'am out of my van walking back to rear of van only stand by passenger side of van & have license out,and wait on office,
3, IF he writes me a ticket fine, will argue it in court, not with the officer,
most of the time it ends up, we chat a little, and office will give a verbal warning with me saying take care & be carefull SIR,

for those that think THEY ARE RIGHT ALL THE TIME, when you get out of car,
tell ya what
when the officer approach's tell him right off,
when he starts writing you a tickets or putting the handcuffs on you tell him,
HEY YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO MErofl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 11:29 am · (locked)

your moderator at work

Premium Member
Silver Spring, MD

3 edits

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (29)

FiL25 to whocares0

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 12:23 pm

to whocares0

Re: The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable

"Why would the police question some random guy sitting a a bus stop unless he fit a description?"

lmao! Are you serious man?! Well, atleast you caught on to a VERY, VERY old saying (and showed your, sry to say, IGNORANCE)..a saying thats been used in the hoods and slums for decades:

Because you fit the description. Might that description be youg black male? LOL. Thanx for the laugh sith. The bus stop thing happens more often the not to minorities all because their in a group, prolly joking around, being real loud...thats how I was while taking Metro to a clients office to repair 3 PC's before the pigs rolled up and demanded I answer their questions...Luckily I dont look like a young black male! Or Else Id be told to show them ID, then, well, DIALLO anyone?

Theres no law stating I gotta go serve hand and foot to any pig. I DO NOT have to make his job easier! Hell, he's making me late for MY job. Why? Cause I fit the description? Thanx pig, thanx for the schooling on why I shouldnt help you out. Even for something as simple as making me late for work. Others have been killed or beaten to come to the same conclusion....heh.good vid bro.

btw, my fathers got 4 of those Support Cops stickesr, all paid for with 50 dollar contributions...yet, for some reason during his morning rush hour journey to work, he fits the description once every 2 weeks. Amazing how daylight changes , ughhh, complextions....

ALSO, and just rememred this; In my area, the pigs got microphones and cameras hearing watching everything they do. The mics a lapel type mic, so thats definatly one raeson why this encounter IS true. Those taht state otherwise but ACT like they know how cops are really shouldnt be posting. I'll saywhat I want (and how the f*ck does me saying what I want mean being disrespectful?) , when I want...

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 12:23 pm · (locked)

Premium Member

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Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 12:47 pm

Theres no law stating I gotta go serve hand and foot to any pig. I DO NOT have to make his job easier! Hell, he's making me late for MY job. Why? Cause I fit the description? Thanx pig, thanx for the schooling

maybe,just maybe you & your dad are dressed like & get stopped for your "attitude" if you talk to them the way you post about them, then yes I would pull you over just to be hassleing you..

and theres no law against stupidity,either

tell ya what next time you need help for you or a loved go out your do & yell

don't call anyone on the telephone

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 12:47 pm · (locked)

Premium Member
Green Bay, WI

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (31)

Lurch77 to Rifleman

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 12:52 pm

to Rifleman

I found the best way to "not get arrested" is to not do stupid sh*t. For me, it's worked for at least 28 year now.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 12:52 pm · (locked)

81399672 (banned)
Los Angeles, CA

1 edit

81399672 (banned) to Rifleman


2006-Jul-6 1:04 pm

to Rifleman

didn't watch video but my rule is this. Unless a cop has a warrant he is not coming in to my house. Unless cop have probable cause he is not getting permission from me to search my car. If i get ever arrested for anything, first thing i do is request to talk to a lawyer. Cop is not your friend, remember that.

edit:when possible refuse to answer any cop questions you never know when it could be used against you

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 1:04 pm · (locked)

Newton Upper Falls, MA

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The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (33)

unsub3 to Rifleman


2006-Jul-6 1:23 pm

to Rifleman

Cops have always been very cool to me. They want to search my car? go ahead.

Treat them like humans, and they have a surprising ability to act like it

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 1:23 pm · (locked)

81399672 (banned)
Los Angeles, CA

81399672 (banned)


2006-Jul-6 1:36 pm

said by unsub3:

Cops have always been very cool to me. They want to search my car? go ahead.

Treat them like humans, and they have a surprising ability to act like it

one of this day, you will get burn by cops. Their is a reason why constitution protection exist, use it

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 1:36 pm · (locked)

Premium Member

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The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (35)

Anonymous88 to Rifleman

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 1:41 pm

to Rifleman

You have the right to obey the law, keep your mouth shut and do what they tell you.

Also if you get caught while breaking the law just stop. You're in deep sh*t but it can get deeper than that The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (36)

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 1:41 pm · (locked)

81399672 (banned)
Los Angeles, CA

81399672 (banned)


2006-Jul-6 1:49 pm

said by Anonymous88:

You have the right to obey the law, keep your mouth shut and do what they tell you.

Also if you get caught while breaking the law just stop. You're in deep sh*t but it can get deeper than that The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (37)

so if cop ask me for my car keys i should give him, after all if i to follow your advice i should what they tell me.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 1:49 pm · (locked)

Premium Member

whocares0 to 81399672

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 2:10 pm

to 81399672

said by 81399672:

didn't watch video but my rule is this. Unless a cop has a warrant he is not coming in to my house. Unless cop have probable cause he is not getting permission from me to search my car. If i get ever arrested for anything, first thing i do is request to talk to a lawyer. Cop is not your friend, remember that.

edit:when possible refuse to answer any cop questions you never know when it could be used against you

to ALL that say or think COPS are bad,NO NOT ALL of THEMhow many people in your own job or profession act unprofessional[/b]
WORLD VISION,fine you remember that,(your words) the next time, your son,daughter,grandchild gets lost or [b]you need help don't dial 911 or call the police, who you gonna call,

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 2:10 pm · (locked)

81399672 (banned)
Los Angeles, CA

81399672 (banned)


2006-Jul-6 2:13 pm

said by whocares0:

said by 81399672:

didn't watch video but my rule is this. Unless a cop has a warrant he is not coming in to my house. Unless cop have probable cause he is not getting permission from me to search my car. If i get ever arrested for anything, first thing i do is request to talk to a lawyer. Cop is not your friend, remember that.

edit:when possible refuse to answer any cop questions you never know when it could be used against you

to ALL that say or think COPS are bad,NO NOT ALL of THEMhow many people in your own job or profession act unprofessional[/b]
WORLD VISION,fine you remember that,(your words) the next time, your son,daughter,grandchild gets lost or [b]you need help don't dial 911 or call the police, who you gonna call,

obviously if i call the cops i will let them in, i am talking about if cops come to my door uninvited and it has not to do with a family member being injured etc. Basically if i am having a party and cops come to my door they will have to get a warrant before i let them in.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 2:13 pm · (locked)

Fairfield, OH

DMWCincy to Rifleman


2006-Jul-6 2:31 pm

to Rifleman

I've had mix results with cops. Basic rule of thumb is to act towards them how you would like them to act towards you. Respect, respect, respect. Even act respectful to the cops that are jerks.

Only once I had a really bad experience coming home from a relatives house pretty late. I was pulled over and asked if I was drinking or smoking anything illegal. I told the officer the truth(I don't drink and don't smoke because I have asthma) without being an ass then the police officer started searching the car without cause and without asking for permission from me to search the car. Obviously I didn't do anything wrong, he didn't find anything and let me go home. Unlucky for the cop, I lived at the time next to an old family friend who happen to be the retired police commissioner for that community. Needless to say he was complete pissed off on how I was treated and made a few calls. Never did see that cop in my area again...

Yes this is one bad case and for me one of the few bad ones. Most others were professional and respected me as much as I respected them.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 2:31 pm · (locked)

Grail Knight

Premium Member

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (39)

Grail Knight to Rifleman

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 3:07 pm

to Rifleman
quote:edit:when possible refuse to answer any cop questions you never know when it could be used against you

Paranoia at its finest....

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 3:07 pm · (locked)

Grail Knight

The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (40)

Grail Knight to DMWCincy

Premium Member

2006-Jul-6 3:10 pm

to DMWCincy

I agree with you that if you act civil you will be treated as such.

One bad cop on the force is no different then any other job. There are always one or two bad apples in any job. Knowing how to handle the bad situation after the fact usually nets better results. Like you did with your incident.

· actions · 2006-Jul-6 3:10 pm · (locked)

your moderator at work
The Police and your rights-----very important and valuable - 56k Lookout! (broadband heavy) (2024)


What do the police not want you to know? ›

Right to refuse searches

You have the right to withhold consent and to protect your privacy. Only allow a search if the police have a warrant or if you are confident that you have nothing incriminating.

Can you refuse to show ID to police in Maryland? ›

Maryland laws generally do not require you to produce ID to police on request outside of car stops and receiving citation. Montgomery County has a rule that allows police to detain you and requires you to truthfully identify yourself on request, even if you aren't driving or getting a citation.

Can police access your Internet? ›

When law enforcement wants to access your browsing data from an ISP, they usually must obtain a warrant or court order. Once law enforcement has obtained the proper legal documents, they can then contact the ISP and ask them to turn over all related records regarding your account.

Can you tell a cop not to touch your car? ›

The police cannot search your car unless you give them your consent, which you do not have to give, or unless they have “probable cause” to believe (i.e., knowledge of facts sufficient to support a reasonable belief) that criminal activity is likely taking place, that you have been involved in a crime, or that you have ...

What not to tell the police? ›

If you are arrested or taken to a police station, DON'T... except for your name and basic identifying information. DON'T give explanations, excuses, or stories. Say “I want to remain silent” and “I want to talk to a lawyer.”

What to say when a cop asks you where you are going? ›

You have the right to remain silent. For example, you do not have to answer any questions about where you are going, where you are traveling from, what you are doing, or where you live. If you wish to exercise your right to remain silent, say so out loud.

Can you film police in Maryland? ›

Filming the police in Maryland is generally allowed, as long as you do not interfere with their lawful duties or violate other applicable laws.

Does a police officer have to give you his name and badge number in Maryland? ›

Section 2-109 - Duties of police officer at the commencement of a traffic stop (a) At the commencement of a traffic stop or other stop, absent exigent circ*mstances, a police officer shall: (1) display proper identification to the stopped individual; and (2) provide the following information to the stopped individual: ...

Do you have to identify yourself to the police in Washington? ›

Do I have to identify myself to the officers? You are required to provide identification if the officers witnessed you commit a violation (such as an open beer can). It is also required if officers stop you while you are carrying a firearm or attempting to purchase liquor.

Can police see you through your phone? ›

There are a few legal ways that the police can look through a cellphone: with the owner's consent, with a warrant, or if the owner is on parole or probation and the terms of the parole or probation allow for a warrantless search.

Can police watch you through your TV? ›

If the TV is equipped with a webcam and/or mic, it's possible that samples of recorded footage and sound could also be extracted and exploited for criminal purposes.

How do I know if my phone is being tracked by the police? ›

Determining if your phone is being monitored by police can be difficult, as it generally requires specialized knowledge and equipment. However, there may be indicators of surveillance, such as unexpected battery drain, unusual phone behavior, or unexplained data usage.

What does 126 mean for cops? ›

If you saw the 126 reference on a police TV show or courtroom, they were probably referring to section 126 of the California Penal Code: Perjury (lying about material information under oath). If it was a police show from a geographical area outside California 126 could have a completely different meaning.

Why do police ask why they stopped you? ›

"I think the most common reason is the officer wants you to admit guilt to some extent." "They're probably looking to get you to self-incriminate," added driver Justin Gehring of Woodbury. "If he's asking me a question, I'll answer him," added driver Deb Metzger from Wisconsin.

Why do cops follow you but not pull? ›

Instead, the general rule is that police are allowed to follow you for a reasonable distance to observe your driving and determine if a traffic stop needs to be conducted. As you might imagine, a reasonable distance is interpretative and will vary based on the specifics of the situation.

Can police tell you not to contact someone? ›

Nevertheless, a Police Officer does NOT need a court order to tell you to leave someone alone. If the person feels harassed or threatened they can ask police to intervene. Once a police officer give you a lawful order, it is in your best interest to take it into consideration.

What do police deal with the most? ›

The data overwhelmingly finds that police officers in aggregate spend the vast majority of their time responding to non-criminal calls, traffic-related incidents, and low-level crimes — and only a tiny fraction on violent crimes.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.