Treat yourself to VIP tickets to The Durban July and a designer outfit (2024)

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Treat yourself to VIP tickets to The Durban July and a designer outfit (2)


    Language: English Treat yourself to VIP tickets to The Durban July and a designer outfit (3)

    Currency: USD - $ Treat yourself to VIP tickets to The Durban July and a designer outfit (4)



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Treat yourself to VIP tickets to The Durban July and a designer outfit (12)

Treat yourself to VIP tickets to The Durban July and a designer outfit (13)

Shine in a bespoke fashion piece by Kathrin Kidger, at Africa's greatest horseracing event


The Experience

Revel in the excitement of The Durban July with exclusive VIP tickets and a bespoke outfit. You'll meet famed fashion designer Kathrin Kidger prior to the event to select fabrics and a design for a personalised piece, to be created specifically for you for this world famous event, known for its emphasis on haute couture. Meet again at Minty's Fabrics the day before the race, for a fitting and final alterations. Afterward, you'll relish a light lunch and a pampering session at La Belle Vie. The next day, you'll enjoy the excitement of The Durban July, where you'll take in the action from an exquisite marquee with an exclusive viewing terrace, premium bar, gourmet snacks, masseuses, a DJ, and more. Exclusively for Mastercard cardholders.


Feeling like a celebrity dressed to impress amid the thrill of Africa's most popular horseracing event.

The highlights

  • Secure exclusive VIP lounge tickets to Durban July, with luxury amenities
  • Meet fashion designer Kathrin Kidger to select fabrics and a design
  • Follow-up appointment with Kathrin Kidger at a popular fabric shop for a final fitting and adjustments
  • Indulge in brunch and a pampering session
  • Slip into an outfit designed for you by Kathrin Kidger
  • Arrive at the event in a classic luxury car


  • Priceless experiences are reserved for Mastercard cardholders
  • Experience takes place from July 5th to July 6th 2024
  • Experience is for 2 people
  • Price listed is for 2 people
  • By clicking "Book here", you agree to all our Terms of Use
  • Terms & Conditions

Fine Print

  • This experience is non-refundable upon purchase, unless otherwise noted

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'); if ($.trim(selector) !== '') { var id = 'error_div_' + selector.replace('#', '').replace('.', '').replace(' ', ''); $error.attr('id', id); } $input.parent().append($error); } $error.html(msg).show(); $input.attr('aria-invalid', true).attr('aria-describedby', $error.attr('id')); if (! aria_live_shown) { aria_live_shown = true; $error.attr('aria-live', 'polite'); $input.focus(); } } } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.result === 3) { // Email is already being used, please Log In /* $("#nav .js-login").click(); // added #nav to log pageview once for desktop and mobile $("#login-email").val(email).show(); $("#login-pass").focus(); $("#login_error").html(data.msg).show(); resetRecaptcha('signup'); */ alertEx('email already used'); $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } /* else if (false && data.result === 14) { // for countreis like germany, needs email verification // directly go to next step if (signup_collectCardOnSignUp) { var postData = {action : 'submitSignupCCForm_save_card', payUrl:data.payUrl}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } else { signup_goto_next_step(); } //var message = "Please verify your email."; //alertEx(message); //$(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } */ else if (data.result > 0) { //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('signup_form'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); if (data.requiresEmailVerification == 1) { $('.done_header_div').addClass('email_verification').removeClass('no_email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text ').html("Thank You"); } else { $('.done_header_div').addClass('no_email_verification').removeClass('email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text').html("Done"); } $('.ifonly_pop_close_img').click(function(e){ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } location.href = redirectUrl; }); signup_form_submitted(data); } else { if (data.error_code == 'sess_exp') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } else if (data.msg) { alert(data.msg); } else { alert('register error'); } } }).fail( function(xhr, textStatus, error) { if (g_thisHost === 'www') { location.reload(); } else if (g_thisHost==='dev' || g_thisHost==='test') { alert_error("Error in _streamlined_signup_form register
status:" + textStatus + "
error:" + error + "

" + xhr.responseText); } else { confirmEx("Please refresh and try again." + ' ' + "If you continue to receive this error please contact priceless\u2122 concierge." + '

It will automatically refresh the page in LIVE.
(' + textStatus + ' - ' + xhr.statusText + ')', 'User Signup Error', function(){location.reload();}, function(){loadingAnimation("hide");}, "Refresh", "Close"); console.log(xhr); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); }); return false; } // data: data returned form register ajax call function signup_form_submitted(data){ console.log('signup form submitted successfully'); // adobe tracking 1.10 var adobeTracking = {ctaName: 'Sign up - Completed'}; if (g_withMcCompleteRegistrationForm) { adobeTracking['ctaName'] = 'Sign up Completed – Long Form'; } if (data.cardTypeName) { adobeTracking['cardType'] = data.cardTypeName; } adobeSatelliteTracking('Forms', adobeTracking); // Need to make callback since we NOW have emailAddress and userId // emailAddress and userId are needed for BlueShift if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.emailAddress && data.userId) { trackingSignupConfirmation(data.emailAddress, data.userId); } if (addGuestProductToCart()) return false; // if need to add a guest product (main.js) /* if (g_sourceId === 0 && g_register_result.result === 1) { // display thank you when it's new user g_signup_timer = 5000; // need more time to read message if (g_register_result.loginExistingUser) { g_signup_timer = 0; } else { var showEmailCrm = false; if (showEmailCrm && $('#pricelessProgram').prop('checked')) { g_signup_timer = 60 * 60 * 1000; // one hour show_ifonly_overlay('.email_crm_overlay'); $('.email_crm_overlay').attr('continu_signup_process', '1'); } else{ showThankYouPopIfNecessary(); } } } */ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } /* g_signup_timer = 5000; if (g_register_result!==null && ! empty(g_register_result.terms)) { showMemberTermsAndPrivacyDialog(redirectUrl, g_register_result.terms, g_register_result.termsTranslatedText); return false; } else if (redirectUrl !== '' && redirectUrl !== '#') { setTimeout(function() { location.href = redirectUrl; }, g_signup_timer); } else { setTimeout(function() { location.reload(); }, g_signup_timer); } */ } function signup_syncCCIframeSize() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action : 'syncCCIframeSize'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } } function resetCCform() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action: 'resetCCform'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } } function resetSignupForm() { g_signup_cc_saved = false; $('#redesignedSignupForm .error_div').hide(); $('#redesignedSignupForm input:not([type=hidden]), #redesignedSignupForm select').val(''); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.signup_form_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.mc_priceless_check').prop('checked', false); } function resetStepIcon() { $('.signup_stepicon').removeClass('done').removeClass('current'); } // ************** listen to message from the iframe ************************ if (typeof(signup_redesign_js_loaded)=='undefined') { signup_redesign_js_loaded = true; window.addEventListener("message", function(e){ if (e.origin !== '') return; try { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(; } catch(err) { return; } if (data.action === 'signup_cc_saved') { console.log('signup_cc_saved received'); g_signup_cc_saved = true; //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('verify_card'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); } else if (data.action === 'signup_cc_save_called') { if (! g_signup_cc_saved) { $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.action === 'alert_session_timeout') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } // event handlers else if (data.action === 'resize_signup_cc_iframe') { if (data.height) { var $target = $('#signup_cc_iframe'); if( !== undefined && $.trim( !== '' && $.trim( !== '.' && $.trim( !== '#'){ $target = $(; } //$target.attr('style', 'min-height: ' + data.height + 'px; max-height: ' + data.height + 'px;'); $target.css('min-height', data.height ); $target.css('height', data.height ); $target.css('max-height', 'none'); } } }); }

Treat yourself to VIP tickets to The Durban July and a designer outfit (2024)


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Article information

Author: Arielle Torp

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Views: 5681

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.