150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (2024)


150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (1)

via: Bigstockphoto / gstockstudio

Cheap date ideas is all you need to spice things up with your sweetheart. Whether you're coming up on your 50th anniversary or wondering how to get a girlfriend on a budget, this list of date ideas makes it easy to have some fun without going broke in the process.

The most memorable dates aren't necessarily the most expensive ones. When it comes down to it, do you think she reminisces about the taste of the caviar and wine at the end of the night? Absolutely not.

Okay, fine, maybe she thinks about those things a little bit.But the truth is that when she's lying in bed at the end of the night, she's going to be thinking about the laughs and conversations you shared, the way you looked at her, and how she felt when you kissed her goodnight. Those special moments are free, but they're also priceless.

Sure. Sometimes fancy things are fun. And sometimes they even make a night more special. But that doesn't mean you can't have just as much fun (if not more) without spending this month's rent in one night. It's all about mastering the art of ballin' on a budget.

If you have no idea what is a good cheap date, use these cheap date ideas to get started, but feel free to add your own personal twists to make them extra special for her.



First Date

Second Date

Date Night

Double Date

At Home




Third Date

How To Use

25 Best Cheap Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (13)

via: Unsplash / Taisiia Stupak

You can't go wrong with these cheap date ideas. Just because they're cheap dates doesn't mean there's not a heaping ton of fun waiting to be had.

These inexpensive date ideas are great because they give you plenty of entertainment to work with, but they also leave breathing room so you can talk and connect. They're light and easy, yet perfect for making lasting memories.

After all, sometimes just being together is all that really counts. Everything in the background is just changing scenery. True love can blossom anywhere.

1. Ride tandem bikes

Local bike shops often have tandem rentals available. Find a secluded path, and explore it together on two wheels.

2. Take a ferry ride

Ferry rides are surprisingly cheap, and in some cases even free. Take a few trips across the water and enjoy the breeze and view.

3. Go antiquing

Check the internet for local antique shops and then go exploring. You may stumble upon a long-forgotten treasure.

4. Volunteer at a soup kitchen

Doing something positive for the community makes everyone feel good.

5. Do a photo scavenger hunt

Make a list of objects to find and photograph: birds, bridges, flowers, etc. Now get out your phone and hunt them down.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (14)

via: Pexels / Negative Space

6. Seed bomb a special spot

And give it a name. Now you have a special spot to visit and watch your seedlings grow.

7. Explore a nearby town or city

Branch out a bit! Take a quick drive or bike ride to a neighboring town or city, and do some exploring.

8. Cheer on an amateur sports team in your city

From tee ball to the minor leagues, rooting for your home team heroes is always a blast.

9. Bowling

Bowling's a classic date activity. Throw some balls, play some arcades, and eat some hastily microwaved food. You can't go wrong.

10. Go to a park where you can feed the ducks

Grab a loaf, relax on the bench, and enjoy a lazy day together. It's the perfect spot for deep conversation.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (15)

via: Depositphotos / lofilolo

11. Hike anywhere nearby with a great view

The internet is a great resource for finding local spots. Go on an adventure together and get some exercise in the process.

12. Take a community education class together

Lovers who learn together stay together. Embrace a new skill or hobby that you can enjoy side-by-side.

13. Go to the beach

The beach has one of the highest cost-to-fun ratios. Whether you're sunbathing, swimming, or strolling, a day at the beach is always well-spent.

14. Go for a walk downtown together on a Friday or Saturday night

You don't need to hit the bars, restaurants, and venues to enjoy life downtown. Take in the lights, sights, and sounds.

15. Find a coffeehouse that has live music

Support your local musicians and enjoy a cup of Joe while doing so.

16. Go on a ghost hunt

You may not find anything, but it's the journey that counts, right?

17. Find out the free or reduced-price days to go to your local planetarium or museum

Check the websites for your local museums. Many of them have free or discounted days where you can enjoy a wonderful experience without breaking the bank.

18. Buy two lottery tickets

If you can scrounge up $2, you might be able to turn a cheap date into a lavish evening out.

19. Get a laptop out and dream up a bucket list

You're not getting any younger! Write your list of must-do activities, and then make plans to get out there and do them.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (17)

via: Unsplash / JESHOOTS.COM

20. Go to bingo night somewhere

Bingo is a blast for all ages! You may even win some cash to fund the next date.

21. Take up tennis

There's probably a public tennis court somewhere near you at this very moment. Find somewhere to borrow some rackets and a ball, and go play the sport that scores with 'love.'

22. Go to IKEA

Even if you're not spending any money, IKEA is an adventure in a big box waiting to be explored.

23. Do a themed happy hour bar crawl

Paint the town red dressed as clowns, knights, or your favorite superhero. Be sure to plan your journey so you hit all happy hours for discounted drinks.

24. Go to a community play, a dress rehearsal, high school or college play

Local theater can be a whole lot of fun, whether you're spectating or participating.

25. Work out together

Sometimes hitting the gym or going for a jog is just what you need to feel great, look great, and have a great time.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (18)

via: Unsplash / Sven Mieke

25 Cheap First Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (19)

via: Unsplash / Renate Vanaga

These cheap first date ideas make that first hangout worth remembering. After all, if you stay together for the long haul, these are the moments you're going to cherish. You have to make them count!

These are the first dates that help you form immediate connections. They're super fun and they offer plenty of opportunities to bond.

It's always a good idea to suggest a couple cheap date ideas, especially for your first date. These are all great options, so she's sure to love at least one of them.

26. Hit golf balls at a driving range

There's something tremendously satisfying about whacking those balls and watching them soar.

27. A taco tour

Why go to one Mexican restaurant when you can go to many Mexican restaurants?

28. Trivia night

Check your local pubs for information on trivia nights, and then go flex your brain.

29. Rock-climbing session

It's fun and also a great workout.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (20)

via: Unsplash / bady qb

30. Boozy picnic in the park

Nothing like a little wine and cheese to set the mood. Learn to taste wine (or at least pretend) to impress her.

31. An hour at a pet cafe

Petting cats while sipping coffee is sure to warm even the coldest of hearts.

32. A round or two of karaoke

Belting out your favorite tunes in front of an audience is one of the fastest ways to break the ice.

33. Go to a used bookstore or library

It's a relaxing date, and you can learn about each other's interests.

34. Shop for crazy outfits to wear out together

Thrift stores are perfect. Buy some zany outfits and then go be seen in them. Timeless fun.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (21)

via: Depositphotos / macniak

35. Take your dog(s) to the park

Don't have a dog? Buy a stuffed one and do your best to fit in.

36. Attend a local festival, convention, or fair

Local Facebook groups are super useful for keeping up with local happenings around town.

37. Get breakfast and do a crossword puzzle

There's something about doing a leisurely crossword while picking at some eggs and pancakes that just feels so right.

38. Attend an amateur animal show

You never know what's happening in the neighborhood. Check the internet for animal shows, and see what your four-legged friends have been working on.

39. Play Frisbee golf

Frolf? Gisbee? Whatever you want to call it, it's a great way to spend some time outside having fun.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (22)

via: Unsplash / Kemble Hildreth

40. Volunteer at your local animal shelter

Whether you love animals or you just want to show her your sweet side, volunteering at the local shelter is always a good move.

41. Play a game of mini golf

Mini golf is one of the quintessential first dates. It's pure fun in its simplest form.

42. Food truck hopping

Take a stroll and stuff your face. "Nuff said.

43. Take a long walk in the park

A leisurely stroll in the park gives you time to talk while you enjoy your surroundings.

44. Take a city tour

Get to know your local city! You may just learn something new.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (23)

via: Unsplash / Goh Rhy Yan

45. Skip dinner and just get dessert

Make dinner at home and go out for dessert. Even just getting ice cream cones and sitting on a bench is romantic.

46. Go apple/ fruit picking

Check the season and visit a farm. It's fun and tasty.

47. Lay out a blanket and stargaze

There's something inherently magical and romantic about gazing into the vast unknown.

48. Go to Costco/ SAMs Club/ Trader Joes and eat all their samples

Hey, the sign says free, right?

49. Have blind taste tests of different foods and drinks

Maybe save the gross ones for the second date...

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (24)

via: Bigstockphoto / Kzenon

50. Pick a country’s cuisine that neither of you has tried and give it a shot

Variety is the spice of life. Expand your horizons together.

25 Cheap Second Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (25)

via: Unsplash / Zachery Perry

So your first date was a blast, and she wants to do it again. See? You didn't need a stack of green to make the scene after all.

But now you're still waiting on that paycheck, and meanwhile she wants to relive the magic. Can you really pull off a second cheap date?

Yep. Say no more. These cheap second date ideas are perfect for that second hangout, even if you're still waiting for that direct deposit.

51. Pick a TV show and then watch episode after episode

You don't have to binge alone anymore! Sometimes Netflix and chill is just that. Don't forget snacks.

52. Savor a sunset picnic

You don't need fancy finger foods to have a picnic. Grab a couple of Slim Jims and a Gatorade. Watching the sunset together is all that matters!

53. Enjoy Korean BBQ

While you do have to pay for the meal, it's a seriously hearty feast.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (26)

via: Unsplash / SJ Baren

54. People-watch

The world is full of entertainment all around you. Find a perch and watch life happen in front of your eyes.

55. Have a Netflix double feature

Watch a movie and then watch its sequel. Congratulations, you just spent three hours together without spending a cent.

56. Clean up the neighborhood

It's not the most glamorous date, but it's a great way to give back to the community while spending some quality time together.

57. Play on a playground

Big kids deserve a turn on the swings too.

58. Rent kayaks or canoes

There's something about being out on the open water that's so romantic.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (27)

via: Unsplash / Nadim Merrikh

59. Go to a zoo or aquarium

Spending the day admiring fascinating creatures is a guaranteed good time. Check their websites to find discount or free days.

60. Plan a day trip

Wake up early and get home late. Why go out for an hour when you could all-day date?

61. Go to a poetry reading

Check local book stores and coffee shops and check out some local talent.

62. Stretch it out in aerial yoga

Yoga is a great way to unwind your minds together.

63. Find a local river or lake and go swimming

Just make sure swimming is safe and allowed. This idea is usually best saved for summer, but we won't judge.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (28)

via: Bigstockphoto / monkeybusinessimages

64. Go on a drive around town and see where you end up

Sometimes getting lost leads to new experiences. Just make sure you bring a phone with a GPS (or a map if you're old school).

65. Rent motorized skateboards and zip around town

Tired of jogging or biking? A motorized skateboard is a fun transportation alternative.

66. Find some cool science experiment videos on YouTube and try them out

Turn your kitchen into a mad scientist's laboratory.

67. Join a fun looking meetup together

Check local Facebook groups for activities and meetups.

68. Go to a local fundraising event

Connect with your community. You don't need to donate money to support a good cause.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (29)

via: Unsplash / Aranxa Esteve

69. Go foraging for edible plants and berries and make a meal with them

This can be very dangerous if you don't do it right. You may want to go out with an expert first, as some plants and berries are poisonous.

70. Do a seasonally themed date

Is it autumn? Go to the pumpkin patch and sip hot cider. Summer? Mai Tais in the pool. Get serious about getting seasonal.

71. Both of you download an app/game in which you have to walk or travel around the real world to achieve goals in the game

Pokemon Go is a great choice.

72. Go ziplining

Want some adrenaline to go with that wedgie? Ziplining is a thrill, and it's usually not as expensive as you might think.

73. Get some coloring books and color

When is the last time you sat down and colored a coloring book? It's quite relaxing.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (30)

via: Depositphotos / SimpleFoto

74. Learn about local history and visit some historical spots

Nobody where you live, there's probably some sort of fascinating history waiting to be discovered. The internet is a great resource, but the library is more fun.

75. Go to a rodeo if you can find one

Rodeos aren't always accessible, but if you can find one, it can be quite the interesting experience.

22 Cheap Date Night Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (31)

via: Pexels / Jeswin Thomas

These cheap date night ideas are perfect when you feel like doing something, but you don't want to go all out.

Use these cheap dates to break up the week. They're great for a lazy Friday or Saturday, but they really shine at adding something special to the middle of the week. Take her out on a Wednesday!

76. Go to a car show

From antiques and classic to sports and race cars, you don't need to own one to appreciate one.

77. See a play

Check your local community groups for information about local theater.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (32)

via: Unsplash / Krists Luhaers

78. Buy some Lego kits and put them together

Who says adults can't play with toys?

79. Go to a shooting range

Target practice, anyone?

80. Have a coupon date

Are you a coupon clipper? Go out shopping and reap the rewards.

81. Play 20 Questions

A game of 20 Questions is as cheap as it gets, and you'll learn a lot about each other while having some fun.

82. Learn a language

This is a long-term project that gives you an excuse to spend time together.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (33)

via: Depositphotos / stetsik

83. Play two truths and a lie

This game is great when you want to learn each other's secrets.

84. Sit by a fire

Nothing more romantic than a crackling fire.

85. Walk on the beach

Okay, maybe there's one thing more romantic.

86. Grab a coffee

It's the classic go-to date, and it'll only cost you a couple bucks.

87. Visit a candy store

Sweets for your sweety?

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (34)

via: Unsplash / frankie cordoba

88. Share a milkshake

Transport yourself back into the 50s. Just don't steal your daddy's T-Bird to get there.

89. Go for a night run

A nice cool breeze and the city lights make for a great jogging experience.

90. Chocolate tasting night

You can call is "tasting" if you want. It sounds better than "pigging out."

91. Explore the local art scene

Art is often free to view at local galleries. You may even meet some interesting locals.

92. Grab a bite to eat at a dive bar

Surely you can scrounge up enough change for a round of pickled eggs?

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (35)

via: Bigstockphoto / jovanmandic

93. Camp out in your backyard

You don't need to venture into the wilderness to enjoy a camping experience. Set up the tent, cook some s'mores, and snuggle up under the stars.

94. Dinner by candlelight

Even if you're splitting a frozen pizza, candlelight makes it romantic. Seriously. Get some candles.

95. Power outage date night – do everything in the dark or by candlelight

Flip the breaker and take her to a time before electricity.

96. Park on a hill and look out at the city lights

Someday, all of this will be yours...

97. Take a relaxing bubble bath together

Probably best to save this cheap date idea for after a few dates...

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (36)

via: Bigstockphoto / geargodz

16 Cheap Double Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (37)

via: Pexels / Helena Lopes

Going out with another couple is a wonderful way to spice up an ordinary date night. Double dating is also a great approach if you're still getting to know her and you want to reduce the inevitable awkwardness of hanging out one-on-one.

Group dates can also be a great way to see her other sides, and vice-versa. After all, if you only hang out together, you're only seeing that version of her. These double date ideas help you learn about each other in social situations, deepening your connection with each other.

98. Go paintballing

Just don't hit her in the eye.

99. Go donate blood together

Donating blood is a great thing to do for your fellow humans.

100. Make a list of missions to accomplish and see how many you can get through

Cross 'em out as you go.

101. Go to an escape room

An escape room is actually pretty cheap if you split it with a group, and it's a super fun time.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (38)

via: Unsplash / Samuel-Elias

102. Play laser tag together

Got a local arcade? Suit up and go to battle.

103. Stage your own movie festival at home

These days, you don't need to hike to Blockbuster to set up a film fest. Just make sure you spring for some popcorn.

104. Couples casino date night

All you need is a deck of cards, some dice, some chips, and another couple. Turn on some Frank Sinatra and let the good times roll.

105. Host a BBQ cookout

Invite some friends over to cook some food and share some laughs. Fun doesn't get any simpler than that.

106. Host a potluck

If everyone brings a dish, a potluck is super cheap, tasty, and fun.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (39)

via: Unsplash / Kelsey Curtis

107. Go house-hunting

You don't need to be in the market to look at your options.

108. Host a game night

Got some board games collecting dust in the closet? Bust 'em out and invite some pals over.

109. Play charades

Charades is a classic party game that requires no money. It's best played with at least one other couple.

110. Play spin the bottle

If it's just you and her, you already know you're a winner.

111. Host a fondue night

Dip a plethora of foods into various melted cheeses. What could possibly go wrong?

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (40)

via: Unsplash / Jaimie Harmsen

112. Take them tubing

If it's hot out, there's nothing like a lazy day floating down the river catching some sun.

113. Iron Chef at-home date night

Choose an ingredient and go to battle. It's a more fun way to cook dinner.

18 Cheap At Home Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (41)

via: Unsplash / LexScope

So you're hanging out for the first time, but a night out on the town just isn't in the cards. No problem. You might now be thinking, what is a good cheap date at home?

These at home date ideas turn an ordinary night at home into a magical evening to treasure. You may be surprised by how much fun (and romance) you can have without stepping foot out your front door.

114. At-home spa

Turn on Rainy Mood and some ambient music, and do your best impression of a massage therapist who knows what he's doing.

115. Play a Monopoly game through until someone wins

Warning: this may take multiple days. Go grocery shopping beforehand.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (42)

via: Unsplash / Collie Coburn

116. Learn how to cook together

Everyone eats, right? YouTube has a million tutorials waiting for you to discover together.

117. Make and bottle a batch of salsa together

Just don't forget the chips.

118. Have a mini wine and cheese party at home

Or grape juice and string cheese if you're super broke.

119. Make a blanket fort

It was fun when you were a kid and it's still fun now.

120. Have a YouTube battle

Who can find the funniest video? It's a game everyone wins.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (43)

via: Bigstockphoto / Nyul

121. Play video games

Sometimes all you need is your favorite game and someone to play it with you.

122. Turn your living room into a club

Crank the tunes and show off your best dance moves.

123. Literally just talk

Connect with her. Good conversation is free but it's worth everything.

124. Make a new recipe together

Even if it's gross, it's the journey that matters, not the destination, right?

125. Make a time-capsule

Then bury it. Dig it up the next day. Lament the lack of change and re-bury it. Dig it up when you're old. Cry tears of joy as you relish memories.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (44)

via: Unsplash / Kelly Sikkema

126. Go through your old yearbooks

It's okay to laugh at yourself but she's not allowed to laugh at you.

127. A book club for two

Read the same book and then discuss.

128. Paint a room together

Show off your inner interior designer and redecorate the whole room while you're at it.

129. Wash the car and flirt with each other

That's a win-win -- you get to flirt and then your car looks sparkly fresh.

130. Draw each other

It's a fun exercise, even if you're not exactly Leo Da Vinci.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (45)

via: Unsplash / Lavi Perchik

131. Take online relationship tests

Are you the perfect match? If the first survey says no, move on to the next one.

8 Cheap Winter Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (46)

via: Unsplash / Cody Black

Despite the inclement weather, winter can be a wonderful season for great dates. That's true even when you're on a serious budget. All of these winter date ideas cost pocket change but provide fun, romantic options for your amorous winter evenings.

132. Drink and write dirty limericks

They get funnier—and dirtier—the more you drink.

133. Go to a local nonprofessional sports game

The tickets are cheap but the game is just as fun to watch.

134. Try on ridiculous clothing/outfits you would never normally wear

Clothes are free to try on, after all.

135. Use just a compass and a map to get to someplace cool

Remember what life was like before GPS.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (47)

via: Unsplash / Hendrik Morkel

136. Replicate science experiments from YouTube

Whether you pull it off or it all goes wrong, you'll both have a blast.

137. Drive around looking for secondhand shops and see if you can find any cool stuff

You'll find the craziest stuff in those shops. It's like a treasure hunt.

138. Cuddle by the fire.

What better way to spend a cold day than cuddled by the fire?

139. Go sledding.

Winter dates don't come more fun than this.

6 Cheap But Fun Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (48)

via: Unsplash / Tim Gouw

What is a good cheap date but also fun? Think it's hard to think of one?

Despite what you may think, it doesn't take a lot of money to pull off a great, fun date. After all, you could spend a grand going to the most expensive restaurant in town and bore your date out of her mind. Or, you could use one of these cheap fun date ideas and make sure you both have an awesome time together.

140. Upload something in YouTube

Come up with a concept, film it, and upload it. Then you can both keep track of the views.

141. Take a trip to the local cemetery

This can be spooky or interesting depending on when you go and what you find.

142. Watch the sunset or sunrise

A romantic, fun date idea since the beginning of time.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (49)

via: Unsplash / Dylan McLeod

143. See a local band

Tickets will cost less and you might love the music.

144. Go to a car show

You can pick out the cars you'd both buy if you had the cash.

145. Make indoor smores

Just as delicious as the ones over the campfire.

3 Cheap Romantic Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (50)

via: Pexels / cottonbro

You don't have to spend much money to have a romantic time. In fact, Sometimes spending less with these romantic date ideas can make it even more special.

146. Check out a local film festival.

Local film festivals often screen some of the most interesting movies you'll ever watch. Tickets are also very cheap, so it's a great alternative to a regular movie theater.

147. Complete a DIY project together.

DIY projects are a great way to discover new hobbies and new ideas. You can your crush can get seriously creative with this date idea.

148. Play a game of charades.

A simple game of charades never fails to impress. You and your crush can laugh and try out your acting skills with this date idea.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (51)

via: Pexels / Magno Coronel

2 Cheap 3rd Date Ideas

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (52)

via: Pexels / Adam Kontor

On your third date, it might be a good idea to slow down, spend a little less, and choose one of these cheap 3rd date ideas.

149. See an improv show.

Improv shows are seriously impressive, and tickets are often cheap. It's like seeing an episode of "Saturday Night Live" on stage!

150. Decorate your dream house together at IKEA

Is IKEA a normal date idea? Not really - but it's definitely fun to check out furniture together. And the restaurant is super cheap and incredible.

Downloadable and Printable List of Cheap Date Ideas

Here is a downloadable and printable list of Cheap Date Ideas (right click the image and select Save Image As..):

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (53)

via: Mantelligence

How to Pick The Best Cheap Date Idea

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (54)

via: Unsplash / Miguelangel Miquelena

These cheap date ideas can only get you so far. How you use them is what can make or break the date.

1. Think About Your Budget

Are you looking for something completely free or could you spare a bit of change, for example for inexpensive supplies? Spending a few dollars on snacks or craft materials means you could have a larger choice of date ideas.

2. Be Enthusiastic

If you're going to go on a cheap date, own it! Don't complain or bring up nicer things. There's a simple charm about being on a cheap date, so don't even feel the need to mention it. Just because you didn't pay for something doesn't mean it doesn't have value.

3. Give Her Choices

While decisiveness can be an attractive quality, you want to be sure that she's going to have a good time. Think of 3-5 date ideas, bring them up, and let her choose. These cheap date ideas are casual hangouts -- you're not making reservations at a Michelin restaurant here. Just mention some fun ideas and see which make her smile most.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (55)

via: Unsplash / Jordan Palmer

4. Be Spontaneous

The beauty of cheap dates is that there's no consequence if you decide to move along. If you're bored after a walk through the park, keep moving to the downtown area and see what adventure awaits you there. Enjoy the freedom that cheap dates provide. Sometimes the best dates are the ones that happen naturally with no definite plan in place.

5. Plan the Day or Evening Well

What will you do if it's rainy or stormy? What if the location you're visiting is shut? Make sure you have several ideas for what to do on a date and options in case you have some spare time.

More Tips On How To Get The Girl

These cheap date ideas put you in the same room. Now it's up to you to turn on the charm. Luckily, we're here to help.

  1. If things went well, you'd better know how to kiss on first date.
  2. Before you plan a date, you need to know how to ask a girl out.
  3. Nervous about asking her out IRL? Learn how to ask a girl out over text.
  4. Once you know how to flirt with a girl, getting that first date is easy.

In Conclusion

Now that you have plenty of cheap date ideas, it's time to choose your favorites and make them happen. Remember: most of these date ideas cost little to nothing, so go ahead and experiment. Do things you wouldn't normally do. You might be surprised by how much fun you have.

Being open to new date ideas is a great way to bond with her. After all, if you're wondering how to get a girlfriend, sometimes it's about taking risks. You may be nervous singing karaoke or doing Irish step dancing, but putting yourself out there says a lot about you and how you care. Girls can see that.

Most of all, just have fun. When you're strapped for cash, sometimes you just have to laugh about it. Women recognize true value when they see it, whether you're counting stacks or bouncing checks. Treat her right and she'll do the same to you.

Finally, never let money dictate your life. These inexpensive date ideas prove that you can have a rich life without material wealth. Money comes and goes, but love is eternal.

150+ Cheap Date Ideas You'll Love [2023] (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5788

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.