The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (2024)

The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (1)

The Good Samaritan by artist Charalambos Epaminonda, Cyprus

A Peaceful, Easy Feeling The Rev. Cal Calhoun

ast Sunday, Father’s Day, was an interesting day for me. We baptized two children. One of the children was the son of a man who grew up at The Episcopal

Church of the Nativity in Greenwood, MS, the church I served before coming to Good Sam. He and his family are people that I know, and, I suppose, is part of what brought him to Good Sam. It was really good to see some old friends from Nativity on Sunday. The day brought a sense of connection in my ministry, a coming around full circle, kind of feeling, a very satisfying sort of feeling.

I also have a very satisfied feeling about Good Sam. We have had the gift of Taylor’s ministry among us for nearly 11 years. Her departure will affect the community in lots of ways. Many of us were very close to her and that will never be replaced. I am so grateful for Howard’s time with us. I, like many of you have commented, have benefited greatly from his wisdom and gentle touch. I have felt a sense of healing in the short time he has been with us. I have had some conversations with Caroline about the possibility of a continuing role for Howard at Good Sam. Howard will be here the first two Sundays in July before he and Peg begin some travel. I am delighted to share that Howard will to return to Good Sam in October, and lead another more in depth class on the Enneagram. Whether he remains into next year will depend on how the pledges go this November and what the budget for 2017 looks like. I say this early so you can discern about your pledge and your giving well ahead of November and be aware of the

possibility of Howard continuing to be a part of the Good Sam community.

I am so looking forward to Caroline being back on staff. She and I have had numerous conversations and she is really excited about “beginning again” her ministry here at Good Sam. She is especially excited about contributing to Adult Christian Education and Outreach. Our Outreach initiatives this year have been really incredible. I believe we will actually achieve a long time goal of 10% of our income going to Outreach this year. The book, Making the Annual Pledge Drive Obsolete, has given us some great ideas (cash in the plate for Outreach) and we expect to continue to implement more of those ideas.

There have been a lot of changes this year. Change can be stressful. But I am so grateful how gracefully you all have handled the changes. And I am really excited about the beginning of the new program (or Sunday School) year that we will be working on and planning this summer.

As I have written about how I am feeling, the Eagles song Peaceful, Easy Feeling came into my mind. Perhaps that is what I can call it. While it has been a rather busy summer so far (including a great mission trip!), I have a very peaceful, easy feeling that “all will be well.” I hope and pray your summer will allow some rest, some time with family, and some time in the sun. I am so grateful to be able to serve God together with you! - Fr. Cal+



Grow in Faith . Live in Hope. Share God’s Love

J U L Y 2 0 1 6



The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (2)


Parish Events

‘We refuse to be enemies’ Amal Nassar from Tent of Nations to speak at Church of the Ascension Tuesday, June 28 @ 6:30 pm

alestinian Amal Nassar will share personal and compelling stories of life on her family’s farm during the Israeli occupation, as well as her fruitful

encounters with neighboring settlers, at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension on June 28 at 6:30 p.m.

Nassar’s family began the farm program called the “Tent of Nations,” a peace project located on Daher’s Vineyard – a 100-acre farm located about six miles from Bethlehem in the West Bank.

They are struggling for the right to the land they have owned since 1916 in the face of harassment from Israeli settlers and the Israeli government. Their water supply has been cut off and their orchards mowed down by huge earthmovers. In response, they have become self-sufficient and ecologically sustainable, and have erected a stone marker just outside the farm that says, “We refuse to be enemies.”

The Tent of Nations is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2016 and Nassar will be sharing her story in the Knoxville area June 26-28 below are the dates and locations where you may hear her speak:

• June 26, 9:45 a.m., First United Methodist Church, 3316 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919

• June 26, 11:15 a.m., First Presbyterian Church, 1051 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830

• June 28, 6:30 p.m., Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 800 S. Northshore Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919

Other dates and locations are pending. Amal Nassar’s biography is here: Find out more about Tent of Nations here: See the “Friends of Tent of Nations North America” website here: - Vikki Myers

Good Samaritan Sunday July 10

ark your calendars for July 10 for a celebration you won’t want to miss! Many churches have an annual celebration or patronal feast. For instance,

St. Mark's Episcopal Church may have an annual throw down on or near St Mark's Day. Our name (a name of which we are proud and always strive to live into) is not a saint with a day of commemoration, nor even an actual person, but a character in one of Jesus' most impactful parables.

Sunday, July 10 is the day we read the Gospel passage from Luke 10: 25 – 37, the parable of the Good Samaritan. We’ve chosen this once every three-year occurrence to have a gathering at the church following the 10 a.m. service to include a picnic lunch. The church will provide the main course (fried chicken); please bring a side item to share. We’ll also be celebrating Caroline Vogel's return to Good Samaritan as our new Associate Rector. So there’ll be CAKE! - Fr. Cal & the Vestry Fellowship Team


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The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (3)


Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm

he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, July 19 at Newk’s Café at 6:00 PM. The book selection for the months of July and August is

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. The novel concerns the building of a cathedral in the fictional town of Kingsbridge. The ambitions of three men merge, conflict and collide through 40 years of social and political upheaval as internal church politics affect the progress of the cathedral and the fortunes of the protagonists. A spellbinding epic tale of ambition, anarchy, and absolute power set against the sprawling medieval canvas of twelfth-century England, this is Ken Follett’s historical masterpiece. Due to the length of the novel (733 pages) we will discuss the book over 2 months. Settle in to a good summer read and we look forward to seeing you for great discussion.

Upcoming Selections: August: Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett; September: South of Broad by Pat Conroy. October: A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman – Mary Embler

The VMC Women’s Mentoring Ministry Tuesday, July 26 @ 6:00 pm

he July program for our Volunteer Ministry Center (VMC) Women’s Mentoring Ministry at the VMC is Tuesday, July 26, at 6:00 pm at the VMC. We will

play Bingo and all win prizes. In addition we will have pizza!

We had a very large group of VMC women attend our very first Movie Night on May 24. We laughed a lot viewing the original version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. We also ate sub sandwiches, popcorn, and "theater type" concession offerings.

Our forthcoming Tuesday night meetings starting at 6pm are August 23 – another Movie Night, September 27 – Spa Night, October 25 – Craft Night, and November 22 – Holiday Wreath Making. In December we will have our Christmas party and will announce the date soon. If you are interested in joining us and/or sharing your creative skills, please contact one of our co-leaders - Barbara Ashdown at [emailprotected], Karen Downing at [emailprotected], or Maryanne Hoemann at [emailprotected]. – Barbara Ashdown

Picnic on the Porch! July 27, 5:30 – 7:30 pm

ttention everyone. Did you miss the last picnic on the porch? Well, another opportunity to be a part is coming up soon. On July 27th we will meet on the

porch for dinner. This is especially for newcomers, but

everyone is invited. This is a chance to get together in an informal setting to get to know each other better. Grab the family, stop by and pick up your favorite fast food dinner, and join us on the porch from 5:30 to 7:30. The Shared Ministry Discernment Team will have drinks and dessert. If you have questions about Good Sam this is a great time to ask them. We had more than 30 last time so join your church family for dinner and conversation. Don't miss it! – G. Sisk

Parish News

Clergy Discretionary Fund

he Clergy Discretionary Fund is a fund for your clergy to meet unexpected or discrete Outreach needs as they arise. Once upon a time, the fund was for clergy to use

to help people who showed up and asked for help. But it could also be used by clergy to buy books or clergy shirts or such other things “for their ministry.” However, the IRS has determined that such use constitutes unreported income. So the Discretionary Fund is only allowed to be used to meet the needs of others (not the clergy!). So today, the discretion part is that the fund allows your clergy to use funds to help families in the church in need without the vestry (and as vestry records are public, everyone in the parish) having to be made aware of a family’s situation in the process of making funds available to them. So rather than this being a fund to be used at the clergy’s discretion, it is a fund that allows the clergy to be discrete in meeting people’s needs as well as meeting the needs of those who call or come by as we are able to respond. – Fr. Cal

Outreach for July 2016 Cash Plate Offerings

or 2016, the vestry voted to dedicate 100% of the cash offerings each Sunday to Outreach, and the response has been spectacular. We are so grateful for the

generosity of Good Samaritans

July 3 - Veterans of Foreign Wars The Veterans of Foreign Wars was established in 1899 and is the official nonprofit service organization for US military veterans. The VFW and its Auxiliaries are dedicated to veteran service, legislative advocacy and military and community service programs. Projects include helping to fund veterans’ memorials, improve VA medical centers and benefits, and expand GI bill benefits. At this July 4th we honor and celebrate our veterans who have given so much of themselves to better our country and lives.

July 10 - Bridge Refugee Services (for adopted family) We celebrate Good Samaritan Day today by collecting funds for our newly adopted refugee family through Bridge Refugee Services. Sponsoring a family includes a financial







The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (4)

4 commitment--from assisting with rent to funding transportation costs. As we get to know the specific needs of our family, we will be gathering food, furniture, clothes, and supplies as needed.

July 17 - American Cancer Society Cancer has touched the lives of most of us including our own parishioners who are fighting the disease at this time. The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. They aim to prevent cancer, save lives, and diminish suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. Thank you Megan Brown for your work and commitment to this worthy organization.

July 24 - Good Samaritan Clergy Discretionary Fund The Clergy Discretionary Fund is designed to enable our priests to meet unexpected out-reach and in-reach needs as they arise. Occasionally individuals and families (some parishioners and some within the community) will seek financial assistance due to a specific hardship. This fund allows the clergy to be discrete in meeting people’s needs in a timely manner, without involving the vestry and thus making the contributions a matter of public record. Due to strict IRS guidelines, these funds can only be used to meet the needs of others—not the clergy.

July 31 - Beardsley Farm Beardsley Farm is an urban, non-profit community farm that has promoted food security and sustainable agriculture for nearly 20 years. They grow over 100 varieties of fruits and vegetables and donate over 11,000 pounds of produce annually to local groups including Mobile Meals, KARM, Global Seeds and the Family Crisis Center. They provide educational programs and manage 20 gardens throughout Knox County, providing food for 150 residents. – Margaret Slattery & Jan Travins

Children &Youth News

Upcoming Youth Events

ello Youth and Parents! The official Diocesan Youth dates are out for next year, and I thought I'd share some of the big things. Mark your calendars

now and don’t miss any of the great things happening in our Diocese this coming program year. – Sinead Doherty

• Diocesan Youth Service Project Oct 21-22 • Happening November 4-6 • Sr. High Sabbath January 20-22 • Happening March 3-5 • New Beginnings March 31-April 2

Vacation Bible School

on't forget to mark your calendars NOW! VBS will be held on July 11 - 15, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. (On Friday, July 15, the time will be 9 - 11 am.) Once again,

we will be partnering with Peace Lutheran Church.

Our theme this year is Mighty Miracles! and will focus on the miracles of Jesus. It'll be a week of learning, crafts, songs, games, friends and fellowship. Speaking of friends, feel free to invite your children's friends to join in the fun! The more the merrier. It's a great time to share the joy of learning here at Good Sam in a loving, spiritual atmosphere. What a fun week it will be!

We will again be offering early care for working parents beginning at 7:30 am, but you must register for this. Contact Ann Backus if you need this service.

Adult and Jr. Helpers are needed; contact Ann Backus at [emailprotected] if you'd like to help. Please look for the VBS registration forms in Henslee Hall, or download one from Please return your forms to the church as soon as possible. – Ann Backus

Nursery Updating am planning to do some updating in the nursery over the summer, which involves assembling some IKEA bookshelves and making cushions for the benches.

Please let me know if you would be able to help with either of these projects. Thanks. –Ann Backus




The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (5)


Parish Concerns

† In Our Prayers For Our Parishioners: Katy Biggs, Megan Charette, Jane

Conrad, Ervin Dinsmore, Kathy Gray, Doris Hallin, Bonnie Honaker, Marge Hudson, Carolyn McConnell, Lee Murdock, Ava Myers, Dot Nash, Dan & Marilyn Randall, Whitney Repine, The Richards Family, B.J. Shelton, Sarah Sheppeard, Andy & Pat Shockley, Fran Swersky, Jeriah Towson, Peggy Towson, Dave Travins, Teresa Van de Vate, Betty & Larry Williams, Jane Wilson, Sandra Wilson, Karl Zimmerman

Friends and relatives of parishioners will remain on the

active prayer list for 6 weeks. If you would like for them to remain on the list longer, please call the church office.

For Relatives of Parishioners: Jerry Backus, Fred

Bassette, Sarah Brest, Ron Conner, B.J. Cruz, Joan DeBiasi, Hannah, Charles, Laura and Ruth Hoglan, David Hopps, Dorothy Hopps, Steve Ivey, James & Vernice Keith, Claire Keller, David King, Athene Law, Mark Minor, Frankie Moyers, James Needham, Michelle Patrick, Rosemary Passarello, Matt Rankin, Laura Reynolds, Ronald Ross, Joyce Smith, Mel Spaulding, Jeff Stull, Tom Tackaberry, Edna Taylor, Scott Thompson, Sadie White

For Friends of Parishioners: Pat Besselman, Rhonda Cole, Tim Connors, Deborah, Denise, Stephanie Elseroad, Bill Edwards, Michael Gray, Ava Greene, Andrew McCall, Matt Paxton, Donna Peace, Katie Piper, David Platilero, Lisa Sipf, Tracy Smith & family, Stacey and Catlin, Victoria, Gerry Walker

+ We pray for those who have been deployed especially:

Craig Finnerty

We also pray for those grieving the loss of job, of health, or a relationship.


† Deaths

Johnny Frasher, brother of Lee Murdock Dana Quillen, grandmother of Nancy Partridge Dalcy Vargas, sister of Teresa Van de Vate

† Transfers

Kate Evans, transferred to Good Samaritan from St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley, Malvern, PA


† Births

Rebecca Ann Backus, granddaughter of Ann & Paul Backus

† Baptisms

Clive Leon Pratt, son of Davis & Gretchen Pratt Princeton Romello Williams, son of Sila Hilizah and Anthony Williams

July Birthdays 7/01- Allan Philp 7/04- Mary Ann Venable 7/05- Paula Miller, Alvin Richards, Bob Smithwick 7/06- Liz Embler, Marge Hudson 7/07- Eliza Davis, Nancy Partridge 7/08- Chris Brown, Arlene Cherry 7/11- Mark Ternes 7/12- Elizabeth Minor 7/13- Gary Hoemann, Cameron Howard, Janet Nelson 7/14- Robin Hill 7/16- Jeremicah Hilizah, Rob Keeton 7/17- Clarke Harrison, Karla Pitcher 7/18- Richard Howard, Camden Minor 7/19- Lara Cherry, Cora Strang, Janice Zimmerman 7/20- Suanne Steele 7/21- Janie Bales 7/22- Kate Evans, Claire Werner 7/23- Liz Rea 7/24- Jenna Kyle 7/26- Paul Ashdown, Diana Tucker 7/29- Julia Williams 7/30- Frances Hoglan 7/31- John Hensley

July Anniversaries 7/01- D.J. Jackson & Idalee Vogel-Jackson 7/04- Chris Foell & Natalie Mcnu*tt 7/05- Gary & MaryAnne Hoemann 7/07- Jay & Megan Charette 7/08- Kathy & Rob Keeton 7/09- Pattie & Rick Hall 7/11- Krissa & Dean Randolph 7/13- Bill & Nancy Partridge 7/14- John & Ryndee Trotter 7/17- Dan & Jane Conrad 7/28- Ervin & Taylor Dinsmore 7/31- Arlene & Ron Cherry

The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (6)


July 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

7 pm – Spiritual Principals

2 5 pm – ACA

3 7 Pentecost The Rev Caroline Vogel’s First Sunday 8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9 am – Summer Choir Rehearsal 9 am – Lectionary Class 10 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 11:30 am – GS Social Lights Lunch – Aubrey’s

4 Independence Day Office Closed

5 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Book/Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting

6 11 am – VMC Lunch

7 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

8 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

9 GS Social Lights Movie & Dinner – Time & Location TBA 5 pm – ACA

10 8 Pentecost


8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9 am – Summer Choir Rehearsal 9 am – Lectionary Class 10 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 11:15 – Good Samaritan Day Picnic!! 5:00 pm – VBS set-up

11 VBS STARTS! 9:am - noon - VBS

12 9 am - noon - VBS 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Book/Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting

13 9 am - noon - VBS

14 9 am - noon - VBS 7:00 pm – VBS – Family & Friends program 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

15 9 am – 11 am – VBS 6 – 9:00 pm – Parents’ Night Out LOGOS Deadline – Aug. Issue 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

16 5 pm – ACA

17 9 Pentecost 8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9 am – Summer Choir Rehearsal 9 am – Lectionary Class 10 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 11:30 am – GS Social Lights Lunch – Chili’s (Gallery Shopping Center)


19 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Book/Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting 6 pm – Book Group @ Newk’s


21 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

22 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

23 5 pm – ACA 6:00 pm – GS Social Lights Pool Party at Dale Oakley’s home

24 10 Pentecost 8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9 am – Summer Choir Rehearsal 9 am – Lectionary Class 10 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 11:30 am – GS Social Lights Lunch – PF Chang’s


26 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Book/Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting 6 pm – VMC Women’s Mentoring Ministry

27 11 am – VMC Lunch 5:30 – 7:30 pm – Picnic on the Porch

28 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

29 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

30 5 pm – ACA

31 11 Pentecost 8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9 am – Summer Choir Rehearsal 9 am – Lectionary Class 10 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 11:30 am – GS Social Lights Lunch – Rafferty’s


• The Rev. Caroline Vogel’s first Sunday back at Good Samaritan is July 3!

• Good Samaritan Day is July 10! This special day rolls around once every 3 years when the Gospel reading on the 2nd Sunday in July, liturgical year C, is the story of The Good Samaritan as told in the Gospel of Luke (10:25-37). We’ll have a picnic – details in this issue of LOGOS.

The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (7)


The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (8)

LOGOS The Monthly Newsletter of The Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan July 2016 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN 425 N. Cedar Bluff Rd Knoxville, TN 37923-3699 Staff: The Rev. Cal Calhoun, Rector The Rev. Caroline Vogel, Associate Rector The Rev. Howard J. Hess, Priest Associate Ann Backus, Christian Education Coordinator John Paul Boltik, Sexton Freddie Brabson, Director of Music & Liturgy Sinead Doherty, Youth Minister Jennifer Dunn, Communications Director Lisa Webb, Administrative Assistant Emily Hurt, Nursery Coordinator

Volunteer Office Staff: Michelle Bales Lois Dearolf Joyce Grubb

Parish Office Phone: 865-693-9591

Office Hours: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm: Mon., Wed., and Thurs. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm: Tues. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm: Fri.

Vestry Joyce Grubb, Sr. Warden Hope Mitchell, Jr. Warden Ben Alford Megan Brown Talbot Fields Jason Long Lauren Passarello Greg Phelps Bill Power Margaret Slattery Alice Towery Jan Travins Sabra Parish, Clerk of the Vestry

Parish Office e-mail: [emailprotected] Communications Director’s email [emailprotected] Parish Web Site: Diocesan Website:

Other Web Sites:

The Good Samaritan A Peaceful, Easy Book Group Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.